Universal Tweaks

Universal Tweaks


Consolidates various bugfixes and tweaks into a single solution for Minecraft 1.12.2

Client and server Game MechanicsOptimizationUtility

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by ACGaming on Jan 25, 2025


  • Anvil XP Level Cap: Sets the experience level cap for anvil recipes
  • Broadcast Sounds: Controls broadcasting of Ender Dragon, End portal creation and Wither sounds
  • Coyote Time Jumping: Lets the player jump a couple frames after stepping off a ledge, similar to jumping in many platformers
  • Default GUI Text Color: Sets the default GUI text color (HEX RGB code) which can improve readability in dark mode resource packs
  • Forge Mod List Improvements: Improves the Forge mod list GUI by remembering last searches and supporting pipes | to look up multiple mods
  • No Skeleton Trap Spawning: Prevents skeleton traps spawning during thunderstorms
  • Piston Block Blacklist: Integrates a blacklist of blocks which are not allowed to be pushed by pistons


  • Astral Sorcery
    • Fix Division By Zero Crystal Tool: Fixes a bug where merging Crystal Tool Properties could result in a division by zero
  • Better with Mods
    • Beacon NBT Loading Fix: Fixes BWM beacons reading null tags from vanilla beacons
  • Ender IO
    • Fix Chorus Farming StackOverflow: Fixes the Farming Station Chorus Walker being able to loop though and check the same positions endlessly, causing a StackOverflow
    • Fix Soul Binder JEI Appearance: Fixes the Soul Binder having empty ingredients or displaying filled soul vials in the output slot incorrectly
    • Save Filter Cycle Buttons Properly: Fixes an issue where Cycle Buttons for Damage do not report being clicked when in the Picker Overlay, preventing changing Damage values until clicked again
  • MmmMmmMmmMmm
    • Copy Armor Stacks to Dummy: Instead of deleting the original itemstack being equipped, use a copy of it and do not drop armor
  • Modular Magic
    • Fix Null Ingredient: Fix a Null Pointer Exception in a few places caused by not checking if the ingredient is null before attempting to rendering it
  • Simple Difficulty
    • Altitude Modifier: Sets additional variables for altitude modifier calculations
  • EvilCraft
    • Vengeance Spirit Regex Cache: Cache the result of Vengeance Spirit checks against the config, which may attempt to build and check against hundreds of Regex Patterns every tick


by ACGaming on Oct 30, 2024

New tweaks:

  • Cave Generation: Sets custom values for the vanilla cave generation
  • Connection Timeouts: Allows configuring read/login timeouts
    • Helps slow clients log into a server of a large modpack
  • Disable Rain Particles: Prevents Rain and Snow Particles from rendering when Raining or Thundering
  • Disable Sleeping Setting Spawn: Disables setting the spawn point by using a bed while making it still able to sleep
  • Projectiles Bounce Off Slime Blocks: Lets projectiles like arrows bounce off slime blocks
  • Smart Eat: Requires the hunger bar to be missing food points equal to or more than the amount restored by the food

New mod tweaks:

