
Allows for full participation on the NotHermitCraft server. Gives extra functionality during events.

Client Multiplayer

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NotHermitCraft Survival Multiplayer

This modpack is not required to play but allows for full participation.
Carefully crafted and configured for a vanilla friendly experience.

Modrinth Fabric CurseForge
Discord PayPal Planet Minecraft


Supported server-side:

  • Armor Poser - Allows you to shift-click on an armor stand to configure it's pose.
  • Cape Command - Adds a /cape command to Minecraft, which allows you to use any cape you want.
  • MiniHUD - A "mini F3" HUD, supported via Servux. Toggleable press F6 and customizable. press F8
  • Shulker+ - Label Shulker boxes with an item dynamically rendered as an item frame on top.
  • Simple Voice Chat - A working (proximity) voice chat in Minecraft! With addon support. press V
  • Status - Set a status. "Player does not want you to sleep" etc. press U
  • Syncmatica - easily share schematics and their placements with other players. (supported server-side)

Additional Files: NHC Lite - Contains no config, extra mods or resources packs. Only includes mods that are supported by the server.

Useful for SMP / events:

  • Better Statistics Screen - Better statistics screen.
  • Bobby - Allows for render distances greater than the server's view-distance.
  • Freecam (Modrinth Edition) - Take screenshots or position Litematica schematics. press F4
  • Litematica - Easily bring your creations to the server. press F12 (default "tool" is minecraft:echo_shard)
  • More Chat History - Increases the maximum length of chat history.
  • PictureSign - Use signs to display pictures and videos from the web. off by default use mod menu
  • Remove Reloading Screen - Makes resource packs load in the background.
  • Yet Another Bingo - A Bingo/Lockout mod used during events. Has extra utility when on the client.
  • Zoomglass - Use a spyglass quickly, with a press of a button! A vanilla friendly zoom alternative. press Z


Tooltip / HUD:

  • AppleSkin - Food/hunger-related tooltips.
  • Better Mount HUD - Shows your hunger while riding a mount.
  • Durability Tooltip - Durability tooltip without F3+H.
  • FuelInfo - Extended info for your fuel! Simply hover above progress arrows, flame icons and fuel gauges.
  • Map Tooltip - View maps from your inventory.
  • Raised - Raises the hotbar so the selector is not cut off!
  • Scoreboard Overhaul - An improved, cuter, and non-invasive scoreboard sidebar UI redesign for events.
  • Shulker Box Tooltip - View the contents of shulker boxes from your inventory.
  • Status Effect Bars - An overlay to show the remaining duration of effects.

Animations / Particles:


  • Entity Culling - Using async path-tracing to hide Block-/Entities that are not visible.
  • FerriteCore - Memory usage optimizations.
  • ImmediatelyFast - Speed up immediate mode rendering in Minecraft.
  • lazy-language-loader - Improves loading times when changing your language.
  • Lithium - No-compromises game logic/server optimization mod.
  • ModernFix - All-in-one mod that improves performance, reduces memory usage, and fixes many bugs.
  • Sodium - The fastest and most compatible rendering optimization mod for Minecraft.

Library / API

*OptiFine format

Modpack specific


See the Modrinth gallery instead.


Resource Packs:

NHC Resources - All of the NHC resource packs squashed together.
  • Minecraft (1.21.5) - Adds the new banner patterns, redstone torches and spawn eggs.
  • Panorama - Title screen panorama with screenshots from NHC.
  • Server Resources - Saves you downloading the pack every time you join.
  • Tweaks - Colourful ping, unique dyes, sticky piston sides, clean world border and enchanted book tweaks.
  • Waxed - Subtle indication when copper items in a GUI are waxed.


Shader Packs:

  • Complementary Shaders - Reimagined - Preserving the elements of Minecraft with exceptional quality, detail, and performance. (Iris) press F9 to toggle. off by default
  • Mellow - A painterly aesthetic. It's easy on your eyes and on your computer! (Iris) press F10 for settings. off by default




  • PackSquash is a Minecraft: Java Edition resource and data pack optimizer which aims to achieve the best possible compression, performance, and protection, improving pack distribution, storage, and in-game load times.
  • packwiz is a command line tool for creating Minecraft modpacks. Instead of managing JAR files directly, packwiz creates TOML metadata files which can be easily version-controlled and shared with git (see an example pack here)
  • Parse Minecraft Log. Paste in the log file. Parse Log.
Minecraft ? Status
1.21 contains critical exploits
1.21.1 supported
1.21.2 contains small salmon
1.21.3 soon...
1.21.4 soon...


