


Economy Plugin using Emerald

Server EconomyGame MechanicsManagementStorageUtility

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EmeraldBank - A Simple Emerald Economy Plugin

A simple and lightweight economics plugin using Emerald. All messages can be customized in messages.yml.



  • /bank Alias of /emeraldbank bank
  • /balance Alias of /emeraldbank balance
  • /pay Alias of /emeraldbank pay
  • /wallet Alias of /emeraldbank wallet
  • /em Alias of /emeraldbank
  • /embank Alias of /emeraldbank
  • /emeraldbank balance Show your balance that count of emeralds you have.
  • /emeraldbank balance <player> Show other player's balance.
  • /emeraldbank leaderboard Show all player's balance in leaderboard.
  • /emeraldbank pay <player> <count> Pay emeralds to other online player.
  • /emeraldbank reload Reload config and messages
  • /emeraldbank wallet add <count> Add emeralds to your wallet.
  • /emeraldbank wallet withdraw <count> Withdraw emeralds from your wallet.
  • /emeraldbank wallet balance Show your wallet balance.
  • /emeraldbank bank account create <name> Create a new bank account.
  • /emeraldbank bank account delete <bank> Close the specified bank account.
  • /emeraldbank bank account add <bank> <player> Add a member that can access the bank account.
  • /emeraldbank bank account remove <bank> <player> Remove a member from the bank account.
  • /emeraldbank bank account transfer <bank> <player> Change the bank owner to other player.
  • /emeraldbank bank account list Show all bank accounts.
  • /emeraldbank bank account list <bank> Show all members of bank.
  • /emeraldbank bank balance <bank> Show bank balance.
  • /emeraldbank bank deposit <bank> <count> Deposit to the bank account.
  • /emeraldbank bank withdraw <bank> <count> Withdraw to the bank account.
  • /emeraldbank bank send <bank> <target> <count> Transfer emeralds to other bank account.
  • /emeraldbank bank pay <bank> <player> <count> Pay emeralds to specified player.


  • emeraldbank.admin
    • emeraldbank.balance.all
    • emeraldbank.reload
    • emeraldbank.bypass
  • emeraldbank.bypass
    • emeraldbank.bypass.cost
    • emeraldbank.bypass.deposit
    • emeraldbank.bypass.member
    • emeraldbank.bypass.owner
  • emeraldbank.default
    • emeraldbank.balance
    • emeraldbank.pay
    • emeraldbank.leaderboard
    • emeraldbank.banking
  • emeraldbank.banking
    • emeraldbank.banking.balance
    • emeraldbank.banking.deposit
    • emeraldbank.banking.withdraw
    • emeraldbank.banking.send
    • emeraldbank.banking.pay
    • emeraldbank.banking.account
  • emeraldbank.banking.account
    • emeraldbank.banking.account.create
    • emeraldbank.banking.account.delete
    • emeraldbank.banking.account.add
    • emeraldbank.banking.account.remove
    • emeraldbank.banking.account.list
    • emeraldbank.banking.account.transfer


  • %emeraldbank_balance%
  • %emeraldbank_balance_<player>%
  • %emeraldbank_wallet%
  • %emeraldbank_wallet_<player>%
  • %emeraldbank_bank_balance_<bank>%
  • %emeraldbank_bank_owner_<bank>%
  • %emeraldbank_bank_members_<bank>%
  • %emeraldbank_bank_list%


#  ______                          _     _ ____              _    
# |  ____|                        | |   | |  _ \            | |   
# | |__   _ __ ___   ___ _ __ __ _| | __| | |_) | __ _ _ __ | | __
# |  __| | '_ ` _ \ / _ | '__/ _` | |/ _` |  _ < / _` | '_ \| |/ /
# | |____| | | | | |  __| | | (_| | | (_| | |_) | (_| | | | |   < 
# |______|_| |_| |_|\___|_|  \__,_|_|\__,_|____/ \__,_|_| |_|_|\_\

config_version: 0

# The cost for creating a bank.
pay-cost: disabled

##                                                              #
##  Banking                                                     #
##                                                              #
  # Enable or disable banking.
  enabled: true
    # The cost for creating a bank.
    create-cost: disabled

