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Innovation Timespace 5
Innovation Timespace 5 is an iteration on the tech-based kitchen-sink formula for an unstable pile of mods that's hopefully still fun to play with.
This modpack is still in its early stages. Expect bugs, sometimes crashing, and sometimes needing to generate new terrain when new world-gen is added.
This pack will be updated when I have the time, which may not be too often, but it should happen from time to time.
This modpack uses Xaero's Minimap & Xaero's World Map. If you would prefer to use a different minimap mod, here are links to their project pages:
Known Issues
YIGD Graves show up as Gray Dust from Chromatic Currents but are still usable by SHIFT-RIGHT-CLICK. #1[Seems to be fixed now.]Wired Redstone doesn't have any recipes. #2[Fixed in v0.1.7]- When updating from
, ATLauncher doesn't remove the old version of Create, resulting in two create mods being installed, which doesn't work. This can be fixed by opening the instance's folder (from theOpen Folder
button) and deleting themods
folder. Then you click the arrow next toEdit Instance
and clickReinstall
. Don't worry, ATLauncher caches the mods for you so you don't need to worry about re-downloading everything. - When updating to
, ATLauncher won't remove the old Architectury API jar correctly either. This can be fixed the same way as with Create. - When updating to
, ATLauncher won't remove the old Botania jar correctly. This can be fixed the same way as with Create and Architectury API. - When updating to
, ATLauncher might not remove the old GeckoLib and REI jars correctly.
Contained Mods
In this pack are:
144 Mods:
- Paradise Lost by 24Chrome, CDAGaming, Jack-Papel, Azazelthedemonlord, and kalucky0
- 'Dustrial Decor Fabric by Slomaxonical-907
- Additional Bars by Gamma1772
- Adorn by Juuz
- Advanced Reborn by Pitan
- AE2 Things by ProjectET
- Alloy Forgery by LordDeatHunter, glisco, Blodhgarm, chyzman, and Noaaan
- Animal Feeding Trough by Slexom
- AppleSkin by squeek502
- Applied Energistics 2 by Technici4n and shartte
- Applied Energistics 2 Wireless Terminals by Mari023
- Architecture Extensions by Cart3r1234, Ampflower, woodiertexas, Maximum, and falkreon
- Architectury API by shedaniel, MaxNeedsSnacks, and Juuz
- Artisanat by Hugman
- Auth Me by axieum
- bad packets by deirn
- BetterF3 by TreyRuffy and cominixo
- Bits And Chisels by CoolMineman
- Blossom by yurisuika
- Blur (Fabric) by Motschen
- Bobby by Johni0702
- Botania by williewillus, Alwinfy, Vazkii, and artemisSystem
- Campanion by NeusFear, Wyn-Price, Prospector, and Terraformers
- Can You Trash It? by reinderpjs
- Cats Expanded by Xipit
- CC: Restitched by Merith-TK and Patbox
- Charmonium by svenhjol
- Chromatic Currents by Fusion-Flux
- Chunky Pregenerator by pop4959
- Cloth Config API by shedaniel
- Concurrent Chunk Management Engine (Fabric) by ishland and duplexsystem
- Conjuring by glisco and Noaaan
- Connectible Chains [Fabric] by qendolin and legoatoom
- Consistency+ by Siuolplex, triphora, Andrew6rant, tropheusj, Deviouslrd, IMS, and Cart3r1234
- Conveyor Belts by BillBodkin
- Core by Reoseah
- Create Fabric by alphamode, peppercode1, and tropheusj
- CreatePlus by Yjn024
- Culinaire by Hugman
- Dark Enchanting by frqnny
- DashLoader by alphaqu
- Dawn API by Hugman
- Decorative by Motschen
- Dense Ores: Refabricated by luligabi1
- Durability Viewer by Giselbaer
- Dynamic FPS by juliand665 and LostLuma
- Ears (+ Snouts/Muzzles, Tails, Horns, Wings, and More) by unascribed
- EditSign by Rakambda
- Ellemes' Container Library by Ellemes
- Enhanced Block Entities by FoundationGames
