


Various client-side tweaks, such as hand restock, hotbar swap/cycle, flexible/fast block placement etc.

Client Utility

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  • various lang file updates (For contributing, see Sakura Ryoko Translate)
  • add: Easy Place black list support
  • add: inventoryPreviewVillagerBGColor as a config option to show the 'villager BG colors' of their trades window during inventoryPreview.
  • lots of code sync-ups with MaLiLib & several Mixin realignments for easier code navigation.
  • migrate Config file loading/saving to new Path system, and allow having Unicode files; such as with Chinese characters.
  • add: selective rendering system from Tweak Fork. Note that this tends to be a bit laggy / odd to use.
  • remove the preferSilkTouch list, and replace it with toolSwapSilkTouchFirst based on MaLiLib based Block Tags called #malilib.needs_silk_touch -- the old implementation only worked partially, so the new method uses an actual Block State Tag. This is only because Minecraft fails to properly match tools using Vanilla functions for blocks that requires Silk Touch, such as for Glass and Ender Chests, etc; as it only uses a loot table condition.
  • fix: disableConstantChunkSaving Mixin Injection point
  • feat: add Yeet disableElytraSprintCancel - this config disables the new mechanism that 'cancels' your Sprinting Mode while Gliding with an Elytra.
  • add: ServerDataSync cache requeue system & add checks for OP; and add related serverDataSyncCacheRefresh config.
  • various lang file updates (For contributing, see Sakura Ryoko Translate)
  • add: Easy Place black list support
  • add: inventoryPreviewVillagerBGColor as a config option to show the 'villager BG colors' of their trades window during inventoryPreview.
  • lots of code sync-ups with MaLiLib & several Mixin realignments for easier code navigation.
  • migrate Config file loading/saving to new Path system, and allow having Unicode files; such as with Chinese characters.
  • add: selective rendering system from Tweak Fork. Note that this tends to be a bit laggy / odd to use.
  • remove the preferSilkTouch list, and replace it with toolSwapSilkTouchFirst based on MaLiLib based Block Tags called #malilib.needs_silk_touch -- the old implementation only worked partially, so the new method uses an actual Block State Tag. This is only because Minecraft fails to properly match tools using Vanilla functions for blocks that requires Silk Touch, such as for Glass and Ender Chests, etc; as it only uses a loot table condition.
  • fix: disableConstantChunkSaving Mixin Injection point
  • add: ServerDataSync cache requeue system & add checks for OP; and add related serverDataSyncCacheRefresh config.

NOTE: This will be the last feature build for 1.21, as I will referr it as being LTS

  • various lang file updates (For contributing, see Sakura Ryoko Translate)
  • add: Easy Place black list support
  • add: inventoryPreviewVillagerBGColor as a config option to show the 'villager BG colors' of their trades window during inventoryPreview.
  • lots of code sync-ups with MaLiLib & several Mixin realignments for easier code navigation.
  • migrate Config file loading/saving to new Path system, and allow having Unicode files; such as with Chinese characters.
  • add: selective rendering system from Tweak Fork. Note that this tends to be a bit laggy / odd to use.
  • remove the preferSilkTouch list, and replace it with toolSwapSilkTouchFirst based on MaLiLib based Block Tags called #malilib.needs_silk_touch -- the old implementation only worked partially, so the new method uses an actual Block State Tag. This is only because Minecraft fails to properly match tools using Vanilla functions for blocks that requires Silk Touch, such as for Glass and Ender Chests, etc; as it only uses a loot table condition.
  • add: ServerDataSync cache requeue system & add checks for OP; and add related serverDataSyncCacheRefresh config.

NOTE: This will be the last feature build for 1.21, as I will referr it as being LTS

