Discord Placeholders

Discord Placeholders


Use placeholders based on a discord server in the game!

Server Game MechanicsManagementSocialUtility

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Discord Placeholders

Adds placeholders that receive data from a discord server for use in the game, allows creation based on the imagination of configurators and server creators, you can do things like what is shown in the picture, suggestions for placeholders that you would like to have in your game are welcome. Join Here to suggest. Those placeholders update every x time to avoid lag and they are async.


  1. Get the plugin and PlaceholderAPI
  2. Log in Discord Developers Portal and create a new application
  3. Grab the application Bot Token (We are not creating a bot, we need it to get data from discord)
  4. Go to oauth2 section on Oauth2 URL Generator select Bot Scope and set Administrator permissions, copy the url and invite the bot
  5. Go to config and paste the token and the guild ID of your server
  6. Restart the server and try the placeholders with /papi parse --null %discordplaceholders_guild_name% Placeholders:
  • %discordplaceholders_guild_id%
  • %discordplaceholders_guild_name%
  • %discordplaceholders_guild_description%
  • %discordplaceholders_guild_owner_id%
  • %discordplaceholders_guild_member_count%
  • %discordplaceholders_guild_member_count_bot%
  • %discordplaceholders_guild_member_count_human%
  • %discordplaceholders_guild_member_count_online% (Doesn't count bots) Config:
updateInterval: 5 # minutes

token: "BOT-TOKEN"

guild: "GUILD-ID"

Showcase (Using ItemsAdder and TAB):

Showcase 1 using itemsadder and member_count placeholder

Showcase 2 using itemsadder and guild_name placeholder

Project members




Licensed ARR
Published a year ago
Updated a year ago