Unique Commands is a server-side mod that adds new unique commands to the game.
Latest features are availble for Minecraft Java 1.21.1.
Every command is highly configurable through uniquecommands-server.toml config file:
- Can be disabled entirely
- Required OP/Permission level can be adjusted
Check out tutorials on mod features: How to use teleportation commands
/seen [PlayerName] - Displays information on when was the player last seen on the server (default OP level 3 required).
/where [PlayerName] - Display current coordinates of player on the server (default OP level 3 required).
/home set [LocationName] - Saves current coordinates of current player on the server.
/home return [LocationName] - Returns current player to previously saved coordinates.
/home remove [LocationName] - Removes previously saved coordinate from personal list of current player.
/home list - Displays a list of all saved coordinates in personal list of current player.
/home clear - Removes all previously saved coordinates from personal list of current player.
/meet - Teleports all other players to location of current player. For every teleported player, previous location is saved in /home list (default OP level 4 required).
/jail set [JailName] - Creates jail at player's location.
/jail list - Lists all current jails.
/jail remove [JailName] - Removes existing jail.
/jail send [JailName] [PlayerName] - Teleports player directly to jail.
/die - Instantly kills current player.
/graveback - Returns current player to the location of the last death.
/tpup - Teleports current player to next available space above.
/tpdown - Teleports current player to next available space below.
/tptop - Teleports current player to the highest available space above.
/tpbottom - Teleports current player to the lowest available space below.
/roll [MaxValue] - makes a roll from 1 to [MaxValue] and displays it in the general chat