Cut Farmer's Delight support
Attempt to fix crash when both Sinytra Connector and Farmers Delight are installed
Fixed crash on certain Forge versions caused by faulty Marsh JSON
- Cupric Brazier when Caversn & Chasms is installed.
- Bald Cypress Cabinet when Farmer's Delight is installed.
- Brazier names now change if Caverns & Chasms is installed.
- Bald Cypress boats now appear in the Creative menu.
- Ender Brazier when Endergetic Expansion is installed.
- Brazier names change slightly when Brazier is installed.
- The Marsh biome now has a translation key.
After 2 whole weeks, Beta 6 is complete! Along with several new features and tweaks, Beta 6 comes with a multitude of backend rewrites and a push towards data-driving all the features in the mod, giving modpack creators a ton of power over the features within!
- Incense, items which allow you to replay Ancient Braziers for some unique rewards.
- The Sludge Charge, an item crafted with Blemish rods that creates a toxic explosion when thrown.
- A redesigned Witch Hut, using Bald Cypress and Cordgrass Thatch.
- Potted plants for most of the mod's plants.
- Two new pottery sherds.
- Advancements.
- Migrated Ancient Pots to a new data-driven system called Scalable Rewards.
- They are currently the only thing that uses this system, though it may be expanded in the future to allow modpack creators to use it.
- Changed arm texture of Blemish slightly.
- Changed texture of Swamp Spider slightly.
- Swamp Spiders can now be sheared.
- Made Dagger slightly less powerful.
- Swamp Dungeons now have a fallback generation pool.
- This means that they are far less likely to have pathways leading into stone walls or caves when they reach max generation size.
- Villagers in Marshes will become Swamp villagers rather than Plains villagers.
- Fixed crash on dedicated servers
- Fix Pennyworts placing 4 instead of 1.
- Add Bloodcap Mushrooms, Aria Mushrooms, Aria Spores, and Aria Mushroom Blocks to Composters.
- Fixed the Dots Armor Trim lacking a tooltip
Beta 5 is here, and with it is coming all-new fauna for the Swamps! There have also been a ton of changes, bugfixes, and updates to make the mod a better experience.
- The Swamp Spider - a large, poisonous spider who spawns in Swamps and Marshes.
- The Blemish - a creepy monster found within the Swamp Dungeon.
- Rusted Artifact - a rare item found occasionally in Swamp Dungeons.
- The Dagger - a weapon crafted with a Blemish Rod and a Rusted Artifact, and deals more damage the closer it is to the enemy.
- Cordgrass Thatch - a new decorative block.
- Bald Cypress Boats.
- Bald Cypress Cabinets (only when Farmer's Delight is installed)
- Mobs that spawn from Ancient Braziers are now determined by a tag, rather than the config file.
- This allows other mods to more easily add compat.
- Mobs unaffected by Bloodcap Mushrooms are now determined by a tag, rather than being hardcoded to be Mooshrooms only.
- Witches no longer spawn from Ancient Braziers by default.
- There is now an in-game config screen, accessible through the mods list.
- Cordgrass, Pennywort, and Aria Mushrooms now support Supplementaries Flower Boxes.
- If simple mode is disabled, Bloodcap Mushrooms and Bald Cypress Saplings may also be used.
- Swamp Dungeons no longer have a beardifier, meaning they should no longer create terrain artifacts where they shouldnt.
- Aria and Bloodcap mushrooms show up in the creative menu.
- Minor tweaks to the Cordgrass texture.
Fix feature cycle violation
error with OTBWG
1.20.1 now has Ancient Braziers, Ancient Pots, Arenas, and the Swamp Dungeon! This means that outside of a few exceptions, 1.20.1 should now have full feature-parity with 1.21.
- Backported Aria Mushrooms and Bloodcap Mushrooms from 1.21 Beta 0.4.
- Backported Ancient Braziers and Ancient Pots from 1.21 Beta 0.4.
- Backported Arenas and Swamp Dungeons from 1.21 Beta 0.4.
