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Mods Added

  • FancyMenu
  • DrippyLoadingScreen
  • Your Options Shall Be Respected (YOSBR)
  • Melody (Lib)
  • Konkrete (Lib)

Mods Removed

  • Resource Pack Overrides
  • Remove Reloading Screen

Changelog Summary and Other Changes

  • The resource packs and shaders should finally be applied by default, as intended
  • Added an animated intro when you enter the game, based on the Minecraft official videos outro (as a result, the Minecraft title no longer bounces, but has an even cooler animation instead)
  • Changed the main menu background to an animation, based on the Minecraft official videos outro
  • The loading screen is now animated

Mods Added

  • Immersive UI
  • Chunks Fade In
  • e4mc
  • TCD Commons

Mods Updated

  • A Good Place 1.2.3
  • Better Statistics Screen 3.12.4
  • Bounced! 4.1.3
  • Camera Overhaul 1.4.1
  • Cave Dust 3.0.0
  • Chat Heads 0.12.9
  • Concurrent Chunk Management Engine 0.2.0 alpha 11.10
  • Cubes Without Borders 2.1.1
  • Dynamic FPS 3.6.3
  • Entity Model Features 2.1.3
  • EntityCulling 1.6.6
  • FirstPerson 2.4.4
  • Flow 2.0.1
  • ImmeadiatlyFast 1.2.18
  • Iris 1.7.2
  • Make Bubbles Pop 0.3.0
  • Mineblock's Repeated Utilities (Lib) 0.4.4
  • ModernFix 5.19.0
  • NotEnoughAnimations 1.7.4
  • Quilted Fabric API 7.6.0
  • Remove Reloading Screen
  • Smooth Skies 2.0.0
  • Snow Under Trees 2.4.0
  • Sodium 0.5.11
  • Sound Physics Remastered 1.4.5
  • Sounds 1.1.3
  • View Bobbing Options 0.2.1
  • YetAnotherConfigLib (Lib) 3.5.0

Resource Packs added

  • A Good Place Inside the Trailer (currently not available publicly, as it was made by me exclusively for Inside the Trailer)
  • No Z-Fighting

Resource Packs updated

  • Fresh Animations 1.9.2
  • Bare Bones X Fresh Animations 1.9.2
  • Translations for Sodium 3.25.0

Changelog Summary and Other Changes

  • Animations for block placement inspired by the trailers
  • Animations for items
  • Animated chunk generation is back
  • LAN servers can be opened to anyone you want
  • Z-fighting fixes
  • Dynamic HUD is disabled by default again
  • Complementary Shaders updated to 5.2.2
  • Quilt Loader updated to 0.26.3
  • New icon

Mods Added

  • A Good Place
  • Concurrent Chunk Management Engine
  • No Hurt Flash
  • Noisium
  • Perspective Enhancements
  • Resource Pack Overrides
  • Vectorientation

Mods Updated

  • Auto HUD
  • Chat Heads
  • Entity Culling
  • First Person Model
  • ImmediatlyFast
  • Language Reload
  • Presence Footsteps
  • Sounds Physics Remastered
  • Sounds
  • YetAnotherConfigLib

Resource Packs added

  • Bare Bones 3D Ladders (not available publicly, as it was made by me exclusively for Inside the Trailer)

Resource Packs updated

  • Translations for Sodium

Changelog Summary

  • Animations for block placement
  • Mobs no longer flash red when hitted (as in the trailers that red flash doesn't exist)
  • Falling blocks are rotated to the direction they're falling towards

Mods added

  • Effective
  • Wakes
  • First-Person Model
  • No Leg Indent
  • CameraOverhaul
  • Charmonium
  • Death Knell
  • Bobby
  • Inspecio
  • Chat Heads
  • Chat Animation
  • View Bobbing Options
  • Better Statistics Screen
  • Seamless Loading Screen
  • Fluid Void Fading
  • MidnightControls
  • Amecs
  • FastQuit
  • Better Ping Display
  • Server Pinger Fixer

Mods updated

  • Too many, I can't remember...

Resource packs added

  • Bare Bones Bossbars

Mods removed

  • Panda's Extra Details (temporarily; it was causing crashes)
  • Chunks Fade In (temporarily; it wasn't working)
  • Highlight (temporarily; it wasn't working)
  • Controlify (replaced by MidnightControls)
  • AmbientSounds (maybe I'll put it back in the next version)
  • Concurrent Chunk Management (I'm trying to understand whether it's really necessary to have it or not)
  • Fabric API (moved to Quilt)
  • Fabric Language Kotlin (moved to Quilt)
  • I may have removed some more that I can't remember... sorry, I've been very busy so I couldn't keep track

Other changes

  • Minor shaders config changes
  • Auto HUD is now enabled by default (can be toggled)
  • New icon
  • Moved from Fabric to Quilt 0.25.0

Changelog Summary

  • New water effects (splashes, droplets, ripples, waterfall clouds and mist, ...)
  • Chests open underwater emit bubbles
  • Glow squids hypnotize (attract the cursor)
  • Screen shakes effects (for Warden roars and sonic booms, Ravager roars and Ender Dragon roars)
  • Fireflies effects
  • First person camera more realistic (can be toggled)
  • You can see your body on first-person view (can be toggled)
  • Auto HUD is now enabled by default (can be toggled)
  • Bossbars with better textures
  • New ambient biome sound effects and environmental sound effects
  • Chat with player heads and animations
  • Fluids fade in the void
  • More death messages
  • Now on Quilt

Minor update focused on optimization

Mods added:

  • Enhanced Block Entities

Resource packs added:

  • Translations for Sodium

Updated mods:

  • AmbientSouds
  • Auto HUD
  • Fabric API
  • Fabric Language Kotlin
  • Immediatly Fast
  • Iris
  • ModernFix
  • Sound Physics Remastered

Removed mods:

  • Better Beds
  • Starlight
  • LazyDFU
  • FastAnim
  • Jump Sounds
  • OptiGUI

Fabric Loader

  • Updated to 0.15.0

Project members




Licensed ARR
Published 10 months ago
Updated a month ago