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Update some mods


Freecam fixed

Updated to 1.20.1:



Also some mods have been updated

Updated to 1.20.1:



  • Seaborgium - Incompatible with Sodium 0.5
  • Krypton - Incompatible with ViaFabric 0.4.10

Updated to 1.20:

Mods that didn't come out to 1.20:

  • Bossbar Stack - Very simple mod that stacks all bossbars with the same name together
  • Chat Patches - A Minecraft Fabric client-side mod that touches up a few aspects of Minecraft's mundane chat, with as much configurability as possible!
  • Custom Scoreboard - Scoreboard customization mod for Fabric
  • EMI Trades - An addon for EMI adding Villager Trade support
  • ForgetMeChunk - Mod that prevents light map unloads on the client, this eliminates the fps drops caused by crossing certain chunk borders
  • Ngrok LAN - Share your singleplayer world as a server for you and your friends across the globe, in one click!
  • Organizable Play Screens - Organize your worlds and servers with folders in the play screens
  • Panorama - Take panoramic screenshots in Minecraft

Also some mods have been updated

Updated to 1.20:

Mods that didn't come out to 1.20:

  • Bossbar Stack - Very simple mod that stacks all bossbars with the same name together
  • Chat Patches - A Minecraft Fabric client-side mod that touches up a few aspects of Minecraft's mundane chat, with as much configurability as possible!
  • EMI Trades - An addon for EMI adding Villager Trade support
  • ForgetMeChunk - Mod that prevents light map unloads on the client, this eliminates the fps drops caused by crossing certain chunk borders
  • Organizable Play Screens - Organize your worlds and servers with folders in the play screens
  • Panorama - Take panoramic screenshots in Minecraft

Also some mods have been updated


  • ScreenFX - A client-side, resource pack compatible, quality of life fabric mod for changing overlays and screen effects
  • Quick Hotkeys - Adds useful QOL hotkeys, such as an elytra swap hotkey and quick totem equip hotkey
  • Xaero Zoomout - Reduces the minimum zoom of Xaero's World Map from 0.0625x to 0.0025x, so you can see everything!
  • Better Sign Edit - Edit signs only when sneaking and don't save changes by pressing Escape

Updated to 1.20:

  • ClickThrough - Click through signs and item frames to chests
  • Command Macros - Create keybinds for commands!macros
  • Custom Entity Models - An implementation of custom entity models heavily based off of Optifine format that aims to achieve feature parity with Optifine's custom entity models


  • Low Fire - Make the frst-person fire overlay less obtrusive by lowering its height on screen

Note: ScreenFX replaced this

Mods that didn't come out to 1.20:

  • Better Statistics Screen - A Minecraft mod that improves the statistics screen and makes it more useful
  • Bossbar Stack - Very simple mod that stacks all bossbars with the same name together
  • Chat Patches - A Minecraft Fabric client-side mod that touches up a few aspects of Minecraft's mundane chat, with as much configurability as possible!
  • Custom Scoreboard - Scoreboard customization mod for Fabric
  • EMI Trades - An addon for EMI adding Villager Trade support
  • ForgetMeChunk - Mod that prevents light map unloads on the client, this eliminates the fps drops caused by crossing certain chunk borders
  • Ngrok LAN - Share your singleplayer world as a server for you and your friends across the globe, in one click!
  • Organizable Play Screens - Organize your worlds and servers with folders in the play screens
  • Panorama - Take panoramic screenshots in Minecraft

Also some mods have been updated


  • TweakerMore - A collection of client-side tweak kits to enhance your Minecraft game experience. Tweak Minecraft and beyond!
  • Forge Config API Port - Forge's whole config system provided to the Fabric ecosystem. Designed for a multiloader architecture.
  • SwingThrough - Allows targeting (and interacting with and attacking) living entities through transparent blocks like grass, crops, and flowers.
  • Clean Tooltips - A small mod improving Tooltips by creating a clean and consistent look!
  • ScreenFX - A client-side, resource pack compatible, quality of life fabric mod for changing overlays and screen effects
  • Quick Hotkeys - Adds useful QOL hotkeys, such as an elytra swap hotkey and quick totem equip hotkey
  • Xaero Zoomout - Reduces the minimum zoom of Xaero's World Map from 0.0625x to 0.0025x, so you can see everything!
  • Better Sign Edit - Edit signs only when sneaking and don't save changes by pressing Escape

Updated to 1.20:

  • ClickThrough - Click through signs and item frames to chests
  • Command Macros - Create keybinds for commands!macros
  • Custom Entity Models - An implementation of custom entity models heavily based off of Optifine format that aims to achieve feature parity with Optifine's custom entity models


  • Low Fire - Make the frst-person fire overlay less obtrusive by lowering its height on screen
  • Note:ScreenFX replaced this

