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Wetland Whimsy 0.5


Beta 5 is here, and with it is coming all-new fauna for the Swamps! There have also been a ton of changes, bugfixes, and updates to make the mod a better experience.


  • The Swamp Spider - a large, poisonous spider who spawns in Swamps and Marshes.
  • The Blemish - a creepy monster found within the Swamp Dungeon.
  • Rusted Artifact - a rare item found occasionally in Swamp Dungeons.
  • The Dagger - a weapon crafted with a Blemish Rod and a Rusted Artifact, and deals more damage the closer it is to the enemy.
  • Cordgrass Thatch - a new decorative block.
  • Bald Cypress Boats.
  • Bald Cypress Cabinets (only when Farmer's Delight is installed)


  • Mobs that spawn from Ancient Braziers are now determined by a tag, rather than the config file.
    • This allows other mods to more easily add compat.
  • Mobs unaffected by Bloodcap Mushrooms are now determined by a tag, rather than being hardcoded to be Mooshrooms only.
  • Witches no longer spawn from Ancient Braziers by default.


wetland_whimsy-0.5.jar(3.19 MiB) Primary Download

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Published 2 months ago
Updated 2 days ago