


A Fabric & NeoForge library to help with shader usage, based off of Satin

Client Library

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Velvet is a multiloader library for making and using your own OpenGL shaders based off of Satin. I highly suggest supporting the Satin developers, but don't pester them with bug reports if you're using Velvet.

For documentation, Satin's wiki will provide you with everything. Some class and method names are different, as Velvet renames them to match Mojmap names.

Adding Velvet to your project

If your project is Fabric only, please use Satin instead.

You can add Velvet by putting the following in your build.gradle:

repositories {
	maven {
		name = "Up-Mods & Cammie's Corner"
		url = ""

For Fabric (Ignore this if you're only using NeoForge):

dependencies {
	modImplementation "dev.cammiescorner.velvet:Velvet-Common:${velvet_version}"
	modImplementation "dev.cammiescorner.velvet:Velvet-Fabric:${velvet_version}"
	// If you want to jar-in-jar Velvet
	include "dev.cammiescorner.velvet:Velvet-Common:${velvet_version}"
	include "dev.cammiescorner.velvet:Velvet-Fabric:${velvet_version}"

For NeoForge:

dependencies {
	implementation "dev.cammiescorner.velvet:Velvet-Common:${velvet_version}"
	implementation "dev.cammiescorner.velvet:Velvet-NeoForge:${velvet_version}"
	// If you want to jar-in-jar Velvet
	jarJar(dev.cammiescorner.velvet:Velvet-Common:${velvet_version}) {
		transitive = false
		version {
			strictly "[${velvet_version},)"
			prefer ${velvet_version}
	jarJar(dev.cammiescorner.velvet:Velvet-NeoForge:${velvet_version}) {
		transitive = false
		version {
			strictly "[${velvet_version},)"
			prefer ${velvet_version}

Then add the library version to your file:

# Velvet version

Or your libs.versions.toml file if you're using one of those instead:

# Velvet version
velvet_version = "0.x.x"

For the latest version of Velvet, please check the GitHub Releases.

The Discord icon, which is a blue circle with half in shadow. In the middle is a weird little robot-helmet-looking-thingy.        The Ko-Fi logo, a sky-blue circle with a white coffee mug with a red heart on it in the middle.

Project members




Licensed LGPL-3.0-only
Published 3 months ago
Updated 3 months ago