


Only allow specific client versions to join your BungeeCord or Velocity Network

Server ManagementUtility

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OneVersionRemake is a simple BungeeCord and Velocity plugin originating from the original plugin OneVersion by johnnywoof.
It has been recoded from scratch to bring Velocity support alongside other improvements and new features.


  • Set a list of Protocol Versions that should be able to join your network.
    Any Client using a version not defined in the config will be denied access with a customizable kick message (Supports 1.16+ HEX colours).
  • Define a MOTD, Player count text and Player count hover for Clients using not allowed versions.
  • {version} and {clientVersion} to display the supported Versions and the client's version respectively.
    OneVersionRemake uses an external JSON file to find the MC version to display for a specific protocol.


OneVersionRemake uses the popular MiniMessage formatting to allow formatted text to display.
The MOTD and Kick message allows the usage of Gradients and 1.16+ HEX colours.

Check the wiki to find more information about available options.

External Connections

OneVersionRemake may establish connections towards external sites on startup for different purposes:


The plugin may connect to bStats to submit anonamous statistics to it.
You may disable this by disabling bStats in the global config located at plugins/bStats

You can find the statistics of OneVersionRemake under the following links:


The plugin will connect to an external URL to retrieve the default content of its version.json file.
This will only happen when the versions.json doesn't exist, or when UpdateVersions is set to true in the config.yml

Depending on what Version of OneVersionRemake is used will a different URL be accessed:

Project members




Licensed MIT
Created 2 years ago
Updated a year ago