  • Actually Additions
    • Item Laser Particles Graphics: Sets what level of Graphic Setting is required to disable the Item Particles generated by Item Lasers transferring items
  • Bibliocraft
    • Disable Version Check: Fixes client-side memory leak by disabling version check
  • Blood Magic
    • Memory Leak Fix: Fixes memory leak when unloading worlds/switching dimensions
  • Collective
    • Memory Leak Fix: Fixes memory leak when unloading worlds/switching dimensions
  • Compact Machines
    • Allowed Spawns Improvement: Improves server performance by properly controlling spawn checks (effectiveness depends on CM's config)
    • Memory Leak Fix: Fixes client-side memory leak associated with miniaturization recipes
  • Elementary Staffs
    • Health Staff Player Healing: Lets the health staff also heal other players (and potentially more living entities)
  • Emojicord
    • Emoji Context: Improves emoji context calculation to improve fps when rendering a lot of text
  • Ender IO
    • Replace Obelisk Renderer: Fixes client-side memory leak by replacing obelisk renderer with a simpler one
  • Extra Utilities 2
    • Downgrade Potion Recipes Log Level: Downgrades the message when creating a potion recipe from info to a debug
  • In Control!
    • Spawn Rule Stats Fix: Fixes onJoin spawn rules repeatedly modifying mob attack/health/speed
  • Iron Chests
    • Replace Crystal Chest/Shulker Renderer: Fixes client-side memory leak by replacing the crystal chest/shulker box renderer with a simpler one (Note: Disables stack size rendering)
  • Random Things
    • Anvil Crafting Fix: Fixes a bug where crafting the output of an Anvil recipe would modify the recipe, preventing crafts until restart
  • Requious Frakto
    • Particle Fixes: Fixes server world being leaked to various particles
  • Tinkers' Construct
    • Particle Fixes: Fixes server world being leaked to various particles
  • Woot
    • Cleanup Simulated Kills: Remove any leftover entities spawned on simulated mob's death


by ACGaming on Jul 13, 2024

Requires MixinBooter 9 or higher and ConfigAnytime!

New bugfixes:

  • Fixes Invisible Player when Flying with Elytra: Fixes the player model occasionally disappearing when flying with elytra in a straight line in third-person mode

New tweaks:

  • Advancement GUI
    • Allows increasing the Advancement GUI to scale with the screen size
    • Moves the page buttons to in-line with the rest of the GUI instead of hovering significantly
    • Hides page switching buttons when at the maximum/minimum page count
    • Disables the background fading when hovering over an advancement
    • Adds Advancement Page Title text to the Advancement GUI header
  • Always Return to Main Menu: Always returns the player to the main menu when quitting the game
  • Burning Skeletons: Prevents skeletons burning in daylight
  • Burning Zombies: Prevents zombies burning in daylight
  • Disable Hotbar Scroll Wrapping: Disables using the scroll wheel to change hotbar slots wrapping
  • Disable Glint Overlay on Enchantment Books: Disables the glint overlay on enchantment books
  • Disable Glint Overlay on Potions: Disables the glint overlay on potions
  • Glass Bottle Consumes Water Source: Causes Glass Bottles to consume the source block of water
  • Improve Barrier Particle Display: Causes Barrier Particles to always be displayed to players in Creative mode
  • Improve Language Switching Speed: Improves the speed of switching languages in the Language GUI
  • Improve Server Connection Speed: Improves the speed of connecting to servers by setting the InetAddress host name to the IP in situations where it can be represented as the IP address, preventing getHostFromNameService from being to be run
  • Minecart Drops Itself: Replaces vanilla Minecarts dropping a Minecart and the contained item, and instead drop the combined item
  • Particle Limit: Limits particles to a set amount. Should not be set too low, as it will cause particles to appear for a single tick before vanishing
  • Prevent Mob Eggs from Changing Spawners: Prevents using Mob Spawner Eggs to change what a Spawner is spawning
  • Prevent Observer Activating on Placement: Controls if the observer activates itself on the first tick when it is placed
  • Prevent Placing Buckets in Portals: Prevents placing of liquid source blocks overriding portal blocks
  • Render End Portal Bottom: Controls if the End Portal renders its texture on the bottom face
  • Third Person Ignores Non-solid Blocks: When viewing in third person, don't stop the camera on non-solid blocks
  • Use Separate Dismount Key: Makes the dismount keybind separate from LSHIFT, allowing it to be rebound independently
  • Use Separate Narrator Key: Allows using a custom Narrator key, instead of being stuck with CTRL+B

New mod tweaks:

  • CodeChicken Lib
    • Packet Leak Fix: Fixes network ByteBuf leaks from PacketCustom
  • Ender Storage
    • Fix Frequency Tracking: Fixes storage frequencies being tracked multiple times
  • Extra Utilities 2
    • Catch Radar Exception: Fixes the Radar feature (find in nearby inventories) entirely breaking when near some inventories
  • OpenBlocks
    • Last Stand Trigger Fix: Fixes the Last Stand enchantment triggering too early on pre-mitigation damage (before enchants, potions, etc), instead of on post-mitigation damage.
  • OpenComputers
    • Packet Leak Fix: Fixes network ByteBuf leaks from PacketHandler
  • SteamWorld
    • Sky of Old Dimension Fix: Fixes a Stack Overflow crash when entering the Sky of Old Dimension


by ACGaming on May 17, 2024

Requires MixinBooter 8 or higher and ConfigAnytime!