  • fix: Convert all Pair objects to Apache Commons.
  • Migrate inventoryPreview to the new InventoryOverlayScreen system. This basically now uses the same code as MiniHUD; and then you can configure the Hotkey appropriately so that it doesn't conflict with MiniHUD. I may consider moving InventoryPreview back to Tweakeroo away from MiniHUD again in the future.
  • fix: 'Shifted' Display for the 'Tweaks' config.
  • fix: missing 'comment' lines under Tweaks
  • revert: disableNoBlockBreakCooldown being blocked from Creative Mode.
  • fix: tweakInventoryPreview to be able to see 'Empty' Block Entities again.
  • fix: inventoryPreview for Empty Inventory Entities, such as Armor Stands
  • fix: Missing Horse / Wolf Empty Slot textures
  • add Chinese lang files, thanks to @DreamingLri and @snowlinouo, and @zly2006
  • Includes Config Gui Registration code
  • fix: Easy Place Protocol not applying all possible rotation Directional Block States.
  • fix: Easy Place V3 for AXIS BlockStates; meaning this fixes Logs, Froglights, Basalt, Hyphae, etc.
  • fix: AutoElytraSwap logic from @zly2006
  • feat: configurable BundlePreviewRowWidth
  • fix: 'Shifted' Display for the 'Tweaks' config.
  • fix: missing 'comment' lines under Tweaks
  • revert: disableNoBlockBreakCooldown being blocked from Creative Mode.
  • fix: tweakInventoryPreview to be able to see 'Empty' Block Entities again.
  • fix: inventoryPreview for Empty Inventory Entities, such as Armor Stands
  • fix: Missing Horse / Wolf Empty Slot textures
  • add Chinese lang files, thanks to @DreamingLri and @snowlinouo, and @zly2006
  • Includes Config Gui Registration code
  • fix: Easy Place Protocol not applying all possible rotation Directional Block States.
  • fix: Easy Place V3 for AXIS BlockStates; meaning this fixes Logs, Froglights, Basalt, Hyphae, etc.
  • fix: AutoElytraSwap logic from @zly2006
  • feat: configurable BundlePreviewRowWidth
  • fix: 'Shifted' Display for the 'Tweaks' config.
  • fix: missing 'comment' lines under Tweaks
  • revert: disableNoBlockBreakCooldown being blocked from Creative Mode.
  • fix: tweakInventoryPreview to be able to see 'Empty' Block Entities again.
  • fix: inventoryPreview for Empty Inventory Entities, such as Armor Stands
  • fix: Missing Horse / Wolf Empty Slot textures
  • add Chinese lang files, thanks to @DreamingLri and @snowlinouo, and @zly2006
  • Includes Config Gui Registration code
  • fix: Easy Place Protocol not applying all possible rotation Directional Block States.
  • fix: Easy Place V3 for AXIS BlockStates; meaning this fixes Logs, Froglights, Basalt, Hyphae, etc.
  • feat: configurable BundlePreviewRowWidth

This is due to the unpopularity of Machine Translations. If you want a language supported, translate it and post under Sakura's Tweakeroo Issues -- With that said, if you wish to become more of a permanent language translator for these mods, I can invite you to my crowdin account. Until then, any Machine translations that I could find / recall from recent memory have been removed; which will also revert some existing lang files, such as various additions under Chinese to English until I can gain that support more consistantly. Note that as various configs get added to the mod, this will also mean that languages without a proper human maintainer WILL NOT BE FULLY TRANSLATED. I have tried and spent my own money on these Crowdin projects in order to be more open for more of the top 30 languages to be represented, only for this to be the result due to the poor quality of Machine Translations. I assume that you understand that it's better to have NO translation instead of a poor translation.

  • Port to 1.21.3
  • Add serverDataSyncCacheTimeout to be able to configure the length of time in between ServerDataSync Cache ticking.
  • Add EnderItems display
  • Add apply() config method for translations.
  • Add several lang files from Crowdin (Report translation issues, and fixes in my GitHub)
  • Fixes extra Client Tick processing for Choppy Freecam Movement.
  • Rewrite of EntityDataSync Cache from Develpment Branches (1.21.3+)
  • Adds Support for Servux for inventoryPreview using the Tweaks Data Provider (Requires Servux 0.3.8+)
  • Rewrite of InventoryPreview Code from Development Branches, which prioritizies the use of Nbt tags.
  • Adds Crafter locked slots for InventoryPreview and Shulker Preview code
  • Adds Bundle Preview that replaces the Vanilla screen when activated.
  • fix crash from Saving Maps as Images
  • mitigate/fix crash from 'NULL' lastAction values.
  • disable ActionBar messages for Enabling Zoom.
  • disableBlockBreakCooldown is now excluded from Creative mode
  • Requires MaLiLib 0.21.1
  • Fix tweakExplosionReducedParticles not being updated to work in 1.20.4

Original build time: 2024-08-31 14:35:27 +0300

Another update by Sakura-Ryoko, zly2006 and other contributors


  • Add zoomResetFovOnActivate to reset your Zoom FOV after using the Mouse Wheel to Adjust your FOV
  • Add periodic[Attack|Use]ResetIntervalOnActivate settings to have the same function, but for the 4 various Attack/Use intervals. Note that the Mouse Wheel function of these is done by "Holding" the key bind, which also disables/enables the tweak. When held OFF, it will still save the Interval Value, allowing for a quick adjustment.
  • Improve the translated Action Bar messages for these tweaks.