- Essential Commands by John-Paul-R
- Expanded Storage by Ellemes
- Experience Bottler by eideehi
- Extended bookshelves by lumagrade
- Extended Drawers by MattiDragon
- Extra Alchemy by zabi94
- Extra Generators by D4rkness_King
- Fabric Language Kotlin by modmuss50 and sfPlayer1
- Fabric Waystones by LordDeatHunter
- Fabrishot by ramidzkh
- Falling Leaves by Fourmisain, BrekiTomasson, and randommcsomethin
- FallingTree by Rakambda
- Farmer's Delight by Zifiv, vectorwing, StevenPlayzz, dopadream, and orlouge
- Feature NBT Deadlock Be Gone by TelepathicGrunt
- FerriteCore by malte0811
- Flonters by Yoghurt4C
- Gear Reborn by loleq21
- Geckolib by DerToaster98, mchorse, KyoSleep, Gecko, and Tslat
- Get Off My Lawn ReServed by Patbox
- Guard Villagers Fabric by MrSterner
- Harvest Scythes by LordDeatHunter
- Incorporeal 3 by quat and artemisSystem
- Indium by comp500
- Industrial Quarry Mod by TEDinc and DissiNL
- Industrial Revolution by Gabriel Henrique de Oliveira
- Inventory Profiles Next by blackd
- Iris Shaders by coderbot and IMS
- Isometric Renders by glisco
- kennytvs-epic-force-close-loading-screen-mod-for-fabric by kennytv
- Krypton by astei
- Ksyxis by VidTu
- LambdaBetterGrass by LambdAurora
- LambDynamicLights by LambdAurora
- Lanterns Belong on Walls by ThePoultryMan
- LazyDFU by astei
- Lithium by 2No2Name and jellysquid3
- Lovely Snails by LambdAurora and Arathain
- Magitek Mechs by DigiDigi
- MaLiLib by masa
- Minecraft Transit Railway by jonafanho
- Mo' Structures by frqnny
- Mod Menu by Prospector, modmuss50, NeusFear, jackassmc, and Terraformers
- Modern Dynamics by Technici4n
- Modern Industrialization by Technici4n and Azercoco
- Mouse Tweaks by YaLTeR
- Nikolite Expansion by luligabi1
- Not Enough Crashes by natanfudge
- Ok Zoomer by Ennui
- Origins by eggohito and Apace
- o��o (owo-lib) by glisco and BasiqueEvangelist
- Packages by BluKat and quat
- Patchouli by williewillus and Vazkii
- Phonos by FoundationGames
- Polymer by Patbox
- Portal Cubed by Fusion-Flux, Cart3r1234, and asoji
- Promenade by Hugman
- Purpeille by acikek, Jeb_Kerm, and VirtuaLilith
- qCraft Reimagined by acikek, triphora, and VirtuaLilith
- QuickCarpet by skyrising
- Quilt Loading Screen by triphora
- Quilt Standard Libraries by LambdAurora, Quilt-Holdings, OroArmor, and Ennui
- Redstone Bits by Shnupbups
- Reese's Sodium Options by FlashyReese
- Repurposed Structures - Fabric by TelepathicGrunt
- Right-Click-Harvest by koelle25
- Roughly Enough Items (REI) by shedaniel
- Sandwichable by FoundationGames
- Seamless Loading Screen by Blodhgarm, Minenash, and mineblock11
- Secret Rooms by Spaceman
- Shelve Refabricated by Flamarine
- Simple Pipes by Kneelawk and AlexIIL
- Simple Voice Chat by henkelmax, BreadLoaf, and Stridey
- slotlink by deirn
- Sodium by jellysquid3 and IMS
- Sodium Extra by FlashyReese
- Space Factory by Reoseah
- st'ructure tools by ProjectET and ramidzkh
- Starlight (Fabric) by spottedleaf
- TaterCart by js6pak and Patbox
- Tech Reborn by Team Reborn, modmuss50, and drcrazy
- Terra by Astrashh, dfsek, sancires, and duplexsystem
- Tom's Simple Storage Mod by tom5454
- Traverse by NeusFear, gniftygnome, Prospector, and Terraformers
- Universal Ores by Hugman
- Useless Things by NucleusBeast
- ValleyCraft by GoblinGrowl, andeditor7, saltyseadoggo, and oliviathevampire
- Vanilla Hammers by Draylar
- Windchimes by hibi
- Winged Mod by AdrianTodt
- Wired Redstone by Kneelawk
- WTHIT by deirn
- Xaero's Minimap by Xaero96
- Xaero's World Map by Xaero96
- You're in Grave Danger by b1n-ry
Licensed LGPL-3.0-only
Published 3 years ago
Updated 3 years ago