New bugfixes:

  • Entity Lists
    • World Additions: Fixes client-side memory leak where some entity ids are not set before being added to the world‘s entity list

New tweaks:

  • Accurate Potion Duration: Always displays the actual potion duration instead of **:**
  • Better Ping Display: Displays the ping in milliseconds of players when viewing the server list
  • Infinity:
    • Mending and Infinity: Allows the Infinity Enchantment to be combined with Mending
    • Infinity Affects All Arrows: Allows the Infinity Enchantment to apply to all arrows (e.g. Tipped Arrows)
  • Chat:
    • Chat Lines: Sets the maximum number of chat lines to display
    • Compact Messages: Removes duplicate messages and instead put a number behind the message how often it was repeated
    • Keep Sent Messages: Don't clear sent message history on leaving the world
  • Cobweb Slowness: Modifies the applied slowness factor when entities are moving in cobwebs
  • Disable Mob Spawner Entity Render: Disables rendering an entity inside of Mob Spawners
  • Disable Text Shadowing: Disables all text shadowing, where text has a darker version of itself rendered behind the normal text, changing the appearance and can improve fps on some screens
  • End Crystal Placing: Allows placing End Crystals without requiring Obsidian or Bedrock below
  • Entity Radius Check
    • These tweaks are only effective if you have mod(s) that increase World.MAX_ENTITY_RADIUS! (Lycanites Mobs, Advanced Rocketry, Immersive Railroading, etc.)
    • Reduces the search size of various AABB functions for specified entity types to improve performance
    • Reduces size of collision checks for most vanilla and specified entity types to improve performance
  • Explosion Block Drop Chance: Determines the numerator of the block drop formula on explosions
  • Falling Block Lifespan: Determines how long falling blocks remain in ticks until they are dropped under normal circumstances
  • First Person Burning Overlay: Sets the offset for the fire overlay in first person when the player is burning
  • Hide Personal Effect Particles: Disables potion effect particles emitting from yourself
  • Modern Knockback: Backports 1.16+ knockback to 1.12: Knockback resistance is now a scale instead of a probability
  • No Pathfinding Chunk Loading: Disables mob pathfinding from loading new/unloaded chunks when building chunk caches to improve performance
  • Pumpkin Placing: Allows placing Pumpkins and Jack'O'Lanterns without a supporting block
  • Remove 3D Anaglyph Button: Removes the 3D Anaglyph button from the video settings menu
  • Stronghold Enforcement: Enforces stronghold generation to generate all blocks, regardless of air
  • Trample Control: Controls how and when farmland is trampled
  • Void Fog: Re-implements pre-1.8 void fog and void particles
  • Weaken Golem Structure Requirements: Allows creating Golem with non-air blocks in the bottom corners of the structure
  • Weaken Wither Structure Requirements: Allows creating Withers with non-air blocks in the bottom corners of the structure
  • Void Teleport:
    • Options allow toggling the setting globally, controlling to what Y-level the entity is teleported, if blindness is applied, maximum number of consecutive times, and how much and in what way fall damage is taken
    • Configure Entities: Configures what entities can be teleported, and if the player is teleported
    • Configure Dimensions: Configures what dimensions the effect can take place in

New mod tweaks:

