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Minecraft paper plugin for protecting spherical/cubic regions from mobs/players.

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Note: Depends on CommandAPI and CloudCore.


  • Use /cprots list to list all protection regions
  • Use /cprots create <box|sphere> <id> <pos1> <pos2|radius> [<dimension>] to create a cubic or spherical region
    • A created region is protected from all flags by default
  • Use /cprots modify <region> delete to delete a specific region
  • Use /cprots modify <region> rename <id> to rename a specific region
  • Use /cprots modify <region> flags <add|remove> <flag1> [<flag2>] [<flag3>] ... to add or remove specific flags from a specific region
  • Use /cprots modify <region> flags list to list the flags currently active for the specific region
  • Use /cprots modify <region> exclusions <add|remove> <uuid> to add or remove specific exclusions from a specific region
    • The specified UUID may be the UUID of an entity which is ignored by this region
  • Use /cprots modify <region> exclusions list to list the exclusions currently active for the specific region
  • Use /cprots modify <region> priority <priority> to change the priority of regions
    • This is useful for nesting multiple regions
    • The higher the priority, the more the specific region has to say about wether a specific interaction is allowed or not
Using this as API


Add the following to your build.gradle.kts:

repositories {

dependencies {


You can get the ProtectionsManager instance using bukkit's ServicesManager. For updating regions use ProtectionsManager#updateRegions. This instantly saves the updated regions to file. Creating a new region can be done using new ProtectionRegion. Exclusions and region flags are modifiable, the area, id and priority is not modifiable.

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Licensed GPL-3.0-only
Published 5 months ago
Updated 5 months ago