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  • fixed bossbar duplication issue
  • 1.21.1 support
  • russian localizations from Crowdin (ru_ru)
  • 1.21 support
  • support for DirectionHUD client features after 1.20.6
  • fixed saving a sent coord adds an extra space between the dimension and color
  • fixed /dest global set not working without global editing permissions
  • fixed a bug when setting a named destination
  • fixed error spam in the console when displaying particles to a player

1.4.0 - The Config Update

not alot of surface changes, but a lot of major backend changes for stability and future proofing!

⚠️ from now on, spigot and fabric packet connections only work for the latest supported spigot version! ⚠️

DirectionHUD.properties split into 3 json files

check the wiki for formatting help:


  • added a global button for when destination saving is off, but global destinations are enabled
  • tracking module elevation dash if around the same y level as the target, when in compact mode
  • player set destinations are now actually destinations instead of just locations
    • destination module update soon
    • /dest set command now supports name and color parameters, like the /dest send command

Smaller changes and fixes

  • moved /dest set saved & /dest set global to /dest saved set & /dest global set respectively
  • moved /dest saved global to /dest global
  • lang issue with dest.saved.length
  • optimized the HUD module rendering for disabled modules
    • fixes the tracking module not showing on DirectionHUD servers with the DirectionHUD client
  • fixed global UI set buttons not working
  • altered /dest send command to not accept colors on non-named destinations
  • made dimension ids more consistent, the "overworld" dimensions is now the name of the world
  • fixed getting the spawn dimension of the player when dying
  • various other fixes and changes

quick patch (sorry that it was delayed, the next patch turned into a major version 😭)

Help localize DirectionHUD on Crowdin!

  • fixed ModMenu error if YACL wasn't installed
  • fixed preset button language file
  • fixed "Invalid command arguments" error when exiting HUD presets
  • fixed HUD settings button having an invalid language location

Help localize DirectionHUD on Crowdin!

  • fixed max reaching max preset error message
  • fixed crash when converting destinations opposite of the ratio config entry

Help localize DirectionHUD on Crowdin!

  • correctly removed bossbar.distance_max from /hud settings reset suggester
  • implemented better error logging
  • made random colors brighter for adding unknown dimensions
  • fixed broken hover for destination settings button
  • tweaked several HUD reset button hovers & messages
  • fixed suggester throwing errors when not finishing a quote / using quotes with spaces

Help localize DirectionHUD on Crowdin!

  • added missing setting suggesters for module.tracking_type, module.angle_display, module.tracking_hybrid
  • fixed HUD still displaying when all modules are turned off
  • fixed various errors when clearing the tracker
  • refreshed /hud settings UI
  • more major backend language optimizations

Help localize DirectionHUD on Crowdin!

  • fixed message spam error when tracking a player
  • more backend lang optimizations

Help localize DirectionHUD on Crowdin!

  • reworked /hud color to be suggester friendly
  • fixed PlayerData updator breaking when updating multiple major updates at a time
  • fixed bug with tracking target being able to be set to oneself
  • optimized lang file

Help localize DirectionHUD on Crowdin!

  • finally fixed new hud modules not showing up when updating an existing player file
  • cleaned up playerdata file junk from updating
  • fixed hud bossbar settings missing a language key
  • optimized lang file

Help localize DirectionHUD on Crowdin!

(sorry for the rough launch)

  • fixed "Invalid Playerdata" error created from 1.6.1

Help localize DirectionHUD on Crowdin!

  • fixed new hud modules not showing up when updating
  • fixed compact tracking arrow not pointing in the right direction
  • fixed compact tracking module visiblity

Help localize DirectionHUD on Crowdin!