  • AbyssalCraft
    • Disable Plague Potion Clouds: Disables AbyssalCraft‘s Plague-type mobs spawning lingering potion effects on death
  • Actually Additions
    • Laser Upgrade Voiding: Fixes Laser Upgrades voiding instead of applying if there is only one item in the stack
  • Astral Sorcery
    • Missing Player Log Level: Downgrades the message when completing a recipe without an initializing player from a warning to a debug
    • Sooty Marble Rendering: Fixes Sooty Marble Pillar blocking the proper rendering of adjacent fluids due to inverted logic
    • Clear Particle Effects: Fixes a bug where particle effects would continue to render after changing dimensions
  • Extra Utilities 2
    • Fix Deep Dark Stats: Fixes Mob Attack and Health Statistics being repeatedly doubled
    • Mutable Machine Block Drops: Fixes Machine Block drops being immutable, causing a crash on attempting to remove entries from the list.
    • Creative Mill Harvestability: Fixes the Creative Mill Generator not respecting the Creative Block Breaking config
    • Keybindings Fix: Fixes crashes in all menus when changing HWYLA keybindings to unsupported values
  • Industrial Foregoing
    • Machines Max Range Off-By-One Fix: Fixes an off-by-one error where IF Machines would display the max tier of range addon as one less than the actual maximum
  • Modular Routers
    • Particle Thread Fix: Fixes particles being added from the wrong thread which corrupted the particle manager
  • Railcraft
    • No Beta Warning: Disables the beta message warning on world join
  • RFTools Dimension
    • Properly Unregister Dimensions: Fixes a bug where joining a world or server with any RFTools Dimension registered would disallow entering another world without that dimension until restarting.
  • The Erebus
    • Fix Cabbage Drop: Fixes Cabbage not dropping the correct items in some situations
    • Fix Quake Hammer Texture: Fixes the Quake Hammer using the incorrect config option to control its size
  • Tinkers' Construct
    • Disable Rendering Items in Smeltery: Disables rendering items in the world when they are inside the Smeltery to prevent lag while rendering


by ACGaming on Feb 26, 2024

Requires MixinBooter 8 or higher and ConfigAnytime!


  • Configurable creeper confetti damage
  • Fixed experience still being lost when changing dimensions
  • Fixed stronghold generation edge case crashes
  • Improved custom use duration tweak
  • Korean translation
  • Optimized sapling tick logic order
  • Spanish translation
  • Synchronized cached recipes

New bugfixes:

  • Crafted Item Statistics: Fixes crafted item statistics not increasing correctly when items are crafted with shift-click or drop methods
  • Entity Lists: Fixes entity lists often not getting updated correctly
  • Minecart AI: Fixes non-player entities being able to control minecarts
  • Particle Spawning: Fixes various particle types not showing up on the client
  • Piston Retraction: Improves retraction behavior on double piston extenders
  • Portal Traveling Dupe: Fixes duplication issues that can occur when entities travel through portals
  • Potion Amplifier Visibility: Fixes potion effects not displaying their level above 'IV'
  • Sleep Resets Weather: Fixes sleeping always resetting rain and thunder times
  • Spectator Menu: Fixes the spectator menu not showing player skins
  • Untipped Arrow Particles: Fixes untipped arrows emitting blue tipped arrow particles upon reloading a world
  • Witch Huts: Fixes witch hut structure data not accounting for the height it is generated at

New tweaks:

  • Adaptive XP Drops: Scales dropped experience from entities based on their health
  • Armed Armor Stands: Enables arms for armor stands by default
  • Chicken Shedding: Allows chickens to have a chance to shed feathers (similarly to laying eggs)
  • Compact Messages: Removes duplicate messages and instead put a number behind the message how often it was repeated
  • Disable Advancements: Prevents the advancement system from loading entirely
  • Disable Villager Trade Restock: Disables restocking of villager trades, only allowing one trade per offer
  • Improved Entity Tracker Warning: Provides more information to addPacket removed entity warnings
  • LAN Server Properties: Enhance the vanilla 'Open to LAN' GUI for listening port customization, removal of enforced authentication and more
  • More Banner Layers: Sets the amount of applicable pattern layers for banners
  • Mute Advancement Errors: Silences advancement errors
  • Mute Ore Dictionary Errors: Silences ore dictionary errors
  • Mute Texture Map Errors: Silences texture map errors
  • No Lightning Item Destruction: Prevents lightning bolts from destroying items
  • No Portal Spawning: Prevents zombie pigmen spawning from nether portals
  • Overhaul Beacon: Change how beacon construct and range apply per level
  • Riding Exhaustion: Enables depleting saturation when riding mounts
  • Sapling Behavior: Allows customization of sapling behavior while utilizing an optimized method
  • Soulbound Vexes: Summoned vexes will also die when their summoner is killed
  • Village Distance: Sets the village generation distance in chunks
  • XP Level Cap: Sets the maximum experience level players can reach

