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Wake Up Time: Figure out what stage of the day your villagers are in A Minecraft screenshot with text 'Employed villagers are currently gathering; 750 seconds until working time'
  • Press V (by default) to trigger an action bar notification that tells you what stage of the day villagers are in, as well as the time until they are next working.
  • Use the mods screen (ModMenu on Fabric/Quilt, built-in screen on (Neo)Forge) to edit the config to switch between the keybind toggling the message or showing it once.

This mod is fully client-side so can be used on any server. Find it on Modrinth or CurseForge.

This mod was originally created by Triphora, who I took over maintenance from.

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Project members

Jam Core

Jam Core





Licensed MIT
Published 3 years ago
Updated 8 months ago