This mod needs to be installed on the server to function. However, you can install it onto the client, so it will function in a single-player world, but not on public servers.
This is a mod that adds 20 useful commands that players on your server could execute at the permission level 0, so any player could execute them without cheats/OP.
Part of the commands in a screenshot:
Here is the list of commands this mod includes (I misspelled useful [the first part of the command], as usefull for some reason, XD):
- /UsefullCommands:CurrentAirInfo - Shows how many ticks of oxygen you have left.
- /UsefullCommands:CurrentArmorInfo - Shows how many points of armor you have equipped.
- /UsefullCommands:CurrentBiomeTemperature - Shows the temperature of the biome you're in.
- /UsefullCommands:CurrentDimension - Shows the current dimension you are in (The Overworld, The Nether, or The End).
- /UsefullCommands:CurrentFoodInfo - Shows how many points of Food, and Saturation you have.
- /UsefullCommands:CurrentHealthInfo - Shows current H.P, and absorption H.P.
- /UsefullCommands:CurrentLightLevel - Shows current light level of where you are standing.
- /UsefullCommands:CurrentPlayerHeight - Shows how tall you are.
- /UsefullCommands:CurrentTimeIrl - Shows the current date (mm-dd-yyyy format).
- /UsefullCommands:CurrentWalkSpeed - Shows the walk speed of the player.
- /UsefullCommands:Events:Raid? - Shows if there is a raid at your region, or not.
- /UsefullCommands:ExperienceInfo - Shows how many experience levels you have, and how many experence points are needed to reach the next level.
- /UsefullCommands:ServerPlayerCount - Shows how many players are connected to the server/world.
- /UsefullCommands:ShowCurrentCoordnates - Shows current X, Y, and Z coordnates.
- /UsefullCommands:ShowCurrentItemsInHands - Shows current item (and count) in your main-hand, and off-hand.
- /UsefullCommands:ShowCurrentXYZVelocities - Shows current X, Y, and Z velocity (how fast you are moving).
- /UsefullCommands:ShowPlayerDisplayName - Shows current display name (username) of the player.
- /UsefullCommands:TicksLeftOnFire - Shows how many ticks you will be on fire for.
- /UsefullCommands:TicksYouHaveBeenFrozenFor - Shows how many ticks you have been frozen for.
- /UsefullCommands:CurrentTime - Shows the current time of day (there is a vanilla command that displays the time, but this one is for non-oped players, so they can access it too).
All outputs from these commands are printed in chat.
Side Features
Player respawn message (shown in Minecraft's action-bar), E.G "SandWhoop Just Respawned!". This also has a sound on respawn: minecraft:entity.evoker.prepare_wololo.
Player death message (also shown in action-bar) E.G: "SandWhoop Died. You were holding <count + item> in your main-hand, and <count + item> in your off-hand".
Entity death sound (plays the sound: "minecraft:entity.player.death"), when any entity in the world/server dies.
If you want, you can support me by donating with the link on this page.