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Updated Aether and Accesories.

  • Updated Aether, Amendments, Better Stats, Fabric API, Litematica, Liteminer, MaLiLib, Sword Blocking Mechanics
  • Added Accessories TC Layer, Accessories, BSL, Elytra Trinket, JEI
  • Updated Balm, ClickThrough+, ModernFix, Not Enough Animations, Pyrite
  • Changed Enchancement configs.
  • Fixed broken config files
  • Removed Adorn, Wildfire's Female Gender
  • Added Handcrafted
  • Updated Infinite Dimensions to 2.3.8, featuring some bugfixes and new config options.
  • Updated Jade, Litematica, MaLiLib, Puzzles Lib, Pyrite, Tom's Storage, Xaero's Minimap
  • Updated Infinite Dimensions to 2.3.7, featuring EMI integration, iridescent kelp, modded trees in config generation, and many major fixes for crashes and unintended behaviour in previous versions.
  • Added Aether, Blahaj, Fabric Seasons, Ledger, Trowel,
  • Updated Better Stats, Continuity, Dynampic FPS, Entity Culling, Female Gender, Forge Config API Port, ImmediatelyFast, Infinite Dimensions, Jade, JamLib, Litematica, Lithium, MaliLib, ModernFix, Moonlight, Not Enough Animations, Pyrite, RightClickHarvest, Sodium, Xaero's World Map, YACL

Infinite Dimensions now includes the dimensions from the Ultimate Content Mod. These dimensions may change in an upcoming update, so if you travel to one of the following dimensions, be prepared to have to delete config files: "ant", "bash", "checkerboard", "custom", "isolation", "missing", "perfection", "terminal". You may need to clear out your world's datapacks when updating to this version.

  • Updated Infinite Dimensions to 2.3.3, featuring the new Iridescence fluid in the chaos dimension, alongside refactors and bugfixes to config auto-generation, missing block models, and invocation failures.
    • Blocks and items, and dimensions formerly added by the Ultimate Content Mod are now present in Infinite Dimensions.
    • Experimental! The "perfection" easter egg dimension has been added, and the dimensions from UCM are now part of Infinite Dimensions.
  • Removed Diggus Maximus and added Liteminer and Amber.
  • Removed the Ultimate Content Mod and added a datapack containing some of its changes.
  • Added Paxi and Yung's API.
  • Updated BetterF3, Clientsort, EMI, Fabric API, Fabric Loader, Forge Config API Port, ImmediatelyFast, Iris, Jade, Lithium, MidnightControls, ModernFix, Moonlight, No Chat Reports, Not Enough Animations, RightClickHarvest, Sodium, BSL Shaders.

At this time, the modpack is unable to update to Infinite Dimensions 2.0.3, as it lays the groundwork for the upcoming 2.1 update. Until 2.1 is ready, travel to the random_forest biome is not recommended.

  • Updated Appleskin, Better Stats, Dynamic FPS, EMI, Entity Culling, Fast Minecart, ImmediatelyFast, Moonlight, ShulkerBoxTooltip, Xaero's Minimap
  • Removed FastAnim to fix a crash when rendering Pillagers.
  • Fixed FancyMenu prompt.

Infinity Plus 2.0 is a major update. Updating from 1.0 may require clearing out your datapack files. See the wiki for more information.

  • Updated Infinite Dimensions from 2.0.0 to 2.0.2, including fixes for issues with travelling to the credits dimension, superfast sky persisting when returning to the Overworld, and a new Easter Egg Dimension, the Nexus.
  • Updated Ferrite Core, Moonlight, No Chat Reports, RightClickHarvest, Sodium

Infinity Plus 2.0 is a major update. Updating to this version may require clearing out your datapack files. See the wiki for more information.

