Spectral Creation
This modpack is lightweight (less than 100 mods) and has a mix of performance, content, quality of life, bugfix, and library mods. The mods that impact gameplay the most are Spectrum (magic/exploration mod) and Create (technology mod). Other mods that add content are mostly centered around storage such as Extended Drawers, Sacks, and Scout. Some examples of QOL mods in the pack are Comforts, Crawl, and Spyglass Improvements.
Spectrum has it's own lore based quest book and Create has a detailed advancement tree with it's own documentation in game via the Ponder system. There is a quest book which will guide you through the various smaller mods in the pack. It also contains some basic quests that sets both short and long term goals for the Create mod. The custom quest book I made is not avaliable for 1.20.1, I might remake it into a Modonomicon or Heracles quest book one day.
Why isn't my favorite map mod in the pack?
Antique Atlas was selected over JourneyMap/Xaero's as it is one of the few map mods that does not spoil exploration. I encourage you to give the mod a try as it feels like one of the most "vanilla" map mods out there, if you end up preferring a different map mod you can easily add it to your local instance with no issues. Map Atlases (in combination with Better Nether Map) is used on 1.19.2 versions of the pack.
Why isn't my favorite biome/structure mod in the pack?
The mods that impact world generation are Spectrum (new geodes/structures), Create (ores), and Geophilic (new placed features such as downed trees, boulders, etc). Mods that greatly impact world generation (OTBYG, Yung's mods, Better X, etc) where intentionally left out of the pack as they are often the most opinionated among players. I encourage you to add your favorite biome/structure mods to customize the pack to your liking.
Other Packs
If you're interested in other modpacks I've made checkout my modrinth profile here
Mod List
- Allay in a Bottle
- Antique Atlas
- AppleSkin
- Architectury
- Axes Are Weapons
- Better Tridents
- BetterThanMending
- Boat Break Fix
- Botarium
- Bundle Backport-ish
- Chat Patches
- Chunk Loaders
- Chunky
- Cloth Config v11
- Clumps
- Comforts
- Conjuring
- Controlling For Fabric
- Crawl
- Create
- Create: Estrogen
- Custom Splash Screen
- EMI Loot
- EMI Ores
- EMI Trades
- EMIffect
- Elytra Slot
- Enchanted Shulkers
- Enchantment Info
- Enhanced Block Entities
- Extended Drawers
- ExtendedDrawersAddon
- Extra Mod Integrations
- Fabric API
- Fabric Language Kotlin
- FastQuit
- FerriteCore
- Fixed Villager Trades
- Forge Config API Port
- Fzzy Config
- Geophilic
- ImmediatelyFast
- Indium
- Jade
- Krypton
- KubeJS
- Lavender
- Lithium
- Load My Resources
- Loading Screen Tips
- Low Fire Reborn
- MaLiLib
- Menu Music
- MiniHUD
- Mod Menu
- Model Gap Fix
- ModernFix
- Modonomicon
- Mouse Wheelie
- Necronomicon
- No Chat Reports
- Noisium
- Now Playing
- Paginated Advancements
- Patchouli
- Ping Wheel
- Portable Crafting
- Portable Hole
- Puzzles Lib
- Resourceful Lib
- Revelationary
- Rhino
- Sacks
- Scout
- Searchables
- Simple Fog Control
- Sodium
- Spectral Decorations
- Spectrum
- Spectrum Jetpacks
- Spirit Walker
- Spyglass Improvements
- Status Effect Bars
- SuperMartijn642's Config Lib
- SuperMartijn642's Core Lib
- Surveyor Map Framework
- Trinkets
- Vein Mining
- Vistas
- Visuality
- Yeetus Experimentus
- YetAnotherConfigLib
- You're in Grave Danger
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