Isabel's Aeroscapes

Isabel's Aeroscapes


Totally immersive sky island survival.

Client and server AdventureChallenging LightweightMagicMultiplayer

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☁️ Enter a world of floating islands in the sky! ☁️

With lovingly-selected mods and a homegrown world generator crafted by hand over two years, Aeroscapes is a relaxing survival experience with a vanilla-plus feel.


All of the mods in this pack are heavily configured to provide an accessible, balanced, and immersive Minecraft experience. Check the full modlist for more details.

🏝️ Beautiful floating islands world generation!

🏕️ A challenging survival experience!

🌽 Expanded agriculture!

🐤 Immersive wildlife!

🪁 Gliders and traversal options!

🌱 Enhanced vanilla biomes!

🏺 Vanilla-friendly ruins to explore!

🎶 Immersive sound overhaul!

💽 Original music by Elephants!

✨ Gorgeous visual enhancements!

💡 Performance optimizations!

Taiga biome with redstone ores disappears into the mist.

Installation Guide

  1. Download the latest release.

  2. Download and install a Minecraft launcher of your choice. You can use the Modrinth app, or a third-party one like MultiMC or PrismLauncher.

  3. For the official Modrinth app, check out this support page. The rest of these instructions are for either of the other listed launchers!

  4. Ensure you have Java 17+. If you don’t, or you’re not sure, download it from Oracle and install it.

  5. Make sure that your launcher of choice is using Java 17+ by either pointing it at your Java 17 executable during setup, or going to Settings > Java and pointing the Java Path at your Java 17+ executable.

  6. In your launcher's settings, make sure the max RAM is high enough; 4096MB should be more than enough.

  7. In your launcher, click the Add Instance button in the top left.

  8. Select the Import from zip option in the left menu.

  9. Select Browse and open the .mrpack file for Isabel’s Aeroscapes that you downloaded. If you don't see it, you might have to set the file type in the browse window to ".mrpack".

  10. After import has completed, double-click the new instance that was just created to launch. Done!

Forested islands descend to aquifers far below.


Can this pack be used in multiplayer?

Absolutely! Check out this support page for more info.

Are there any vanilla features missing from this pack?

The only missing features are certain structures that are incompatible with Aeroscapes world generation, like Ancient Cities and Ocean Monuments. I plan on adding alternative methods for getting the blocks and items exclusive to these structures in a future update. Elytra have been intentionally removed.

Will this pack be updated to newer Minecraft versions?

The pack is on 1.19.2, the version that was the latest available when I started working on it. I might update it in the future if the majority of the mods in the pack (or suitable alternatives) become available. For now, there is not enough mod support for me to want to update it (nor has the vanilla game added anything that I think would really make the Aeroscapes experience better).

Will this pack be made available through CurseForge?


Whoa, my performance is terrible!

Hey, that's not a question! First, make sure your launcher has enough RAM. The default configuration is usually not enough. Then try disabling shaders, then LambDynamicLights, then Sound Physics Remastered: those are the most performance-impacting mods in the pack.

What's next for the pack?

I want to add a bunch of things! More ruined structures to find and explore, nether improvements, world generation details and support for biome expansions like Terralith, guidebooks and advancements, customized Bounties, and more.

When will the pack be "finished"?

I plan on cleaning everything up and releasing it in a "complete" form alongside the release of Create Aeronautics, an in-development addon for the Create mod that adds fully-drivable, physics-enabled airship parts. You can follow the development of that mod on their Discord server!

A village house in a field of wheat at sunset.

