Cobblemon - Yet Another Chance Booster has been archived. Cobblemon - Yet Another Chance Booster will not receive any further updates unless the author decides to unarchive the project.
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About mod

The mod allows you to increase the player's chances of having a shiny version of a pokemon for a certain period of time, as well as the spawn weight of a pokemon of a certain species or pokemon that have certain labels (e.g. "gen1, legendary").


/yacb boost <player> <amplifier> <duration> <boost> - command to increase the spawn chance. Arguments:

  • <player> - player to be boosted;
  • <amplifier> - the value of how many times the chance of a shiny or weight will be increased;
  • <duration> - duration in server ticks;
  • <boost> - boost type, can be shiny, a species id, or a string listing labels separated by commas (e.g. legendary, mythical).

/yacb list <player> <boosts> - command that displays the specified player's boosts. <boosts> can be all, shiny, species, or labels

My other Cobblemon side-mods

Cobbleboom Cobblenav

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Licensed MPL-2.0
Published 7 months ago
Updated 7 months ago