TeamsCompass has been completely rewritten to become EntityCompass. Now accommodating players AND ITEMS.
Using the knowledge for the first iteration of this plugin I have made it much more robust and maintainable.
Compass controls:
Shift+ Right-Click
TrackedEntity - instance of an entity (players or items) that is currently on an entity list aka "Tracked"
EntityList - a list of TrackedEntities that has a custom name to organize teams or categories.
Alias: /e
/EntityCompass create [name] ----- creates a new "EntityList"
/EntityCompass join [EntityList name] ----- joins team of specifed name
/EntityCompass leave ----- remove yourself from the Entitylist you're on
/EntityCompass additem [EntityList name] ----- adds the item in your main hand to specified EntityList
/EntityCompass add [Player name] ----- adds player to specified EntityList
/EntityCompass remove [TrackedEntity name] ----- remove TrackedEntity by name from its list
/EntityCompass list ----- shows all the EntityList and the name of each TrackedEntity on them
experimental gamemode where you have to throw an item into the end portal after beating the dragon
/EntityCompass relicrush start
/EntityCompass relicrush end
• Item tracking (first plugin to do this afaik)
• Compass tracking through dimensions
• Compass works in all dimensions (doesn't just switch to coordinates in the nether)
• Tracked Items are indestructible (until they aren't tracked anymore)
Future goals
• Add a ton of configuration settings for the plugin
• fix a bunch of edge cases that break tracking
• Automatically remove tracking on unreachable items
• Add optional GUI for large amounts of entity lists and entities
Submit issues or requests on the GitHub "issues" page tagged appropriately.
Also tell me if it works properly on older versions and I will add them to the support list (On github issues page).
Old instructions for TeamsCompass plugin if you want to use that for any reason.
This plugin is a compass tracking plugin that allows the creation of teams and the compass can toggle which team and player your compass is pointing to.
Yes, you can do manhunts with it.
Compass controls:
Shift+ Right-Click
Alias: /t
/team create [name] ----- creates a new team
/team join [team join] ----- joins team of specifed name
/team leave ----- leaves team
/team list ----- lists teams and players on them
/team nbt ---- see your current nbt data (for debugging)
/team compass ------ gives a compass to you