Full Modlist

Content Mods
Aeroscapes Companion Adds tweaks and fixes to make the game play nicely with Aeroscapes world generation. Also adds aerolite ore, aerolite charms, and an original music disc.
Better Ladders Makes ladders 3D and not require a supporting block.
Comforts Adds sleeping bags & hammocks, which perform the function of beds without setting your spawn.
Connectible Chains Allows horizontal chains to connect to fence posts and walls.
Crate Delight Adds storage blocks for Farmer's Delight and vanilla crops.
Dramatic Doors Adds a crafting recipe for 3-block-high doors.
Farmer's Delight Adds deeper cooking mechanics and new crops.
Farmer's Respite Adds tea-brewing to Farmer's Delight.
Gliders Adds a Breath of the Wild-style glider.
Global Packs Adds Aeroscapes world generation to the default datapacks when creating worlds.
Immersive Weathering Adds naturalistic entropy like moss growing, bricks cracking, leaves falling, and other details.
Map Atlases Adds a vanilla-friendly minimap powered by vanilla map items.
Naturalist Adds various unobtrusive ambient mobs like insects and birds.
Philips Ruins Adds ruins and dungeons to the world.
This Rocks! Adds fallen sticks and rocks to the ground in some areas.
Sawmill Adds a job block that processes wood similarly to a stonecutter with stone.
Wall-Jump TXF Adds climbing mechanics.
Waystones Adds objects which can be used for teleportation between islands.
Waystone Towers Adds randomly-spawning towers with small amounts of loot and waystones at the top.
Wind Chimes Adds windchimes.
QoL Mods
Couplings Makes double doors and stacked fence gates open together.
CleanCut Allows tools to swing through grass and other similar blocks.
CraftTweaker Removes some unneccessary or duplicate recipes from other mods.
Custom Spawns Adjusts mob spawn caps & rates to suit Aeroscapes world generation.
Dark Loading Screen Makes the loading screen dark mode.
Diagonal Fences Causes fences placed diagonally to snap together.
Diagonal Windows Causes glass panes and iron bars placed diagonally to snap together.
Mod Menu Adds a helpful menu for managing mods.
Here Be No Dragons! Removes the warning message for customized worlds.
Just Enough Items Adds a helpful ingame item and recipe browser.
Mouse Tweaks Minor improvements to some mouse shortcuts for inventory management.
Saplanting Causes saplings left on the ground to automatically replant themselves after a time.
Shulker Box Tooltip Adds a tooltip that shows the contents of a shulker box when you mouse over it.
Snow Under Trees Causes snow to form under trees in snowy biomes.
Spyglass Improvements Adds a keybind to let you use a spyglass to zoom if you have one anywhere in your inventory.
Status Effect Timer Adds a helpful timer to status effect bubbles.
Tips Adds Aeroscapes-specific loading screen tips.
Trade Cycling Adds a button to the villager UI to randomize their initial trades.
Village Spawn Point Adjusts spawnpoint in world generation to always spawn you in a village.
Sound Mods
AmbientSounds Adds a large library of immersive ambient sound effects and biome-dependent background noise.
Drip Sounds Adds sound effects for dripping fluids.
Presence Footsteps Adds more accurate and detailed footstep sounds.
Sound Physics Remastered Adds realistic, physics-based audio attenuation to all game sound.
Visual Mods
Aeroscapes Addons Datapack that adds compatibility for Aeroscapes content.
Biome Moss Adds biome-dependent coloration for moss.
Blur Blurs the game screen behind UI like crafting benches and chests.
Camera Overhaul Makes the game camera more dynamic and cinematic.
Cave Dust Adds atmospheric particles to caves.
CIT Resewn Adds custom item texture features from Optifine.
Clear Void Visual improvements for the void.
Complementary Reimagined Gorgeous shader pack.
Continuity Adds connected textures.
Entity Model Features Adds support for custom entity model features from Optifine.
Entity Texture Features Adds support for custom entity texture features from Optifine.
Fabric Skyboxes Adds skybox support.
Falling Leaves Adds atmospheric particles to trees.
FancyMenu Adds a custom main menu.
Fluid Void Fading Makes fluids fade into the void rather than just disappearing.
Fresh Animations Adds plenty of improved animations for entities.
Head in the Clouds Stops weather above cloud level.
Iris Adds support for shader packs.
Lamb Dynamic Lights Adds dynamic lighting for dropped or held light sources.
Make Bubbles Pop Adds a popping animation to bubbles.
Not Enough Animations Adds third-person animations.
Raised Clouds Adds configuration to cloud height.
Seamless Loading Screen Makes world loading more immersive.
SleepWarp Accelerates time when sleeping instead of skipping to day.
Smooth Swapping Adds animations to items in the inventory.
Visuality Adds atmospheric particles to mobs, rain, armor, and ores.
Concurrent Chunk Management Engine World generation and loading optimizations.
Cull Less Leaves Leaf block rendering optimizations.
Entity Culling Rendering optimizations.
Indium Adds rendering optimizations to Sodium.
Lithium Game logic optimizations.
Memory Leak Fix Game logic optimizations.
Sodium Rendering optimizations.
Starlight Lighting optimizations.
Balm Waystones dependency.
Bookshelf Tips dependency.
Collective Village Spawn Point dependency.
CreativeCore Ambient Sounds dependency.
Fabric Skyboxes Interop Fabric Skyboxes dependency.
Geckolib Naturalist dependency.
Ingredient Extension API CraftTweaker dependency.
Koncrete Fancy Menu dependency.
Melody Fancy Menu dependency.
Moonlight Lib Immersive Weathering dependency.
Patchouli Fancy Menu dependency.
Puzzles Lib Diagonal Fences dependency.
Trinkets Gliders dependency.
Yet Another Config Lib Cull Less Leaves dependency.

It's recommended to also grab Stay True for a massive (but faithful!) enhancement to the vanilla visuals.

Shattered savanna in the sky.

External Links

🎼 Elephants, composer of the original music disc yaw

💽 Unofficial Aeroscapes OST

🎮 My other projects

My Ko-fi

Project members




Licensed CC-BY-SA-4.0
Published 6 months ago
Updated 5 months ago