


The official modpack for the Nybblecraft server!

Client Multiplayer

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-Updated wilder wilds to hopefully prevent server crashes because of echo glass

-Updated Nether delights refabricated

-Added Better Than Mending

-Replaced REI with EMI because REI caused ui issues by some people on modded ui's

-Added Inventory Profiles Next for better inventory management


by FintrisOrchid on Nov 17, 2024

-swapped grave mods -added inventory sorter

New season modpack

if you complain about Season 0 then you are a whiny baby

More optimized modpack

  • Remade modpack for Season 6!! GRGRGGR

-added qol mods

-added waystones back with new rules related to empires

updated mods

added mods: man of many planes dye depot no chat reports estrogen apocalypse origins

Hopfully fixes rendering issues and crashes

Also updates every possible mod

SEASON 5!!!!!

-New QoL mods:

  • Carryon, so you can move pesky mobs with greater ease
  • Vending Machines, which will allow you to revolutionize your store
  • Farming improvements, such as Feather Falling making you no longer trample crops, Vineries for both the overworld and nether, and food for the end
  • End Improvements, including the previously mentioned food improvements as well as a respawn anchor specifically for it
  • New axolotls
  • and more!!

-Updated YIGD to fix crashing

-replaced flan with opac due to popular demand

fixed placing white oak boats disconnecting you

Season 4 modpack release!!!!


-Too many to be noted

-replaced opac with flan

-Added more QoL vanilla+ mods -Swapped Forgotten Graves for You're in Grave Danger -Updated all mods

Spooky month update

-added spooky

-Removed Things

-Replacement of Vanity Slot with Cosmetic Armor + Glass Armor

-Updated all mods

-Added some additional QOL mods: Straw Statue, More Banner Features, Chat Heads

Updated alot of client side mods.

replaced R.E.I with EMI

Updated Figura to 0.1.2 prerelease version to fix crashes upon loading player heads.

Added Wakes and another few visual improvement mods

-Added Etcetera

-Added Adorn

-Added Vanity Slots

-Added Do a Barrel Roll

-Updated Bovines and Buttercups

-Added TooManyOrigins beta16

-Added Chipped

Project members






Licensed ARR
Published 2 years ago
Updated 3 months ago