0ptimized Chaos has been archived. 0ptimized Chaos will not receive any further updates unless the author decides to unarchive the project.
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Updated loader to 0.19.2

Loader update to beta.7 and mod update

updated loader to beta 5 and updated mods

Mod update

Updating mods and adding new ones.

  1. Mods updated

  2. transition to a new version

  3. slightly changed configs

  4. Added mods (of which lazyDFU)

Updated mods

Ok Zoomer replaced Ok Boomer

1 updated some mods

2 will no longer have options.txt

3 slightly changed the game menu

Updated mods and Quilt version from 0.19.0-beta.19 to 0.19.1-beta.1

Small changes in configs and mods update

Initial release

Final release 1 is 1.6

Project members




Licensed MIT
Published 2 years ago
Updated 2 years ago