  • Smooth Boot - Smooth Boot makes Minecraft load smoother and possibly faster by editing some parameters related to executors
  • LazyDFU - Makes the game boot faster by deferring non-essential initialization9Click through signs and item frames to chests
  • ukulib - Small utility library
  • BetterHurtCam - allows not only to disable the hurt camera bobbing, but to change its intensity, either via the integrated config screen, or via a keybinding
  • Note: Update 1.20 adds this feature

Mods that didn't come out to 1.20:

  • Better Statistics Screen - A Minecraft mod that improves the statistics screen and makes it more useful
  • Bossbar Stack - Very simple mod that stacks all bossbars with the same name together
  • Chat Patches - A Minecraft Fabric client-side mod that touches up a few aspects of Minecraft's mundane chat, with as much configurability as possible!
  • EMI Trades - An addon for EMI adding Villager Trade support
  • ForgetMeChunk - Mod that prevents light map unloads on the client, this eliminates the fps drops caused by crossing certain chunk borders
  • Organizable Play Screens - Organize your worlds and servers with folders in the play screens
  • Panorama - Take panoramic screenshots in Minecraft

Also some mods have been updated


  • EBE - Reduce FPS lag with block entities, as well as customize them with resource packs


  • Camera Utils - Helpful camera utilities
  • Command Macros - Create keybinds for commands!macros
  • Custom Scoreboard - Scoreboard customization mod for Fabric
  • Dark Loading Screen - Makes the loading screen darker
  • DStatHud - Fabric mod that shows download and upload speed in F3 menu
  • Dynamic Crosshair - A mod that hides or changes the crosshair dependent on context
  • Eating Animation - A mod that adds sprite animations for edible and drinkable items
  • In-Game Account Switcher - This mod allows you to change your logged in account in-game, without restarting Minecraft
  • Inventory HUD+ - Adds your main inventory, potion effects and your equipments to your HUD. And few other features.
  • Ngrok LAN - Share your singleplayer world as a server for you and your friends across the globe, in one click!
  • Low Fire - Make the frst-person fire overlay less obtrusive by lowering its height on screen.
  • No Name Tags - Allows for the use of a key bind to toggle the rendering of name tags. The key bind can be changed in the controls menu under the Miscellaneous section.
  • NoNarrator - A simple mod that disables the narrator feature in Minecraft
  • Panorama - Take panoramic screenshots in Minecraft
  • Recipe Unlocker - Unlocks all the crafting table recipes.
  • Shifty Hotbar - A utility mod that adds the hotbar shifting ability inspired by Stardew Valley
  • WorldEdit - In-game Minecraft map editor - build bigger things more quickly!
  • WorldEdit CUI - A graphical user interface for WorldEdit
  • Tweakeroo - A client-side Minecraft mod that adds various "tweaks" (= usually small-ish individual features)
  • TweakMyClient - Add something interesting tweaks
  • Oh My Minecraft Client - Add something interesting tweaks too


  • Better Ping Display - Adds a configurable numerical ping display to the player list
  • Better Log4j Config - A simple mod to automatically reconfigure Log4j to improve the formatting of log messages
  • FastAnim - Speeds up entity animation calculations!
  • Stendhal - client-side Fabric mod offering new and enhanced visual utilities for books, signs, anvil and the in-game chat.
  • Game Menu Remove GFARB - Remove the "Give Feed Back" and "Report Bugs" buttons from the game menu.
  • Inventory Tabs - Client side mod to access nearby blocks without leaving your inventory

Updated some mods

Added shaders:

To enable shaders:

Open the menu -> options -> video settings -> shader packs in the upper right corner of the screen -> select a shader and click apply



  • Architectury API - An intermediary api aimed to ease developing multiplatform mods
  • Better Statistics Screen - A Minecraft mod that improves the statistics screen and makes it more useful
  • Chat Heads - This clientside mod adds player heads next to chat messages, as seen on the screenshot above
  • ChatCalc - A simple mod that turns your chat into a calculator
  • Fabric API - library for essential hooks and interoperability mechanisms for Fabric mods
  • malilib - Library mod used by masa's LiteLoader mods. It contains some common co
  • No Chat Reports - This mod strips cryptographic signatures that since 1.19 are attached to every message sent in the chat
  • ViaFabric - Allows to connect to older servers with older versions
  • Xaero's Minimap - Displays the nearby world terrain, players, mobs, entities in the corner of your screen. Lets you create waypoints which help you find the locations you've marked
  • Xaero's World Map - Adds a full screen world map which shows you what you have explored in the world. Works great together with Xaero's Minimap
  • YetAnotherConfigLib - A builder-based configuration library for Minecraft

Seaborgium has been returned

Update ChatPatches

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Licensed ARR
Published 2 years ago
Updated a year ago