ZoNiEx 1.1
- New mob type added, the Brutaliser! The first mob I consider to be a full MINIBOSS. A huge, strong zombie that can smash the ground to create block shockwaves that deal devastating damage and knockback on impact (you can jump over the shockwaves). Whenever you move close to attack, be sure to move away quickly before it gets the chance to strike! Block shockwave effect is a first for my mods, adapting to any kinds of blocks and serving as a visual effect only that doesn’t modify block data or positions at any point.
- Skin crawlers can now break certain blocks, enabling them to crawl through most naturally generated walls in the overworld! They’ll slowly crawl towards you if you get within around 30 blocks of them. This feature can be fully disabled through config and by mob griefing rules. Blocks they can dig include: stone, deepslate, tuff, granite, diorite, andesite, and netherrack (only raw versions that naturally generate).
- New items added! First, the Deathly Onyx - A valuable item dropped by the new Brutaliser miniboss. This item crafts with two copper rods and two deathly hearts to produce the second new item: The Staff Of The Undying. The staff includes two special abilities. Firstly, its right click ability repulses all nearby undead mobs (the lower their max health, the stronger the repulsion). Secondly, its other ability needs to charge up to a maximum of five charges. You charge it by simply killing undead mobs while it is in your inventory. Each charge enables you to summon a temporary skin crawler minion by hitting the ground with the staff. A strong way of producing minions to fight for you, each despawning after a minute.
- Added option to allow all zoniex mobs to spawn in the nether (disabled by default, but they suit the nether well!)
- Disemboweler now has two texture variants, a new rarer variant is more blue-coloured, plus tweaked the model
- Fixed some small tormented zombie texture discrepancies and improved the passive sound of the skin crawler
- Tormented zombies can now break wooden doors
- Blood eagle mechanics enhanced. Fixed a few issues with taming, reduced its likelihood of flying away when tamed, and modified its projectile attacks to only fire when it is looking towards its attack target, along with these projectiles dealing some AoE splash damage when landing.
- Added two more camouflage textures for the skin crawler - wood and obsidian/coal
ZoNiEx 1.0.3
- Tormented Steve renamed to simply “Tormented Zombie”, and now comes in eight player skin variants
- Blood eagle now turns into a separate entity when tamed, fixing two issues - one benefit is that I now have a separate flight animation for the tamed variant that matches the player’s seating position more accurately, and the other benefit is that it no longer registers as an animal when not tamed, meaning the mods with mobs that target animals or apply actions based on creature type like the sanity mod won’t be affected in the same way. Also added some other tweaks to the blood eagle animations. More mobs planned for the next update hopefully - planning to add a mining zombie, or perhaps let skin crawlers mine through stone next (will be configurable).
ZoNiEx 1.0.2
- Blood Eagle now spawns with mob spawning rates and requires darkness
- Blood eagle sounds can now be heard from further away when not tamed
ZoNiEx 1.0.1
- Fixed mob spawning, they now spawn at the intended rate
- Updated the logo image with sharper text
- Fixed tamed Blood Eagle healing with heart items
- Fixed death animation for disemboweler
Welcome to Zombie Nightmare Expansions