You can create and play Modrinth modpacks using the Modrinth App.

To play a Modrinth modpack using the app, click the Browse button on the left side of the launcher.
Click the search bar and search NHC. Then, click Install and wait for the modpack to be installed.
To play, click Jump back in at the top or Library button on the left side of the launcher.

If you downloaded a .mrpack file, you can import the modpack instead.

To import a Modrinth modpack using the app, click the "Create profile" button on the left side of the launcher.
Click From File then, click Import from file and locate the file. Then, click Open.
Wait for the modpack to be installed. To play, click Jump back in or Library button on the left side of the launcher.
Finally, hover your cursor over the modpack and click the green Play button.

Other Settings

Click on the NHC instance in the Modrinth app, found in Jump back in or Library.
Click Options and scroll down...

In the Java section, find Java arguments and click the Enter java arguments bar.
Enter these java arguments into the field: -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:G1NewSizePercent=20 -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=32M
Then, find Java memory and allocate 4096 mb

Finally, in the Modpack section, find Unlock instance and click Unlock then Unlock again. (may cause conflicts)
After unlocking, you can click Content on the left of the launcher, then click Add content to make additions.
The pack will remain linked, and you can still change versions. Only mods listed in the modpack will be modified on version changes.

What do the Java arguments do?

Enables experimental JVM features for possible performance gains.

Activates the G1 Garbage Collector to reduce lag spikes from garbage collection.

Allocates 20% of heap to new objects, optimizing memory for Minecraft's frequent object creation.

Reserves 20% of heap as a buffer, ensuring stable performance under high memory demands.

Targets a 50ms max garbage collection pause, reducing lag during gameplay.

Sets G1 heap regions to 32 MB, improving memory management for large Minecraft heaps.

Prism or MultiMC

You need Java 21 to play the game.

Alternatively, you could use Prism Launcher or MultiMC.

To play a modpack using Prism or MultiMC, click the Add Instance button in the top left of the launcher.
Click the Modrinth tab on left. Click the search bar and search NHC.
Then, click OK and wait for the modpack to be installed. To play, double click the modpack icon.

Or import the .mrpack file / CurseForge .zip file

To import, simply drag the file onto the Launcher and click OK.
Or click the Add Instance button at the top of the launcher. Click the Import tab on left and locate the file.
Then, click OK and wait for the modpack to be installed. To play, double click the modpack icon.

Other Settings

Right click on the NHC instance in the app, and click Edit. Then, click Settings on the left hand side.

In the Java section, find and check Memory and allocate 4096 MiB
Lastly find and check Java arguments and enter these java arguments into the field: -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:G1NewSizePercent=20 -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=32M

In the Miscellaneous section, find and check Set a server to join on launch.
Enter the NotHermitCraft IP into the field

What do the Java arguments do?

Enables experimental JVM features for possible performance gains.

Activates the G1 Garbage Collector to reduce lag spikes from garbage collection.

Allocates 20% of heap to new objects, optimizing memory for Minecraft's frequent object creation.

Reserves 20% of heap as a buffer, ensuring stable performance under high memory demands.

Targets a 50ms max garbage collection pause, reducing lag during gameplay.

Sets G1 heap regions to 32 MB, improving memory management for large Minecraft heaps.

How to Download Prism Launcher and install Java 21.

Blog: Setting up the Prism launcher: why and how to do it. by ShelLuser.
Wiki: Prism Launcher Wiki. (Official)
Video: How to Use Prism Launcher (Tutorial). by BillyDaBongo.


