

A simple way to go about generating inventories, with strong MythicMobs support!

Server Game MechanicsManagementUtility

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MythicInventories — MC 1.20.6+

A simple way to go about generating inventories for MythicMobs.

The one and only dependency is MythicMobs, however the plugin can be used without it, the mm_skill option will just not work.


You can download the latest version of MythicInventories here.


If you're having difficulty figuring out how to work with the plugin, need to report a bug, or are interested in contributing to the project, please join my support Discord!


Making inventories is pretty simple. All you need to do is open up the MythicInventories folder, create a .yml file with a name of your choice, then create one!

This plugin supports MiniMessage. Go crazy with colors!

Here's a basic layout for an inventory that you could make:

  name: "<green>My <blue>Epic &cInventory"
  size: 45
    - name: "<black>"
      type: black_stained_glass_pane
      fill_item: true
    - name: "<red>Summon explosion and particles"
      type: potato
      slot: 23
      - "<red>lorem ipsum something something"
      - "<blue>Woo: <gradient>||||||||||||||||||||||||</gradient>!"
      - effect:explosion @Self
      - effect:particles{p=happyVillager;amount=1000;hSpread=15;ySpread=1;speed=0;yOffset=0.5} @Self
      save: false
      interactable: false


  • The name option is for setting the name of the inventory or the item. It is not required on either. If not set on the inventory, the name will default to "Container" & if not set on the item, it will default to the item's material type.

  • The size option is for setting the size of the inventory. It is optional, and should be a multiple of 9 and greater than 0. If it is not specified, it will be set to 9 by default.

  • The items option is for setting the items in the inventory. Ideally you should add items to your inventory.

  • The type option is for setting the material type of the item. It is required.

  • The slot option is for setting the slot of the item. It is required.

  • The lore option is for setting the lore of the item. It is optional.

  • The gui option is for setting whether all items in the inventory can be picked up and manipulated. It is true by default. Do note, that enabling this option will not allow players to modify anything in the inventory unless explicitly set through the interactable option (see below).

  • The fill_item option is for items that need to fill the inventory. It is false by default, and is optional. Please note that only one item can be a fill item.

  • The interactable option is for setting whether the item can be picked up and manipulated. It is false by default, and is optional.

  • The save option is for setting whether the item should be saved. It is false by default, and is optional.

The following are the varying click types that you can have MythicInventories listen for to run a skill:

  • left_click
  • right_click
  • shift_left_click
  • shift_right_click
  • middle_click
  • shift_middle_click
  • drop
  • hotbar_swap

Each item can have multiple click types, each click type can have multiple skills, and each skill is limited only by what you can do with MythicMobs skills. See the above example inventory for a basic layout of how to set up a skill.

  • The item_flags option is for setting flags on the item. It is empty by default, and is optional. Valid values for item flags are as follows:
    • HIDE_DYE,


Command Description Permission Aliases
mythicinventoryopen <inventory_id> [player] Opens the specified inventory for yourself or a target player if specified.<inventory_id> mio, miopen, mythicio
mythicinventoryreload Updates and reloads all inventories. mythicinventories.reload mir, mireload, mythicireload
migrateolddata Migrates your old save data from <0.7.0 versions of the plugin. mythicinventories.migrate migrateold, migrate

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Licensed LGPL-3.0-only
Published a month ago
Updated a month ago