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Built on Fabulously Optimized

A collection of client-side mods and bundled resource/shader packs to improve the SMP experience. Features include:

  • Drastically improved performance
  • Support for almost all OptiFine features
  • Sane keybinds and configs out of the box
  • Minimap and world map
  • Armor, status, and inventory HUDs
  • Mob health bars
  • Shulker box previews
  • Inventory management and crafting tweaks
  • Voice chat support
  • Pre-loaded Vanilla Tweaks packs
  • Pre-loaded shader packs
  • Open GUIs in nether portals
  • Control individual sound volumes
  • Improved accessibility
  • Various other features
  • Many small (and large) fixes



How do I update the pack?

Go to the modpack version you want to update to and follow the update instructions.

How do I update individual mods?

Updating mods that come from Tis Fabulous or Fabulously Optimized is not recommended. Updating these mods could cause crashes and other unexpected issues.

If you added mods to the pack, update those mods individually. Do not update every mod at once for the reasons listed above.

How can I move my minimap to a new instance of Tis Fabulous?

Access the .minecraft folder of your old instance, then copy the XaeroWaypoints and XaeroWorldMap folders to the .minecraft folder of your new instance.

How do I access .minecraft?

To access .minecraft on Prism Launcher: Right click on the instance > Folder > .minecraft

Why is my game crashing?

There are a couple common causes:

  1. You're using an outdated version. Update to the latest version of the modpack.
  2. A mod you've added conflicts with other mods. Try removing any mods you've added.
  3. Some, but not all of the mods in your instance are outdated. Try creating a new instance with the latest version of the modpack.

If none of these are the culprit, you will need to look at the error message and/or the crash log at .minecraft/crash-reports.

Why does a transparent version of my inventory show above the hotbar?

You accidentally pressed the I key (by default) to toggle the inventory HUD from the mod Inventory HUD+. Press the I key again to disable it.

My controls don't work / Why do I open a menu when I press A?

The modpack used to use the AMECs mod to support Ctrl/Shift/Alt key combos. Unfortunately, it is no longer updated, so it was removed from 1.21.4 versions of the modpack. Any keybinds with modifiers will lose their modifiers (so Ctrl+A becomes simply A). There are a few ways you can fix this:

  1. Create a new modpack instance
  2. Reset controls to the modpack default
  • Open .minecraft
  • Delete everything starting with key_ from options.txt
  • Copy everything starting with key_ from config/yosbr/options.txt to options.txt
  1. Reset all vanilla options to the modpack default
    • Open .minecraft
  • Delete options.txt
  1. Manually go through the controls menu and change any controls you don't like

Why does my inventory highlight green and how do I turn it off?

Same item highlight is a feature in Inventory Profiles Next that was turned off by default in 0.11.6. If you mouse over an item, that item and all matching items will highlight green. Because the pack is using YOSBR, your settings will not change when you update.

To manually turn off the changes:

  • Go to Mods > Inventory Profiles Next > Mod Settings
  • Turn off "Enable Items Highlight"

To reset the Inventory Profiles Next config to the modpack's default:

  • Open the modpack's .minecraft/ folder
  • Delete config/inventoryprofilesnext/inventoryprofiles.json

How do I turn off armor/tool replacement?

Armor/tool replacement is a feature in Inventory Profiles Next that was turned off by default in 0.11.6. Because the pack is using YOSBR, your settings will not change when you update.

To manually turn off the changes:

  • Go to Mods > Inventory Profiles Next > Auto Refill
  • Turn off "Refill Armor Before It Breaks"
  • Turn off "Replace Tools Before They Break"

To reset the Inventory Profiles Next config to the modpack's default:

  • Open the modpack's .minecraft/ folder
  • Delete config/inventoryprofilesnext/inventoryprofiles.json

Why can't I see my resource packs?

If you update from 0.4.0 to 0.5.0+ without creating a new instance, resource packs within sub-folders will not appear because Recursive Resources was removed. To fix, create a new instance with version 0.5.0 or later.

If you don't want to create a new instance, open the resourcepacks folder and copy all resource packs within sub-folders (such as Aesthetic or Utility) to the resourcepacks folder (so Utility/pack.zip is moved to pack.zip). On Prism Launcher, you can access the resource packs folder by right clicking on the instance > Edit... > Resource packs > View folder.

Why was Bobby removed?

Fabulously Optimized removed their version of Bobby (see reasoning here). Some players have concerns that "see-farther-than-render-distance" mods can sometimes generate large caches and take up lots of disk space. If players want to re-add Bobby or Hold That Chunk, it should be their choice given the potential downsides.


