Alpha Herobrine
With the combination of From The Fog, Modern Beta, Golden Days and so much more. You can now experience the legendary Herobrine in a Minecraft modpack that looks just like the Alpha version of Minecraft.
✅ Changed almost all the menu and make it just like the Alpha version.
✅ Changed the windows tittle and icon to make it looks like the old days of Minecraft.
✅ Mimic all of Alpha's texture, sounds and text into the modern version (Thanks to Golden Days).
✅ The reborn of the farlands (Presented by Farlands Reborn)
✅ Replace the original world generation with the Alpha old world generation (Credit to Modern Beta).
✅ Removed the hunger bar system and sprint (Modified using Nostalgic Tweaks).
✅ Removed the FOV slider bar.
✅ Added Essential support (so you can play multiplayer with your friends without a server).
✅ Added the old bow mechanic (Modified using Nostalgic Tweaks agian).
✅ Added the legendary Herobrine (with the help of From The Fog).
✅ Have performace in mind. (Sodium, Lithium,... all included in this modpack).
✅ And a bunch more features that is waiting for you to discover!
Q: Hello? Herobrine is not appearing in my world?
A: "It will take 3 in-game days after installing the datapack to have the major events to start happening by default. You can change how long it takes for Herobrine to start these events in the config aswell. However, you can find the odd structures from the second you load the world. If it's been 3 days and you still haven't noticed anything, then verify that you have the resourcepack installed. If you do then you most likely either have the pack downloaded incorrectly, or you haven't noticed him."
Q: I can't open or close my inventory? Why is this?
A: The default keybind for opening/closing inventory in Alpha version is "i" but if you are unfamilier with the change you can reset it back to the original one by going to Options -> Controls -> Key Binds and find "Opening/Closing Inventory".
Q: I want to invite my friends via Essential but I don't see any button to do it???
A: There are 2 ways you can do it.
- You can use the build-in Essential command "/invitefriends"
- Make sure your friends is online then, go to Options -> ✉ Social -> Invite to game.