Unofficial Monumenta Mod

Unofficial Monumenta Mod


An unofficial client-side mod for the Monumenta MMO server (

Client Utility

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Unofficial Monumenta Mod (UMM) 1.10 (Changelog 1.9.9 -> 1.10)

Final 1.19.4 & 1.20.1 version

Major changes

- ServerInfoPacket & LocationUpdatedPacket
	- former is used by the server to send server related informations on login (players should not see a difference as of now).
	- latter, serves as yet another way to know where the client IS (shard & content).

Minor changes

  • Allow the use of decimals in the calculator
  • Added /texspoof, allowing the direct usage of the texture spoofer from within the game.
  • Updated Ruin's chest count to 118.
  • Updated SKT's chest count to 99
  • Added/Replaced ability related icons (mostly depths/zenith).
  • Improved base effect accumulator and added a multiplicative accumulator (likely botched, WANT feedback) for certain effects (controlled through the overrides/effects.json file).
  • Added an option to prioritize local max chestcount instead of the one received through packets.
  • Debug messages can now be shown directly on screen when the option is enabled.
  • Refactored shard loading (again).
  • Changed chestcount overlay regex to reflect changes
  • Added a help subcommand under /umm that gives a very janky list of what arguments can be expected.
  • Changed /umm info clip format, now with md codeblock formatting WOWZERS
  • Changed a few informatory strings
  • The check used to know if the player is on monumenta now fallbacks on checking the Server Branding (Monumenta (Velocity)) instead of the server IP


  • Fixed issues with building the effect strings used in the effect overlay.
  • Fixed an issue with the chest counter overlay regex.
  • Fixed effect overlay keeping packet-only status on rejoin
  • Fixed certain skills using the wrong icons
  • Fixed a bug where OpenGL would spam logs if the lock/unlock slot keybind was unset
  • Fixed /umm info clip not actually working


- the "Loaded correctly" part of /ummShard debug get, is currently broken and should not be expected to be giving accurate information.
- Added a sort of API to Locations, other mods should now be able to register locations using Locations#registerLocation and get locations through Locations#getLocationByName or Locations#getLocation


unofficial-monumenta-mod-mc1.20.4-1.10.jar(3.68 MiB) Primary Download

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Licensed GPL-3.0-only
Published 2 years ago
Updated 3 months ago