Version ["v0.8.5"] - 2025-3-1
- Add config DuckTamedNotFollow
- Add config GooseTamedNotFollow
Version ["v0.7.0"] - 2024-07-29
- Ducks can now dance constantly by the jukebox(#79)
- Ducks can be tamed now(#84)
- Ducks can fish now(#53)
- Tamed ducks can catch treasure when fishing
- Ducks can now spawn in swamps too
- Introduce the following tags: #untitledduckmod:ducks_spawnable_on, #untitledduckmod:geese_spawnable_on, #untitledduckmod:duck_breeding_food, #untitledduckmod:duck_taming_food, #untitledduckmod:goose_breeding_food, #untitledduckmod:goose_food, and #untitledduckmod:goose_taming_food
- Added blacklist list for intimidation potion effects, mobs in this list will be unaffected by intimidation effects
- Added Jade plugin for duck and goose laying time
- Forge can now change the spawn rate with config.
Bug fixes
- Fix baby still following parent when sitting
- Fix Duck sack error storing duck data
- Fix occupied duck sacks disappearing when in use(#85)
- Fix bug to spawn one variant from eggs by utsudashinou(#76)
Version ["v0.6.1"] - 2022-09-02
This version fixes some bugs and drops support for 1.19 and 1.19.1.
Bug fixes(fabric)
Version ["v0.6.0"] - 2022-08-10 for 1.19
This version adds support for Minecraft 1.19, 1.19.1 and 1.19.2. In addition to that the spawning rules also changed a bit.
Ducks and geese will now only spawn near rivers. You can modify that behavior yourself though by adding biomes to the #untitledduckmod:duck_spawn
and #untitledduckmod:goose_spawn
using a data pack.
Note for Forge Users: You can also no longer change the spawn rates in the forge configs since those are configured using Biome Modifiers now. You can adjust the rates by overriding the corresponding modifier with a datapack.
- Make ducks and geese spawn near rivers
- Introduce #untitledduckmod:duck_spawn and #untitledduckmod:goose_spawn biome tags
Bug fixes
- Fix duck animation standing in water after dive/clean