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Totally Balanced Musket


My friend made me make this


View recipes


Musket crafting recipe


Ramrod crafting recipe

Iron Musket Ball:

Iron Musket Ball crafting recipe

Bayonet Musket:

Bayonet Musket crafting recipe


  1. Load the musket with gunpowder by holding gunpowder in the offhand and holding down use (right click)
  2. Compress the gunpowder by holding a ramrod in the offhand and holding down use (right click)
  3. Load a musket ball by holding it in the offhand and using it (right click)
  4. Right click to fire


Iron Musket Ball: -40 HP

(I promise it's not actually unbalanced it takes like 15 seconds to reload no wait come back)

Bayonet: -5 HP

If you experience issues with multiplayer, please add information to this issue: TotallyBalancedMusket#1

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Licensed MIT
Published a year ago
Updated a year ago