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  • fixed a bug with the lack of access to teams for ordinary players by ordinary players
  • other bugs fix

Command /ns skip | /nightskipper skip fix

  • Changed the reason for the start of the vote count, now it is the beginning of the night or thunderstorm (according to the settings in the configuration)
  • The settings of the conditions for successful voting have been expanded, the ability to independently configure the number of players who need to sleep in order for votes to be accepted has been added
  • Added the command /ns config value allowing you to get or set and immediately apply the settings in the config
  • Now, if the feature.send-skip-suggestion setting is enabled, a message will be sent to non-voting players that they can vote for skipping the goal at the start of voting. This message also has a button that you can click on to vote
  • Fixed a bug in which, if the vote was unsuccessful and the night or thunderstorm (according to the settings in the config) ended on their own, then the inscription about the vote remained, and did not disappear as it should have
  • Significant refinement and expansion of the plugin functionality (all of that you can setting in config.yml)

    • Enabling/disabling skipping night or thunderstorm
    • New enabling/disabling vote command system
    • Setting of rain clearing after skipping night
    • Now you can exclude players from need voting player's counting, who:
      • has adventure/creative/spectator/vanish mode
      • is/is not located in the specified worlds (parameter feature.words-list)
    • Now you can adjust the animation of skipping night/thunderstorm in even more detail or disable it altogether
    • Now plugin has support phantom statistic system and can reset that when night was skipped (parameter feature.reset-phantom-statistic, check out /gamerule doInsomnia on 1.15+)
  • Reformulation, new settings and fetures in config.yml

    New config.yml
      skip:  # if you have disabled both functions, then we recommend that you consider removing this plugin.
        night: true
        thunderstorm: true
      command:             # those commands enabled:
        now-vote: true     # /ns vote now    | /nightskipper vote now
        always-vote: true  # /ns vote always | /nightskipper vote always
      clear-rain: true  # clear rain when night will skipped
      exclude:  # exclude players out of counting with that modes:
        adventure: true
        creative: true
        spectator: true
        vanished: true
        mode: blacklist  # blacklist/whitelist
        words: [minecraft:the_nether, minecraft:the_end]
        enabled: true                # skipping night/thunderstorm animation enabled
        night-amplitude: 50          # time increasing into frame when night
        thunderstorm-amplitude: 250  # time increasing into frame when thunder
        frequency: 1                 # animation frequency in server ticks
      reset-phantom-statistic: true  # Treats everyone online as if they have slept in the last 3 days after the night is skipped (check out /gamerule doInsomnia on 1.15+)
    condition:       # if condition is true, then night or thunderstorm will skipped (also if one player is sleeping at least)
      op: '>='       # one of operators `>=`, `<=`, `==`, `!=`, `>`, `<`
      lvalue: voted  # variable `voted` online players who voted
      rvalue: 50%    # 50% of online player count
    text:  # message texts
      night: night
      thunderstorm: thunderstorm
      and: '&'
      in-progress: '&2Skipping %target% in progress...'
      already-in-progress: '&cSkipping %target% is already in progress!'
      finished: '&2&+%target% skipped!'
      cannot-skip: '&cNow is not night or thunderstorm!'
      goodnight: '&dGood night!'
      always-vote-enabled: '&2%sender%, now your vote will be counted automatically!'
      always-vote-disabled: '&c%sender%, now in order for your voice to be taken into account, you need to use the command `%prefix%%label% vote now` or lie down on the bed'
      vote-taken: '&2%sender%, your vote is taken into account!'
      already-voted: '&c%sender%, your vote has already been counted!'
      cannot-vote: '&c%sender%, you cannot vote now!'
      voted-now: Voted for skipping %voted% out of %players%
      voted-layed-now: Voted for skipping %voted% out of %players% (%sleeping% are sleeping)
      config-reloaded: '&2Config reloaded'
      config-reseted: '&2Config reseted'
      feature-disabled: '&cThis feature is disabled or unavailable!'
      invalid-format: '&cInvalid command format!'
      usage: |-
        &n&lCommand usage:&r
        %prefix%%label% skip
        %prefix%%label% config reset
        %prefix%%label% config reload
        %prefix%%label% vote now
        %prefix%%label% vote always
    Old config.yml
    # ----MODE----
    # easy   - allowed `/ns vote now` and `/ns vote always` system (also sleep system)
    # medium - allowed `/ns vote now` system (also sleep system)
    # hard   - allowed only sleep system
    mode: easy
    players-condition:  # if condition is true, then night or thunderstorm will skipped (also if one player is sleeping at least)
      op: '>='          # one of operators `>=`, `<=`, `==`, `!=`, `>`, `<`
      lvalue: voted     # variable `voted` online players who voted
      rvalue: 50%       # 50% of online player count
      skip-step: 50                # minecraft time of step when night is skipping
      thunderstorm-skip-step: 250  # minecraft time of step when thunderstorm is skipping
    text:  # message texts
      config-reloaded: '&2Config reloaded'
      config-reseted: '&2Config reseted'
      night: night
      thunderstorm: thunderstorm
      and: '&'
      in-progress: '&2Skipping %target% in progress...'
      already-in-progress: '&cSkipping %target% is already in progress!'
      finished: '&2&+%target% skipped!'
      cannot-skip: '&cNow is not night or thunderstorm!'
      invalid-format: '&cInvalid command format!'
      always-vote-enabled: '&2Now your vote will be counted automatically!'
      always-vote-disabled: '&cNow in order for your voice to be taken into account, you need to use the command `%prefix%%label% vote now` or lie down on the bed'
      voted-now: Voted for skipping %voted% out of %players%
      voted-layed-now: Voted for skipping %voted% out of %players% (%sleeping% are sleeping)'
      goodnight: '&dGood night!'
      vote-taken: '&2%sender%, your vote is taken into account!'
      cannot-cancel-vote: '&c%sender%, you cannot cancel vote!'
      usage: |-
        &n&lCommand usage:&r
        %prefix%%label% skip
        %prefix%%label% config reset
        %prefix%%label% config reload
        %prefix%%label% vote now
        %prefix%%label% vote always
  • Permissions bug fix

  • Plugin shutdown crash fix

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Licensed MIT
Published 2 years ago
Updated 2 years ago