Quality & Hell UPDATE
again too lazy
Yes later, big fix
BIG UPDATE, i'll update later too lazy
Small Patch, Includes Raknetify and inclusion of some resource packs and tweaks.
Some much needed polish and some qol mods are added in this patch.
- Waypoints sync to others in a server now.
- Xaero's Zoomout cap even less. (zooms out further)
- New Enchantment system and enchantment descriptions to go along with it.
- Better combat integration with mobs.
- Guard villagers.
- Crabs and lobsters can spawn.
- New Food items using vanilla stuff.
- Chest variants with wood compat too, have fun with the extra customizability.
- Rotten flesh to leather now there.
- New sounds.
- Better Player list display.
- Now can Track how much you play.
- Basic tips functionality.
- World time played display.
- Dense flowers.
- Create light sources finally glow to the environment.
- Minecarts are twice faster.
- Create Dynamic lights.
- Bits and Chisels added (includes stacc api).
- Fixed messy player list.
- ghost logout
- better gravestone mod
Added Stuff
- Radio
- Gravestone
- Deco beacons
- Emojis
- Showoff stuff in chat with smoothness
- Villager names
- Shield Overhaul
- Trim effects, both material and trim.
- Fixed Crash by reverting self talk bubbles
- Added networking ping
- Added ability to ping locations and entities
No VS making it lighter for servers. It is more server oriented.
The Server for the fabric
Fabricated Version with more streamlined mods.
Only Server mods