New mod tweaks:

  • Advent of Ascension
    • Improved Player Tick: Improves AoA player ticking by only sending inventory changes when necessary
  • CB Multipart
    • Memory Leak Fix: Fixes a memory leak associated with EntityPlayer
  • Compact Machines
    • Invisible Wall Render Fix: Fixes some compact machine walls being invisible if Nothirium 0.2.x (and up) or Vintagium is installed
  • Effortless Building
    • Block Transmutation Fix: Fixes Effortless Building ignoring Metadata when checking for items in inventory
  • Elenai Dodge 2
    • Extinguishing Dodges: Chance per dodge to extinguish the player when burning
  • MrTJPCore
    • Memory Leak Fix: Fixes a memory leak associated with EntityPlayer
  • Thaumic Wonders
    • Memory Leak Fix: Fixes a client-side memory leak when wearing Void Fortress armor
  • Tinkers' Construct
    • Tool Customization: Sets the attack damage cutoff at which diminishing returns start for any Tinkers' tool and sets the rate at which a tool's attack damage incrementally decays depending on its damage cutoff


by ACGaming on Dec 5, 2023

Requires MixinBooter 8 or higher and ConfigAnytime!


  • Split config files - reconfiguration needed!

  • Configurable entity desync blacklist

  • Fixed burning baby zombies tweak

  • Fixed endlessly triggering ding sound while dead

  • Fixed mixin conflict with RenderLib

  • Fixed setting to disable flight speed config

  • Improved CQR golden feather tweak

  • Improved crafting cache recipe matching

New tweaks:

  • Armor Curve: Adjusts the armor scaling and degradation formulae for mobs and players

New mod tweaks:

  • Ceramics
    • Gaseous Fluids: Excludes gaseous fluids from being transferable via faucets
  • Infernal Mobs
    • Sticky Pedestal Compatibility: Enables compatibility between Infernal Mobs' Sticky effect and Reliquary's Pedestal
  • Simply Jetpacks
    • Memory Leak Fix: Fixes a client-side memory leak associated with EntityPlayer
  • Tardis
    • Memory Leak Fix: Fixes a client-side memory leak associated with EntityPlayer
  • Tinkers' Construct
    • Material Blacklist: Hides tool/bow materials in the 'Materials and You' book


by ACGaming on Aug 14, 2023

Requires MixinBooter 8 or higher and ConfigAnytime!


  • Implemented mod checks for AoA GUI tweak
  • Added Born in a Barn detection (merged by Forge, not needed in a current 1.12 Forge environment)
  • Limited leaf decay tweak to populated chunks, vastly improved performance
  • Changed default tile entity map

New bugfixes:

  • Banner Bounding Box: Fixes rendering issues with banners by correctly sizing their render bounding boxes
  • Donkey/Mule Dupe: Fixes a duplication exploit connected to the inventories of donkeys and mules
  • Horse Falling: Modifies falling logic of horses, listening to LivingFallEvent and taking jump boost into account
  • Shear Mooshroom Dupe: Fixes a duplication exploit connected to shearing mooshrooms

New tweaks:

