A Food mod Add more new food in minecraft.This is a newer legacy minecraft version(1.9-1.12) update mod of UsefulFood(Curseforge Link).
UsefulFood Reborn(1.16+) Modrinth
UsefulFood Community based 1.8 UsefulFood code.**
Discord Link: https://discord.gg/pDaMyHDfBy
UsefulFood Community Under Public Domain LICENSE(UsefulFood Use it).
UsefulFood Community for requires Minecraft Forge.
The goal of this mod is to add as much useful food as possible to minecraft, without destroying the vanilla feeling of it. No extreme and complicated recipes! The mod is supposed to be simple and useful for the user, to make food from things you normally can't make food from and to add a large variety of food to make minecraft more interesting.
Features 70+ Food Items New mob drops for squids. CAKES! Juices and Smoothies Pies, Sandwiches, Soups Icm Cream