  • fix Horse Armor, Saddles/Carpets, Wolf Armor, and Mount Inventory Preview


  • feat: Prefer Silk Touch list; add blocks such as an Ender chest to this list to automatically switch to a Silk Touch Pick Axe.


  • fix: pretty name missing when using Keybinds for Feature Toggle; as seen in Docm77's video when he switched Freecam mode.


  • Migrate to masa's maven for malilib.


  • Rename tweakNoBlockBreakCooldown to disableBlockBreakCooldown
  • Add a 'Scrolling' interface for adjusting the tweakPeriodicAttack, tweakPeriodicUse, etc's values that is similar to the tweakZoom adjustment.
  • Bump to malilib 0.20.0


  • fix isInFluid for Auto Elytra Swapping to stop it from activating in Lava also instead of just Swimming or on the Ground.
  • Disable blockReachOverride clamping when a Carpet server is detected for Overriding max value, because there are Carpet rules to allow this.
  • finish migrating Config to translation framework


  • fix getMaxCount() for stacking shulker boxes so it interferes less with other mods.
  • fix for Tool Swapping for Bamboo (More testing will be needed)
  • Bump for Gradle 8.9, Loom 1.7, FAPI 100.7 / malilib sakura.8


  • fix: accuratePlacementProtocol support for Hoppers and 'Horizontal Rotation' Block States.
  • fix: Stop Auto Elytra Swaps while Swimming (Issue #19 )


  • fix F3 Cursor Tweak 's Yaw and Pitch rotations to exactly match Vanilla's rendering (See PR #16)


  • fix: Hand Restock bug that was blocking using the 'itemSwap' key.


  • Reverts Totem Hand Restock in favor of a more unified 'Hand Restock' for Unstackable items.
  • Fixes accuratePlacementProtocol V3 to avoid placing invalid block states (Such as Floating Buttons).


  • Revert changes to accurateBlockPlacementReverse mode Hotkey, and update the Description for what it does.
  • Adds "hand restock" handling for Totems of Undying.

0.20.999-sakura.11 & sakura.10

  • Fixes accurateBlockPlacement for Crafter rotations to work as expected via the accurateBlockPlacementInto method.
  • Fixes Crafter rotations for the 'felixbleBlockPlacementOffset'.
  • [REVERTED] Fixes the 'accurateBlockPlacementReverse' code to actually work, and not just re-reverse the 'Into' code.
  • Bumps to require malilib sakura.6


  • Adds accuratePlacementProtocol V3 from Litematica, and adds support for the upcoming Servux revision with V3 server-side support.
  • accuratePlacementProtocol V3 is required for Crafter rotations, and will need to be added to Carpet Extras.


  • Fixes Some things with the Auto Elytra swapping feature


  • Adds TWEAK_AUTO_SWITCH_ELYTRA, which automatically swaps to your elytra if you "double jump" / activate "fly mode", and then swaps back after landing.
  • Adds TWEAK_NO_BLOCK_BREAK_CD which simply reduces the "cooldown" timer in between breaking blocks. This helps with mining a large amount of Deepslate only a little bit.

0.20.999-sakura.6 and below

  • Adds TWEAK_SERVER_DATA_SYNC for syncing Inventory contents of entities and item containers when a player has Operator on a server.
  • Adds TOOL_SWAP_BETTER_ENCHANTS and WEAPON_SWAP_BETTER_ENCHANTS to enable Enchantment / Item rarity matching ONLY after the original checks pass, which only check for base damage and Mining speed, and if the tool / weapon matches the target.

Original build time: 2024-08-20 20:49:39 +0300

Original build time: 2024-06-20 19:08:44 +0300

Original build time: 2024-04-04 21:08:43 +0300

Original build time: 2024-04-04 20:10:22 +0300

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Licensed LGPL-3.0-only
Published 7 months ago
Updated a day ago