Default Key Binds

Options... > Controls... > Key Binds...
Identical to vanilla Minecraft with some additional key binds:



  • Open Status GUI - U - Allows you set a status which can be seen in the player list. hold TAB


  • Toggle Freecam - F4 - Come out of your body and fly around. (with limitations)

Voice Chat
press V to set up Simple Voice Chat! (Client Setup)

  • Disable Voice Chat - N
  • Hide Voice Icons - H
  • Mute Microphone - M
  • Push to Talk - Not bound
  • Voice Chat GUI - V
  • Voice Chat Group - G Everything can be configured through the V menu


  • Shader Pack Selection Screen - F10
  • Toggle Shaders - F9 off by default


  • Copy Text from Sign - Not bound by default

Scoreboard Overhaul

  • Show / Expand Scoreboard - Not bound by default

Yet Another Bingo

  • View Bingo Card - Not bound by default

Keys not listed in key binds

  • Toggle MiniHUD - F6
  • Toggle Light Level Overlay - F7
  • Open MiniHUD GUI - F8
  • Open Litematica GUI - F12


Some minor default options have been included for convenience. See them here.
The Video Settings... screen has been expanded. (thanks to Reese's Sodium Options and it's dependencies)
Mods can be easily configured in-game by clicking the Mods button and double clicking the mod. (thanks to Mod Menu)

How to use Shaders?

Video: Section of How To Download & Install Iris Shaders by The Breakdown.

Options... > Video Settings... > Shader Packs... or press F10 in game.
Click the shader pack you want to use then click done.
You can "+Drag and Drop Shader Packs to add" them to the client in the Shaderpack Selection Screen.

Complementary Shaders - Reimagined and Mellow are off by default.
Both come with slightly tweaked settings based on "potato" settings, though it's recommended to play around with Shader Pack Settings... to suit your tastes.

How to use Litematica?

Wiki: See Litematica GitHub Wiki by masa.
Video How to use MiniHud and Litematica by LogicalGeekBoy.
Video: How To Use Litematica | Minecraft 1.21 Tutorial by SaminUP.

The default main menu hotkey is F12 instead of M.
The default toolItem is minecraft:echo_shard instead of minecraft:stick.

NOTE: Litematica may not work while Shader Packs are enabled!

Syncmatica gives access to a few extra buttons. 2 of them are in the main menu and allow you to see the placements that are shared on the server and download them. Another is in your schematic placement overview and allows you to share your own litematics with other players on the server.

What can MiniHUD do?

Good amount of info on the CurseForge page.
Video How to use MiniHud and Litematica by LogicalGeekBoy.

On the SMP server, type /seed to see slime chunks.

The default main menu hotkey is F8 instead of H + C.
The default toggle hotkey is F6 instead of H. Toggle the Light Level Overlay with F7 by default.


  • player coordinates.
  • the direction you're facing.
  • horse speed. (while looking at or riding a horse)
  • horse jump height. (while looking at or riding a horse)

Everything can be configured from the in-game config menu.

Warning about the Sphere shape

The sphere shape is currently slightly broken since the mod update for MC 1.18, where the shape generation was rewritten. The sphere is currently slightly crooked at least on one side. See this GitHub issue.

As a temporary workaround you may be able to use the Adjustable Spawn Sphere shape instead, as it uses different generation code. However that sphere is not perfectly symmetrical horizontally vs. vertically due to how the boundary condition works.


Wiki How to use Picture Sign.
Video (teaser) Watch videos in Minecraft.

This mod allows you to participate with Deepslate Cinemas and gives extra functionality during other events.

Impressive but easily obtrusive. It has been turned off by default to prevent this.
To make use of this mod for special occasions, change the following settings using Mod Menu:
(ESC) > Mods > PictureSign
Enable Pictures > Yes
Enable Multimedia > Yes

NOTE: This mod can devalue map arts. NHC encourages you to make them instead. Using this for special occasions.

How to Download Prism Launcher and install Java 21.

Blog: Setting up the Prism launcher: why and how to do it. by ShelLuser.
Wiki: Prism Launcher Wiki. (Official)
Video: How to Use Prism Launcher (Tutorial). by BillyDaBongo.

Made for the NotHermitCraft server. A client-side Fabric modpack for Minecraft 1.21+
Includes all server-side supported mods. Subtle tweaks and various minor improvements.
Gives extra functionality during events. An easy way for people to join the server(s) with mods.
Can be used to play on most multiplayer servers. Lightweight, optimized, unobtrusive and expandable.

Discord Fabric Client Minecraft-Version Modrinth CurseForge

Project members




Licensed MIT
Published a year ago
Updated 8 days ago