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whatistridental Tridental is a 1.20.1 Forge minecraft mod made by pexuls that introduces a plethora of new tridents, with custom and unique abilities.

You start off with the simple pitchfork, working your way up to infuse it to attach powerful abilities. (Do note all tridents/pitchforks don't break, but can't be enchanted.)

All tridents and pitchforks will drop on the ground where they land, unless you obtain Spear Loyalty.

Spear Loyalty is a unique player unlocked power that you gain when crafting a trident into Spear Essence, and consuming it. All tridents/pitchforks added within the mod will automatically return to your inventory, rather than dropping on the ground.

This mod also does add a crafting recipe for regular vanilla Tridents.

All of the tridents/pitchforks and their respective abilities are listed below:

Pitchfork: Throws like a regular trident. Does 4 damage.

Copper Pitchfork: Does less damage than a regular Pitchfork, but during a thunderstorm it will strike the target it hits with lightning.

Lush Trident: This trident will bonemeal the ground around where it lands.

Infernal Trident: burns the entity it hits, and sets the ground on fire where it lands. Does more damage then a regular Pitchfork.

Soul Infernal Trident: similar to the Infernal Trident, doing slightly more damage and placing soul fire, (if it lands on soul sand/soil.)

Ice Trident: inflicts slowness onto any entity it hits, and adds the permafrost effect from powder snow.

Slime Trident: Inflicts extreme knockback onto any entity it hits.

Luminary Trident: Inflicts glowing onto any entity it hits.

Shulker Trident: Inflicts levitation onto any entity it hits.

End Trident: This trident will teleport you to the location it lands, (requires inventory ender pearls unless the gamerule is changed.) Any entity it hits will get randomly teleported in a small square radius similar to Chorus Fruit.

Dragon Trident: The hardest trident to obtain. When clicking R, (or whatever you set the Ability keybind to,) it will enable a seeking ability, auto-aiming towards the nearest entity from the tridents location.

This mod is slightly outdated and wont be receiving future updates. Feel free to report mod bugs in the discord server.

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Licensed ARR
Published a year ago
Updated a year ago