- Maybe fixed an issue with CMI sell prices
- Updated ExcellentShop API (again, as it broke in the latest version once again)
- Updated ExcellentShop price hook to support the latest version.
- Added 1.21.4 support
- Fixed some issues with commands on 1.21+ versions
- Added 1.21.2 and 1.21.3 support
- Made it impossible to merge together stacked items (this only was possible if people somehow got multiple of the same sellwands, but it is better to handle it)
- If the sell price is 0 or less and the container is inspected, it will now send the "there is nothing sellable in this container" message instead of just sending 0.
- Removed an unnecessary dependency -> smaller jar size
- The plugin now updates containers when selling items, this should make sellwands work with redstone comparators
- Fixed an issue with having a Factions plugin installed that is not SaberFactions
- Added SaberFactions protection hook
- Added HuskClaims protection hook
- Added 1.21.1 compatibility
- Made the plugin not sell items if their price is 0 or less (this was already the case with most plugins, but some shop plugins are buggy)
- Fixed a bug with the worldguard hook not allowing selling even if the area was unprotected.
- The worldguard hook now only checks if the player has chest access
- Fixed some sections missing from the default hooks.yml
- Fixed a typo
- Fixed subtitles not working on 1.20.5+
- Fixed the update notifier settings appearing
- Added 1.21 support
- Added an update notifier, you can customize it or disable it in the config
- Added a sell log, it can be found in the plugins/AxSellwands/logs folder
- Made all the command error messages customizable
- Made commands work with Geyser Floodgate players
- Fixed a warning that appeared on startup when using paper 1.20.5 and 1.20.6
- Fixed that on some versions sellwands did not have a display name
- Fixed the item glow setting on some mc versions
- Fixed the plugin on windows