- Added boss bars. Zones created in previous versions will not have this, you can copy paste this section if you want to enable bossbars: https://github.com/Artillex-Studios/AxAFKZone/blob/master/src/main/resources/zones/example-zone.yml#L15-L20
- Added a warning if a zone only has a height of 1.
- The plugin now can properly handle world unloading and loading, this fixes that afk zones sometimes did not work after server startup outside of the main world with some world loaders.
- Fixed the plugin not executing commands on folia servers
- Added 1.21.4 support
- Fixed some issues with commands on 1.21+ versions
- Improved the throughput of the packet entity system by a large margin (faster holograms)
- Fixed an error that occurred when reward chances were set to round numbers
- Added 1.21.2-1.21.3 support
- Fixed that if players died in a zone, their chat was spammed with entry/leave messages
- For some reason on 1.21.3 the zone leave message was sent twice, not sure if does this happen on any older version, but it is fixed now
- Fixed an exception (Thanks, R00tB33rMan)
- Little bit of code cleanup
- Fixed missing library causing the plugin to not work properly on some servers
- Fixed some color codes not working in the %reward% section
- Removed a debug message that was left in the 1.20.4 version
- Added update notifier
- Fixed/added 1.21 support
- Release