A Minecraft Fabric Mod that adds fully customizable commands for teleportation to the game.
Allows players to set homes anywhere they want and teleport back to them.Commands:
- /home <homeName>: Teleports you to the specified home
- /home: Teleports you to your default home (selects a home automatically if not chosen manually)
- /setdefaulthome <homeName>: Sets your default home to the specified home
- /sethome <homeName>: Sets or overrides a home with the specified name at your current location
- /delhome <homeName>: Deletes the specified home
- /renamehome <homeName> <newHomeName>: Renames the specified home
- /homes: Shows all your homes and their locations
Config Options:
The mod can be configured via command: /warputils config homes <configName> <value>
- maxHomeCount: The maximum number of homes a player can have (0 = Infinity)
- delay: The time (in ticks) between executing the command and being teleported
- cooldown: The waiting period (in ticks) between teleportations
- disableHomes: Are homes disabled
ticks: 1 tick = 1/20th of a second
Allows players to request to teleport to other players.(One tpa request can be sent per player at a time)
- /tpa <playerName>: Sends tpa request to the specified player
- /tpaaccept <playerName>: Accepts the tpa request from the specified player
- /tpaaccept: Accepts all tpa requests
- /tpadeny <playerName>: Denies the tpa request from the specified player
- /tpadeny: Denies all tpa requests
- /tpacancel: Cancels the tpa request you sent
- /tpas: Shows the active tpas you sent and received
Config Options:
The mod can be configured via command: /warputils config tpas <configName> <value>
- delay: The time (in ticks) between accepting the request and the teleport
- cooldown: The waiting period (in ticks) between teleportations
- duration: The time (in ticks) a tpa request is active (0 = Infinity)
- disableTpas: Are tpas disabled
ticks: 1 tick = 1/20th of a second
Allows operators to set warps anywhere. Everyone can teleport to them but only operators are able to set or edit them.Commands:
- /warp <warpName>: Teleports you to the specified warp
- /warps: Shows all warps and their locations
Only for operators:
- /setwarp <warpName>: Sets or overrides a warp with the specified name at your current location
- /delwarp <warpName>: Deletes the specified warp
- /renamewarp <warpName> <newWarpName>: Renames the specified warp
Config Options:
The mod can be configured via command: /warputils config warps <configName> <value>
- delay: The time (in ticks) between executing the command and being teleported
- cooldown: The waiting period (in ticks) between teleportations
- disableWarps: Are warps disabled
- disableSpawnWarp: Is the spawn warp disabled
ticks: 1 tick = 1/20th of a second
Allows players to teleport back to where they teleported from.Command:
- /back: Teleports you back
Config Options:
The mod can be configured via command: /warputils config general <configName> <value>
- delay: The time (in ticks) between accepting the request and the teleport
- cooldown: The waiting period (in ticks) between teleportations
- duration: The time (in ticks) a tpa request is active (0 = Infinity)
- mode: How the back command operates
- backBack: You can teleport back to the location you used /back;
- singleUse: You can teleport back once after every teleportation using /home, /tpa or /warp;
- persistent: The back location is only changed when using /home, /tpa or /warp)
- disableBack: Is the back command disabled
ticks: 1 tick = 1/20th of a second
Effects are mostly particle effects, but may also include sounds (only one at the time, with more to come).Use /warputils personal <setting> to select effects. Each player chooses their own effects.
- arrivalEffect: displayed at location of arrival
- chargeEffect: played during delay time (not played when delay = 0)
- teleportEffect: played at location of departure
Effects Config
Allows you to set the default particle effects, enforce or disable them. Configured via command: /warputils config effects <value>
arrivalEffect: The default arrival effect for all players
enforecArrivalEffect: Enforces the default arrival effect; always plays this effect instead of the effect the player selected -chargeEffect, enforceChargeEffect, teleportEffect and enforceTeleportEffect are similar
disableEffects: Disable all effects.
To disable one specific effect, select the "None" effect and enforce it.
General Config
Change all cooldowns and delays at once. Configured via command: /warputils config general <configName> <value> Other configs use this configs value when setting their cooldown or delay to -1 (default)
- delay: The time (in ticks) between executing the command and being teleported
- cooldown: The waiting period (in ticks) between teleportations
- logLevel: The level of logging (0: no logging; 1: Interplayer Commands/Tpa-Commands; 2: Home-Commands; 3: All Commands (/warps, /homes, /tpas)))
Fight Cooldown
The fight cooldown disables your ability to teleport during fights. Configured via command: /warputils config fightCooldown <configName> <value>
- onlyPvP: If set to true the fight cooldown will only be activated when a player attacked you, otherwise any entity will disable teleporting
- cooldown: The time (in ticks) it takes till you can teleport again
Used to reset parts of the mod.
Reset command: /warputils reset <value>
- homes: Removes all player's homes
- tpas: Removes active tpas
- warps: Removes all warps
- backs: Removes all saved back locations
- cooldowns: Resets all player's cooldowns
- delays: Resets all player's cooldowns
- particles: Reset stored particle settings for each player
- all: Resets WarpUtils mod
Feel free to share any ideas you want to be added to the mod or any changes you might like on my github issues page.