William's Console: Classic has been archived. William's Console: Classic will not receive any further updates unless the author decides to unarchive the project.
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NOTE: This is the original William's Console and is deprecated. It is only there for historical purposes. Please use William's Console: Revisited instead.

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William's Console is a hard fork of Re-Console which adds new features and QoL changes to the game.

Notable Features

  • New biomes to explore! (Traverse and Cinderscapes)
  • Furniture, sleeping bags and hammocks! (Nemo's Carpentry, Comforts)
  • Ambient visuals and sounds (Falling Leaves, AmbientSounds, etc)
  • optional Beta 1.7.3 to 1.17 terrain generation (Moderner Beta)
  • Performance optimizations and other QoL changes

Cherry Grove background with other images on top left, "Wlliam's Console" logo on bottom right

Special Thanks

  • omoso for giving me permission to fork Re-Console.
  • Wilyicaro, for making the Legacy4J mod.
  • And all other mod developers who made this project possible.

Help and Support

  • If you encounter an issue or bug within this modpack and wish to report it, make an issue within the Github repository.
  • If you encounter a bug specific to an individual mod, not caused by this modpack, please report it directly to the mod's author.
  • If you have a problem trying to run this modpack on MacOS, consider reading this.

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Credits and Licensing

This project uses the the Apache License v2.0.

William's Console is only hosted on Github and Modrinth. If you see it hosted on any other site, let us know.

Almost all of the mods in William's Console are either Open Source or Source available. if you find an alternative to a mod without source code available that we use, let us know.

Project members


Lead Developer




Licensed Apache-2.0
Published 10 months ago
Updated a month ago