


A vanilla QOL modpack in the likes of Additive, but not related to it.

Client LightweightMultiplayerOptimization

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a vanilla qol modpack that doesn't shy from trying new things and keeps things simple, but doesn't block power users from thinkering with stuff to suit their specific needs.


  • accessibility

support for controllers is built-in
visual alternatives to keybinds, not everyone likes memorizing keybinds
multiple layers (with amecs) for those that do like memorizing keybinds

  • transparency

features should feel as close to the vanilla feel as possible while still being compatible with highly modded scenarios.

  • sensible (and overridable) defaults

the modpack should "just work", no fussing with conflicting keybindings.

  • expandability

want to add your own mods on top of this? go ahead.

  • performant

the modding community has made all sorts of optimizations to the base game, we should leverage all of that.
the modpack is also tested with -Xmx1024m so if you have a gigabyte of ram to spare you can run it just fine.

  • better with friends

a plethora of social features that enhance gameplay and simplify connecting with friends.

  • open and trusted

prefer open source mods whenever possible.

  • technical

Minihud, Litematica and Tweakeroo are added so you don't need to manually gather them later.

  • do you think there is a really cool mod missing or a better alternative to something we use?

please submit that as a ➕ mod suggestion in our issue tracker!


all keybinds are the mod's default ones with only the layer keys added to solve conflicts and separate mods

the default keybind layers are:

key mod examples
shift JourneyMap shift m - disable minimap
ctrl Simple Voice Mod ctrl m - mute microphone
m Litematica m c - open config
h Minihud h c - open config
x* Tweakeroo* x c - open config

* - tweakeroo only has x c on x, and doesn't actually bind anything to x, but it was added here for completion since it works in a similar manner to other masa mods.


the layers approach solves key conflicts in a way that don't require changing much of your muscle memory since all the keys you know are still the same and you only have to remember that "KEY is MOD".

this idea came by the 3-way conflict of the m key on my previous modpacks, since it was used as:

  • the base key of Litematica
  • mute microphone of Simple Voice Mod
  • hide minimap of JourneyMap

another example is the h key.

  • base key of minihud
  • hide icons of Simple Voice Mod

desyncing was common and incredibly confusing when both of those conflicts happened at the same time.

players would spend hours talking to themselves since the mic was muted (they just opened litematica to check something and the minimap was gone) and there would be no indication to them since the hud was hidden (when they previously had thought only minihud was disabled).

due to the way malilib works you can't rebind the base key of any mod that uses it without opening that mod specific config screen (and finding openGuiMainMenu, and changing every single hotkey to start with that new key) so players would mistakenly change one of the keybinds and think it would solve the conflict, just to get greeted with minihud again when they wanted to mute their mics.

why did you deprecate the "soberana" modpacks?

  1. i was maintaining two separate modpacks that shared 99.97% of their mods, but were based on completely different modpacks entirely, that was a complete pain to maintain since both of them were in the same repo, on different branches with widely diverging histories.

  2. i wanted to make my own mod selection and not depend on any upstream and update stuff as i go.

  3. i'm not related to the group with said name anymore.

  4. this is a personal modpack for me that i'll maintain for as long as i play vanilla survivle minecraft, and its also licenced as CC0 so if this gets any traction someone can keep it going and i'll gladly pass the torch if i get burnt out.

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Licensed CC0-1.0
Published 2 years ago
Updated a year ago