No Content - Just Optimization!
Yet ANOTHER optimization pack. Lightweight, fast and provides features such as:
Great Performance
Our modpack aimed towards any machines that you're on, low-end or high-end... and even mobiles!
With this modpack, you will get a really stable experience inside of your worlds and servers, even on your integrated graphics!
Controller support
Thanks to Controlify, you can use your controller if you want to :)
Support of Optifine features
On this end, we heavely inspired by Fabulously Optimized: in our pack, you can access features that belongs to Optifine, such as custom entity textures, GUIs, shaders etc.
You can drag-and-drop many mods, but beware: some of them can be unsupported or need specific versions, especially on Nvidium version!
Forge Support???
In future :D
ОЧЕРДНОЙ оптимизирующий модпак. Лёгкий, быстрый и имеет такие функции как:Отличная Производительность
Наш модпак направлен на поддержку многих устройств, на которых Вы играете, очень слабые и очень мощные... даже мобильные устройства!
С данным модпаком, Вы получите очень стабильный поыт игры в Ваших мирах и серверах, даже на встроенном видеоядре!
Поддержка контроллеров
Благодаря Controlify, Вы можете использовать контроллеры, если захотите :)
Поддержка функций Optifine
В данном пункте, мы очень вдохновились Fabulously Optimized: в нашем модпаке, Вы получаете функции из Optifine, такие как пользовательские текстуры существ, интерфейсов, шейдеры и прочее.
Вы можете закинуть множество модов, но будьте осторожными: некоторые из них могут не поддерживаться или требовать определённой версии, особенно на версии с Nvidium!
Поддержка Forge???
В будущем :D
Mod List:
- OptiGUI by opekope2
- Nvidium by Cortex
- Enhanced Block Entities by FoundationGames
- Dynamic FPS by juliand665, LostLuma
- Lithium by JellySquid, 2No2Name
- Server Pinger Fixer by JustAlittleWolf
- Fix Keyboard on Linux by ishland
- FastQuit by KingContaria
- YOSBR by shedaniel
- Very Many Players by ishland
- Indium by comp500
- Sodium Extra by FlashyReese
- FabricSkyBoxes Interop by FlashyReese
- Language Reload by Jerozgen
- Cloth Config v11 by shedaniel
- No Chat Reports by Aizistral
- Capes by Cael
- Reese's Sodium Options by FlashyReese
- Animatica by FoundationGames
- Mod Menu by Prospector, haykam821, TerraformersMC
- YetAnotherConfigLib by isXander
- Edgeless Chat Screen by KrLite
- Balm by BlayTheNinth
- Entity Model Features by Traben
- Bobby by johni0702
- FabricSkyBoxes by AMereBagatelle
- Fabric Language Kotlin by FabricMC
- Adaptive Tooltips by isXander
- Fabric API by FabricMC
- Cull Less Leaves by isXander
- CIT Resewn by SHsuperCM
- Clumps by Jaredlll08
- Sodium Shadowy Path Blocks by Rynnavinx
- Remove Reloading Screen by dima_dencep
- MixinTrace by comp500
- StutterFix by Wisecase2
- Entity Texture Features by Traben
- ImmediatelyFast by RK_01
- FerriteCore by malte0811
- List Entry Highlight Fix by LX86
- Iris by coderbot, IMS212, Justsnoopy30, FoundationGames
- Continuity by PepperCode1
- Raised by yurisuika
- Controlify by isXander
- ModernFix by embeddedt
- LevelTextFix by Darkhax
- Debugify by isXander
- Sodium by @jellysquid3
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Faster Than Light