  • Updated Infinite Dimensions from 1.13 to 2.0.0. This is a major update, introducing the new Transfinite Key, which can be obtained from throwing Amethyst into an Infinity Portal. This key can be used on Nether Portals to change their type to the portal the key was attuned from. This update also features fixes for quite a few long-standing bugs with the 1.21 transition, including an error where shaders would fail to load on first launch.
    • Note: 1.14 was skipped due to issues with mod loading and return portals that were fixed in 2.0, making this the first version to feature the new Architectury based version of the mod that I developed, making it possible to run Infinite Dimensions on Neoforge. It is possible that future updates may also be available for NeoForge.
  • Updated Adorn to stable version.
  • Updated Amendments, Architectury API, Balm, CIT Resewn, Crater Lib, Comforts, Dynamic FPS, Fabric API, Fabric Language Kotlin, Fabric Waystones, FancyMenu, Fast Minecart, FerriteCore, ImmediatelyFast, Jade, JamLib, Lithium, MidnightControls, Mod Menu, Moonlight Lib, Tom's Simple Storage, YACL
  • Updated Amendments, Briding Mod, Drippy Loading Screen, Forge Config API Port, Jade, Moonlight, Owo Lib, Puzzles Lib, Xaero's Minimap
  • Added YACL, Item Descriptions
  • Removed C2ME


Updating to 1.21 is a major update. For your world to work, you'll need to delete all folders inside your world's datapacks folder, and unlock your portals again with a right click. This should maintain all blocks in the world, but some data including biome information will break in the update. Here be dragons!


  • Updated Infinite Dimensions to 1.12.1
  • Updated all mods to 1.21 versions
  • Updated Adorn and Diggus Maximus to custom versions. Please do not report any issues with Adorn or Diggus Maximus to their developer, as these are not unofficial releases!
  • Removed Beans Backpacks, Clickthrough, Fabrication, Indium, Inventory Sorting, Lamdynamic Lights, Mouse Wheelie, Paxi, Starlight, Yung's API
  • Added Ryoamic Lights, ObsidianUI, Clickthrough+, ClientSort
  • Updated Infinite Dimensions to 1.11.1
  • Updated Better Stats, Fabric Langugage Kotlin, ImmediatelyFast, TCDCommons
  • Updated Infinite Dimensions to 1.11.0
  • Updated Sodium, Bridging Mod, Dynamic FPS, Comforts, EMI, Tom's Simple Storage, ModernFix, Simple Discord RPC, Iris, Jade, Indium, CraterLib, Beans Backpacks, Better Stats Screen, Moonlight Lib, Complementary Shaders, Puzzles Lib
  • Added TCD Commons
  • Remove Carpet to fix a crash logging into servers.
  • Update to Infinite Dimensions 1.10.7 including bugfixes to Chaos Mob spawning and various crashes, and now featuring automatic portal opening and EMI integration.
  • Updated Pyrite, Indium, Moonlight Lib, Iris, Fabric API, Dynmap, Not Enough Animations, Beans Backpacks, Fabric Language Kotlin, Bridging Mod, Entity Culling, Tom's Simple Storage Mod, ModernFix, Amendments, BSL Shaders, Craterlib, Xaero's Minimap, PuzzlesLib, ImmediatelyFast, EMI, Xaero's World Map, Sodium, Simple Discord RPC, Balm, FancyMenu, Moonlight
  • Removed Nvidium due to issues with Sodium 5.8+
  • Adjustments to block weight.
  • Custom menu icon.
  • Brick Pyramid from classic now generates with Pyrite's Nostalgia Bricks.

This is a minor update, and should remain compatible with 1.10 and 1.10.1 servers.

  • Add Discord Rich Presence support
  • Add default compatibility packs for Infinity Plus content mods. Additionally, these compatibility packs lower the chance of modded blocks spawning. Determining block weight is still a work in progress, and will likely shift in later updates.
  • Fix issues with auto-installer failing to parse special characters on Steam Deck
  • Removed Tick Stasis to fix server freezing while players are online.
  • Update Xaero's Minimap, Worldmap, Amendments, Fabric API, Moonlight Lib, Better Statistics Screen,, ModernFix, Tick Stasis, Beans Backpack, Ultimate Dimension Pack, ServerCore, Jade, FancyMenu, ImmediatelyFast
  • Added Pyrite, Mouse Wheelie
  • Added Slimy, Isolation, Custom, Bash Easter Egg Dimensions

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Licensed LGPL-3.0-only
Published a year ago
Updated 2 months ago