- Bedrodium
- BetterPingDisplay
- Krypton
- cat_jam
- armor trim item fix
- Removed Calc mod for Nether Coords (F10 keybind)
- Disabled Litematica by default, you have to manually enable it in the modlist.
- Updated more mods to 1.21.4 :)
Most mods are updated to 1.21.4 but NOT ALL OF THEM YET! Performance will be slightly worse for now.
- Added AuthMe
- Added Particular
- Added Remove Reloading Screen
- Added daycounter
- Updated Fabric version to 0.16.5
Updated mods to most recent compatible versions
- Removed Better Beds due to texture issue
- Removed Vanilla Notebook
- Added "Client sort" mod
- Fixed issue with Sodium Extra version
- Removed Better Beds due to texture issue
- Removed Vanilla Notebook
Nothing yet