  • Always Eat: Allows the consumption of food at any time, regardless of the hunger bar
  • Burning Baby Zombies: Lets baby zombies burn in daylight as in Minecraft 1.13+
  • Disable Villager Trade Leveling: Disables leveling of villager careers, only allowing base level trades
  • Overlay Message Height: Sets the Y value of the overlay message (action bar), displayed for playing records etc.
  • Sea Level: Sets the default height of the overworld‘s sea level
  • Selected Item Tooltip Height: Sets the Y value of the selected item tooltip, displayed when held items are changed
  • Sleeping Time: Determines at which time of day sleeping is allowed in ticks (0 - 24000)

New mod tweaks:

  • Blood Magic
    • Optimized Hellfire Forge: Optimizes the Hellfire/Soul Forge to reduce tick time
    • World Unload Memory Leak Fix: Fixes memory leak related to unloading worlds/switching dimensions
  • DupeFix Project (entirely included)
    • Duplication Fixes: Fixes various duplication exploits
  • Elenai Dodge 2
    • Sprinting Integration: Configurable consumption of feathers when the player is sprinting
  • Item Stages
    • Ingredient Matching: Changes item matching code to CraftTweaker‘s ingredient matching system, fixes item NBT issues
  • Mob Stages
    • Spawning Rules Fixes: Fixes mob replacement ignoring entity spawning rules


by ACGaming on Jul 14, 2023

Requires MixinBooter 8 or higher and ConfigAnytime!


  • Fixed conditional loading of mixins
  • Handled some tweak incompatibilities

New bugfixes:

  • Packet Size: Increases the packet size limit to account for large packets in modded environments

New mod tweaks:

  • Blood Magic
    • Optimized Hellfire Forge: Optimizes the Hellfire/Soul Forge to reduce tick time
    • World Unload Memory Leak Fix: Fixes memory leak related to unloading worlds/switching dimensions
  • Netherrocks
    • Right Click Harvesting Fix: Prevents crashing with mods implementing right click crop harvesting
  • NuclearCraft
    • Radiation Environment Map: Changes the data table of the radiation environment handler to improve performance
  • The Erebus
    • Preserved Blocks Fix: Prevents HWYLA/TOP crashes with preserved blocks


by ACGaming on Jul 11, 2023


  • Added mod support for linear XP tweak (Botania, Reskillable)
  • Adjusted priority of stronghold replacement tweak for potentially improved compatibility
  • Fixed max health bugfix unintentional reviving entities
  • Implemented check for IndustrialCraft Classic recipes to prevent dupes
  • Improved Chinese/Taiwanese language
  • Improved config setting handling (thanks to ConfigAnytime)
  • Improved sidedness of default difficulty tweak
  • Prevented crashes concerning Thaumcraft sound tweaks
  • Removed Mo‘ Creatures tweaks (in favor of Mo‘ Creatures Extended)

New bugfixes:

  • Falling Block Entity Damage: Only damage living entities hit by falling blocks, prevents killing items and XP

New tweaks:

  • Critical Arrow Damage: Sets the additional damage that critical arrows deal
  • Damage Velocity: Enables the modification of damage sources that change the entity‘s velocity
  • Disable Wither Targeting AI: Disables withers targeting animals
  • Lightning Damage: Sets the damage lightning bolts deal to entities
  • Lightning Fire Ticks: Sets the duration in ticks lightning bolts set entities on fire
  • No Attack Cooldown
    • Hide Attack Speed Tooltip: Hides attack speed tooltips of weapons
    • Only Affect Swords: Only removes the attack cooldown of swords to balance other weapons like axes
  • No Lightning Fire: Disables the creation of fire around lightning strikes
  • Skip Missing Registry Entries Screen: Automatically confirms the ‚Missing Registry Entries‘ screen on world load

New mod tweaks:

  • CoFH Core
    • Vorpal Enchantment Damage: Sets the damage multiplier of the Vorpal enchantment
  • Forestry
    • Replanting Cocoa Beans: Allows Forestry farms to automatically replant cocoa beans
  • Infernal Mobs
    • Sticky Recall Compatibility: Enables compatibility between Infernal Mobs‘ Sticky effect and Capsule‘s Recall enchantment

Project members




Licensed LGPL-3.0-only
Published 2 years ago
Updated a month ago