Contains all Fabulously Optimized mods, plus:


Mod Author Description
AppleSkin squeek502 Adds food-related HUD improvements
Better Mount HUD LortSeam Shows food and XP while on a horse
Food Effect Tooltips DaFuqs Adds tooltips to food that give status effects
Inventory HUD + dmitrylovin Show inventory/armor HUD (bundled CurseForge mod)
Jade Snownee Shows information about what you are looking at (used only for mob health bars by default)
Map Tooltip VendoAU View maps from your inventory
Shulker Box Tooltip MisterPeModder Preview shulker boxes from your inventory
Simple Shulker Preview BVengo Adds icons to shulker boxes in your inventory
Status Effect Bars A5b84 Timer bars on status effects
View Bobbing Options GravityIO Separates hand bobbing from view bobbing
Xaero's Minimap thexaero Vanilla-looking minimap
Xaero's World Map thexaero Self-writing fullscreen map


Mod Author Description
Better Statistics Screen TheCSDev Modernizes the statistics screen
Crafting Tweaks BlayTheNinth Rotate/balance/clear crafting table
Mouse Tweaks YaLTeR Improves mouse inventory management
Inventory Profiles Next blackd Improves inventory management
RP Renames* HiWord9 Search custom item textures in the anvil
Sound Controller BVengo Control volume of individual sounds
Trade Uses* Khajiitos Shows how many trades before a villager restocks


Mod Author Description
Better Ping Display vladmarica Shows numeric ping in the player list
ChatShot* DeDiamondPro Copy chat as text or image
Chat Heads dzwdz Adds player heads to chat messages
CraftPresence CDAGaming Customize the way others see you play in Discord
EmojiType Norbiros Type emojis anywhere by typing :
Show Me Your Skin!* enjarai Hide or customize armor rendering
Simple Voice Chat henkelmax Voice chat (must also be installed on server)


Mod Author Description
Controlling jaredlll08 Search for keybinds in the options menu
Crash Assistant KostromDan Easily upload crash logs
No Resource Pack Warnings Space Walker Disable warnings for outdated resource packs
Rebind Narrator* quat Adds a keybind for the narrator


Mod Author Description
Allow Portal GUIs Blayung Open GUIs inside portals
Better Night Vision Microcontrollers Replaces night vision flashing with a gentle fade
Fast IP Ping fallen-breath Fix laggy DNS lookup for pure IP addresses


Mod Author Description
Balm BlayTheNinth Library for Crafting Tweaks
CICADA enjarai Library for Show Me Your Skin!
libIPN blackd Library for Inventory Profiles Next
Searchables jaredlll08 Library for Controlling

* Temporarily incompatible

Removed Mods
Mod Author Description Removed In
ArmorSkin IzzyDotExe Shows armor types in the armor status bar 0.5.0
Better Resource Pack Sorting mrmelon54 Makes resource pack sorting more intuitive 0.5.0
Bobby Johni0702 Keeps loaded chunks visible in servers (replaces Farsight / Hold That Chunk) 0.5.0
Extreme Sound Muffler LeoBeliik Used to muffle loud sounds 0.5.0
Mixin Conflict Helper isxander User-friendly errors for mixin conflicts 0.5.0
Recursive Resources enjarai Folder support for resource packs 0.5.0
No Strip Potatoboy9999 Adds a toggle for whether you can strip logs 0.5.1
Clear Despawn strikerrocker Disappearing items flash 0.11.0
Draggable Lists mrmelon54 Draggable resource packs and servers 0.11.0
Enhanced Searchability mrmelon54 Adds search boxes to some menus 0.11.0
Mouse Wheelie Siphalor Improves mouse inventory management 0.11.0
No More Useless Keys Siphalor Add multiple key combinations per keybinding 0.11.0
Boat Item View Fabric 50ap5ud5 View held items while in a boat 0.11.2
No Night Vision Flickering semper-idem Replaces night vision flashing with a gentle fade 0.11.5
Amecs Siphalor Adds modifier keys to keybinds 0.12.0
Architectury shedaniel Library for Better Recipe Book 0.12.0
Better Hand Bobbing Kai Separates hand and view bobbing settings 0.12.0
Better Recipe Book marshmallow Adds brewing, smithing, and QOL changes to the vanilla recipe book 0.12.0

