


Prevent players from using banned words on server. With discord webhook support

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BannedWordsEffective is a powerful and flexible Minecraft plugin designed to filter and manage inappropriate language on your server. It provides server administrators with robust tools to maintain a family-friendly environment and enforce language policies.

Key Features

  • Comprehensive Filtering: Detects banned words in chat messages, player names, books, signs, anvil item names, and commands.
  • Regex Support: Use regular expressions for more advanced word filtering.
  • Customizable Actions: Choose from various actions when a banned word is detected, including:
    • Canceling the event
    • Censoring the banned word
    • Kicking the player
    • Banning the player (IP ban or account ban)
    • Sending a warning message
  • Discord Integration: Optional Discord webhook support for real-time notifications of banned word usage.
  • Easy Configuration: Simple YAML configuration file for easy setup and customization.
  • Performance Optimized: Designed to have minimal impact on server performance.
  • Folia Compatible: Works with both standard Bukkit/Spigot servers and Folia.

How It Works

  1. Define your list of banned words or phrases in the config file.
  2. Set up your preferred actions for each type of check (chat, signs, books, etc.).
  3. The plugin automatically monitors all specified areas for banned words.
  4. When a banned word is detected, the plugin takes the configured action.
  5. If enabled, receive notifications on your Discord server about banned word usage.


  • /bwe reload: Reloads the configuration file
  • /bwe toggle: Enables or disables the plugin
  • /bwe add <word>: Adds a new banned word to the list
  • /bwe remove <word>: Removes a word from the banned list


  • bwe.reload: Permission to reload the plugin configuration
  • bwe.toggle: Permission to enable/disable the plugin
  • bwe.add: Permission to add new banned words
  • bwe.remove: Permission to remove banned words

BannedWordsEffective is the ideal solution for server owners who want to maintain a clean and respectful chat environment without constant manual moderation. Its flexibility and powerful features make it suitable for servers of all sizes and types.

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Licensed ARR
Published 7 months ago
Updated 23 days ago