  • lang optimizations
  • HUD Module
    • module settings moved fully to modules from settings
    • per module resetting via commands
    • new speed module
      • 3D & 2D Speed calculation
      • Custom number patterns
    • new tracking module settings
      • new hybrid tracking
      • new tracking type
    • new angle module
      • yaw / pitch / both display types
    • destination module refresh, from "DEST: xyz" to "[xyz]"
  • updated suggester logic
  • new color system
    • new color suggester
    • reworked custom presets
      • custom name per preset
      • max custom presets config
      • new /dhud preset
  • fixed HUD color reset & secondary color reset not working
  • improved config loading logic
  • added support for config writing in different languages
  • fixed config updater throwing errors
  • removed redundant code


Another round of fixes, and prep for bigger things. thumbnail Watch the update video!

Help localize DirectionHUD on Crowdin!

Rewrites & Refreshes

  • rewrote client-server networking
    • DirectionHUD clients are now compatible with Spigot servers
    • when on the client, ActionBars are now built on the client
    • non DirectionHUD ActionBars now show up for a short period of time when on client
  • destination logic rewrite
    • new edit destination UI
    • all /dest saved commands are in command suggestions
    • /dest remove moved to /dest saved delete
  • LastDeath rework
    • removed the ability of clearing deaths
    • now saves last x deaths (edit in config) instead of last death per dimension
    • new page system for when there are more saved deaths than what can be shown
  • HUD Modules rewrite
    • new modules UI
    • uses the new page system, for more module support
    • turning off a module doesn't move it to the back of the list anymore
    • all module commands are now in command suggester
  • Track command rewrite
    • track commands are now split up and easier to understand /dest track (set|clear*|cancel*|accept*|deny*)
    • all track commands now show up in the suggester

New Additions

  • Global Destinations
    • /dest saved global [add|edit|delete]
    • new global-destinations config option, default false
    • new global-dest.json (with pretty json enabled!!)
    • enables a new tab in the saved destinations UI that all players can see
    • only people with the right permissions can edit the global destinations
  • new Inbox System
    • /dhud inbox
    • Pending track requests, track requests, and received destinations will now show up in the inbox
    • central place for all social command interactions
  • sending destinations and track requests now have a cooldown to combat command spamming

Config Changes

  • updated to v1.4
  • reordered the config for easier reading
  • new social-cooldown config option, default 10 seconds, 0 to disable
  • new global-destinations config option, default false
  • new particle-loop config option to change particle loop speed
  • new lastdeath-max for setting the max amount of deaths saved, default 4
  • renamed hud.enabled to hud.settings.state
  • renamed hud-refresh to hud-loop
  • renamed death-saving to lastdeath-saving
  • renamed destination-max-saved to destination-max

Fixes and Changes

  • Renamed /dirhud command to /dhud
    • the /dhud command now works to execute every command in DirectionHUD (eg. /dhud dest saved)
    • /dhud reload now fully reloads all players
    • removed /directionhud defaults command (might come back later if requested, but was a pain to keep it working, needs to be heavily redone)
  • moved hud toggle to the settings page
    • removed toggle button from HUD menu, the command still is functional
  • PlayerData v1.6
    • The PlayerData JSON is now formatted in a readable way
  • fixed players & files not unloading fully on server shutdown
  • fixed tracking module pointing to player target when the target is in another dimension and AutoConvert is off
  • fixed tracking resumed message not showing up when turning on AutoConvert
  • removed suggestions formatter

Spigot Changes

  • removed directionhud.directionhud permission
  • removed directionhud.defaults permission
  • fixed hud-editing config option not working

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  • fixed AutoClear clearing even if switching to the destination's original dimension
  • fixed HUD RGB not lining up between modules
  • fixed HUD RGB not working with bold or italics

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  • fixed secondary HUD colors not being able to be changed
  • code optimizations

Help localize DirectionHUD on Crowdin!

  • official 1.20.2 support (already worked beforehand)
  • fixed the tracking module adding an extra space when enabled but not tracking anything
  • fixed the BossBar not toggling off correctly
  • better messages for tracking conversions and different dimensions

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Licensed LGPL-3.0-only
Published a year ago
Updated a month ago