    # The cost for creating a bank.
    add-member-cost: disabled

    # The cost for removing a member from a bank.
    transfer-bank-cost: disabled

    # The cost for sending from a bank to another bank.
    deposit-cost: disabled

    # The cost for withdrawing from a bank.
    withdraw-cost: disabled

    # The cost for paying from a bank to a player.
    pay-cost: disabled

# The default destination for payments.
# INVENTORY: The player's inventory.
# WALLET: The player's wallet.
default-destination: INVENTORY

##                                                              #
##  Messages                                                    #
##                                                              #
  name: EmeraldBank
  reload: <green>Reloaded configuration and messages
  economy-format: <value> <green><currency></green>
  currency-name: Emerald
  currency-name-plural: Emeralds
  balance: '<green><player>''s Balance: <value> (Wallet: <wallet>)'
  balance-bank: '<green><bank>''s Balance: <value>'
  leaderboard: '<player>: <balance>'
  pay-success: <green>Successfully paid <value> to <player>
  error-pay: <red>Failed to pay <value> to <player>
  error-pay-self: <red>You cannot pay yourself!
  banking-create: <green>Created bank <bank>
  banking-delete: <green>Deleted bank <bank>
  banking-deposit: <green>Deposited <value> to <bank>
  banking-withdraw: <green>Withdrew <value> from <bank>
  banking-add-member: <green>Added <player> to bank <bank>
  banking-remove-member: <green>Removed <player> from bank <bank>
  banking-list: '<green>Banks: <banks>'
  banking-members: '<green>Members of <bank>: <members>'
  banking-transfer: <green>Transferred <bank> to <player>
  banking-send: <green>Sent <value> from <bank_from> to <bank_to>
  banking-pay: <green>Paid <value> from bank <bank> to <player>
  wallet: '<green><player>''s Wallet: <value>'
  add-wallet: <green>Added <value> to <player>'s wallet!
  withdraw-wallet: <green>Withdrew <value> from <player>'s wallet!
  received: <green>Received <value> from <source>
  receive-bank: <green>Received <value> to bank <destination> from <source>
  error-banking-disabled: <red>Banking is disabled!
  error-banking-create: <red>Failed to create bank <bank>!
  error-banking-delete: <red>Failed to delete bank <bank>!
  error-banking-exists: <red>Bank <bank> already exists!
  error-banking-no-bank: <red>Bank <bank> does not exist!
  error-banking-deposit: <red>Failed to deposit <value> to <bank>
  error-banking-withdraw: <red>Failed to withdraw <value> from <bank>
  error-banking-not-owner: <red><player> is not the owner of bank <bank>!
  error-banking-not-member: <red><player> is not a member of bank <bank>!
  error-banking-member-exists: <red><player> is already a member of bank <bank>!
  error-banking-add-member: <red>Failed to add <player> to bank <bank>!
  error-banking-remove-member: <red>Failed to remove <player> from bank <bank>!
  error-banking-delete-remaining: <red>Bank <bank> has a remaining balance of <value>!
  error-banking-transfer: <red>Failed to transfer <bank> to <player>!
  error-banking-send: <red>Failed to send <value> from bank <bank_from> to bank <bank_to>!
  error-banking-pay: <red>Failed to pay <value> from bank <bank> to <player>!
  error-banking-remove-owner: <red><player> is the owner of bank <bank>!
  error-banking-create-cost: <red>Failed to create bank due to insufficient funds <cost>!
  error-banking-add-member-cost: <red>Failed to add member <player> to bank <bank> due to insufficient funds <cost>!
  error-banking-transfer-cost: <red>Failed to transfer bank <bank> to <player> due to insufficient funds <cost>!
  error-banking-deposit-cost: <red>Failed to deposit <value> to bank <bank> due to insufficient funds <cost>!
  error-banking-withdraw-cost: <red>Failed to withdraw <value> from bank <bank> due to insufficient funds <cost>!
  error-banking-pay-cost: <red>Failed to pay <value> from bank <bank> to <player> due to insufficient funds <cost>!
  error-pay-cost: <red>Failed to pay <value> to <player> due to insufficient funds <cost>!
  error-add-wallet: <red>Failed to add <value> to <player>'s wallet!
  error-withdraw-wallet: <red>Failed to withdraw <value> from <player>'s wallet!
  error-reload: <red>Failed to reload configuration and messages!

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Licensed ARR
Published 7 months ago
Updated 3 days ago