Resource Packs

Resource Pack Author Description Default
Vanilla Tweaks Fixes Vanilla Tweaks Fixes various texture issues
Vanilla Tweaks Pixel Consistent Vanilla Tweaks Retextures various objects to be consistent
Fast Better Grass robotkoer Makes grass and related blocks use the top texture on the sides
Vanilla Tweaks Clean Glass Vanilla Tweaks Removes the streaks in glass
Vanilla Tweaks Quieter Animals Vanilla Tweaks Makes camels, chickens, cows, goats, horses, llamas, pandas, pigs, sheep, and sniffers quieter
Vanilla Tweaks Quieter Endermen Vanilla Tweaks Makes endermen quieter
Vanilla Tweaks Quieter Enemies Vanilla Tweaks Makes enemy mobs quieter
Vanilla Tweaks Quieter Environment Vanilla Tweaks Makes rain, thunder, fire, portals, water, and cave sounds quieter
Vanilla Tweaks Quieter Redstone Vanilla Tweaks Makes explosions, dispensers, droppers, minecarts, sculk sensors, and pistons quieter
Simpler Banner Descriptions astroidbuster Changes banner descriptions to plain English
Vanilla Tweaks Borders Vanilla Tweaks Adds borders to ores, suspicious sand and gravel, budding amethyst, and tripwires
Vanilla Tweaks Unobtrusive Vanilla Tweaks Lowers shield and fire in first-person, reduces rain and snow, disables vignette and cleans the world border texture
Vanilla Tweaks Utility Vanilla Tweaks Shows the direction of redstone components, re-textures infested/waxed variants in the inventory, and gives banner patterns unique textures
Even Better Enchants* mythitorium Gives enchanted books unique textures
Axolotl Bucket Variants* manyrandomthings Shows the axolotl variant in buckets
Kosmolot's Colored Subtitles* Kosmolot Colors subtitles based on category and importance
No Mo' Spiders HollyType Replaces spiders with komodo dragons (for players with arachnophobia)

* Temporarily incompatible

Removed Resource Packs
Resource Pack Author Description Default Removed In
xali's Enchanted Books xalixilax Gives enchanted books unique textures 0.4.0
Chiseled Bookshelf Background Tis_awesomeness Changes the options background to chiseled bookshelves 0.5.0
Vanilla Tweaks Borderless Glass Vanilla Tweaks Removes glass borders 0.5.0
Cherry Log Background Tis_awesomeness Changes the options background to cherry logs 0.11.0
Vanilla Tweaks Visual Items Vanilla Tweaks Re-textures infested stone and waxed copper in the creative inventory, gives banner patterns unique textures, and adds a redstone power indicator to music discs (merged into Vanilla Tweaks Utility) 0.11.0
Vanilla Tweaks Background Vanilla Tweaks Changes the options background to copper blocks 0.12.0

Shader Packs

Shader Pack Author
BSL Shaders CaptTatsu
Rethinking Voxels gri573
MakeUp Ultra Fast javiergcim


Action Keybind
Sort Inventory R
Pin Recipe R
Zoom C
Enlarge Minimap Z
Minimap Zoom In ]
Minimap Zoom Out [
New Waypoint B
View Waypoints U
Open World Map M
Voice Chat GUI V
Voice Chat Groups G
Push To Talk `
Mute Microphone ,
Disable Voice Chat N
Toggle Inventory HUD I
Configure Shaders O
Full rebinds list
Option Description Default Modpack
Vanilla: Load Hotbar Activator Loads your hotbar if this key and a number key are held X None
Vanilla: Save Hotbar Activator Saves your hotbar if this key and a number key are held C None
Vanilla: Social Interactions Opens the social interactions screen P None
Zoomify: Zoom Zooms the view when the key is held V C
Zoomify: Secondary zoom Activates the secondary zoom option F6 None
Inventory HUD+: Toggle InventoryHUD Toggles the transparent inventory HUD that displays when you don't have your inventory open I I
Jade: Show Overlay Toggles or shows the block/entity overlay depending on mod configuration Keypad 1 None
Voice Chat: Mute Microphone Mutes the voice chat microphone M ,
Voice Chat: Push To Talk When in push-to-talk mode, push this key to talk CAPS LOCK `
Xaero's Minimap: Minimap Settings Opens the minimap settings (accessible from world map settings) Y None
Xaero's Minimap: Zoom In Minimap Zooms in the minimap by one stage None ]
Xaero's Minimap: Zoom Out Minimap Zooms out the minimap by one stage None [


  • All Fabulously Optimized disclaimers still apply.
  • Certain mods may not be allowed on all servers. It is your responsibility to verify that you are allowed to use the modpack on each server you join.
    • Xaero's Minimap and Mouse Wheelie are commonly not allowed on certain servers, and may even result in an automatic ban (such as on Hypixel). Beware!
  • Any problems that arise from using the shaders in this modpack are NOT the responsibility of their respective authors.


You may fork/remix this modpack under the following conditions:

  • You may not use the "Tis Fabulous" name or logo to represent your fork (but you can mention that you forked it).
  • You must respect the Fabulously Optimized license and the licenses of all included mods, resource packs, and shader packs (the below conditions are a result of the included licenses).
  • You must not restrict access or sell the modpack through donations and/or a paywall.
  • You must keep any credits.txt and curseforge-mods.txt files in the pack folders.
  • You must list the names and authors of the included resource and shader packs in the modpack description page. This can be done by including or linking to the above lists of resource and shader packs.
  • You must include or link to the above disclaimers in the modpack description page.
  • Check the modpack version description for any additional terms for that version.

Project members




Licensed ARR
Published 2 years ago
Updated 14 days ago