- Braziers can no longer be waterlogged. This is due to bugs in Jigsaw structures that were fixed in 1.21.
Wetland Whimsy Beta 4 is finally ready, and with it are the Ancient Pots and Ancient Braziers! This beta brings Ancient Pots and Ancient Braziers to the Swamp Dungeon and the Swamp Arenas, and also introduces a few fun new plants as well.
NOTICE: Any Swamp Dungeons from before this update will no longer contain loot, as their loot tables were removed internally.
- Aria Mushrooms, a rare, bioluminescent mushroom species found in Swamps, Mushroom Fields, and Dark Oak forests.
- Aria Spores, which grow into large Aria Mushrooms and are crafted from normal Aria Mushrooms.
- Bloodcap Mushrooms, dangerous mushrooms with toxic spores. They can be found down in the deepslate layer, and on the surface in Swamps, Marshes, Mushroom Fields, and Dark Oak Forests. Don't touch them!
- Two new Swamp Dungeon rooms - expect more in future betas.
- Ancient Pots spawn in Swamp Dungeons, replacing Trial Vaults.
- Ancient Braziers spawn in Swamp Dungeons and Arenas, replacing Trial Spawners.
- Limestone Braziers and Soul Braziers can be extinguished with shovels.
- Ancient Braziers now copy Trial Spawner spawning logic, and can drop loot.
- Ancient Braziers now randomize the mobs they spawn.
- Ancient Pot loot mechanics have been slightly rebalanced.
- Ancient Pots have a custom particle effect when broken.
- Fixed bug where swamp ruins referenced nonexistant loot tables.
Due to the insane popularity of the 1.20.1 backport, I have decided to continue support. This version simply contains a few miniature features and bugfixes, but I hope to have full feature parity at some point in the future.
- Limestone Braziers, a new decorative light source and redstone component
- A Bald Cypress Boat
- Backported Bald Cypress changes from Beta 0.3
This is Wetland Whimsy's third beta, finally bringing the Swamp dungeon! Along with it are some small but important changes, like the addition of a config file and some minor changes to tree generation.
- The Swamp Dungeon - a dungeon that spawns in Swamps and Marshes. Currently, it contains Trial Chamber mechanics, however unique ones are planned for the near future
- A config file, currently allowing the configuration of Swamp changes and Marsh generation
- Limestone Braziers, a new decorative light source and redstone component
- Ancient Braziers, a WIP block that will eventually work as a Trial Spawner alternative
- Ancient Pots, a WIP block that will eventually work as a Trial Vault alternative
- Ancient Coins, a WIP item that will eventually work as a Trial Key alternative
- Bald Cypress tree leaves can have varying height
- Bald Cypress branches now face the direction they're going
- Bald Cypress trees use vanilla's
instead ofThreadLocalRandom
, meaning seeds will be more consistent
Wetland Whimsy has been backported to 1.20.1! This release is mostly identical to the 1.21 version, however there are a few notable differences - Marshes spawn differently due to this version lacking Biolith, and Arenas do not exist in this version due to the lack of trial spawners.
Note: many planned features for the future are based around features added in 1.21, such as Trial Chambers. This will as such most likely be the only 1.20.1 release, outside of potential bugfixes.
This is the second beta of Wetland Whimsy, containing many much-needed changes and a few new features too.
NOTICE: This update is not compatible with Beta 1 worlds. If you have generated a Bog biome in Beta 1, it will be replaced with a plains biome.
- Dots Armor Trim - replaces Coast Armor Trim in Wetland Whimsy content
- Nuke The Swamps Music Disc - features a new song contributed by Quizzly
- Several new structures
- Bog biome - the mod now modifies vanilla's swamp instead
- New texture for the Bald Cypress sapling
- Arenas now use Jigsaws, allowing for far more variety
- The vanilla Swamp is now modified via Biome Modifiers, allowing for far greater mod compatibility.
This is Wetland Whimsy's first public release! Currently, most features needed for 1.0 are implemented. The following features are still required:
- Bald Cypress Boats
- More Mod Compat
- Bugfixes and Tweaks