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Origins-Mobs is an Origins Reborn addon which adds the mob themed origins from the Mob Origins mod by UltrusBot.

Add this to the server plugins folder with Origins-Reborn and restart the server to begin playing with the new origins!

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Included origins:

  • Bee
    • Every 5 seconds, you can hit something to poison it
    • If you're around flowers, you get regeneration
    • Bees don't get angry at you for taking honey
    • You have 2 less hearts than humans
    • You cannot eat meat (it provides no saturation and poisons you)
  • Drowned
    • Left clicking with nothing or when holding a trident acitvates an ability where you can use channeling without lightning, and riptide without the rain. This has a cooldown of 60 seconds and lasts for 20 seconds.
    • You can see clearer underwater
    • Guardians don't attack you
    • You deal more damage in water
    • You can breathe underwater
    • You burn in daylight and take more damage from Smite
    • You lose hunger faster
    • You're slower on land
    • You can only eat meat (other foods provide no saturation and poison you)
  • Evoker
    • You can left click whilst holding nothing to summon evoker fangs
    • You have a 10% chance of your totem of undying not breaking upon use
    • Pillagers and Illagers like you, and villagers don't like you
  • Fox
    • You move faster when 3 or more other players are around you
    • Berries provide more saturation and hunger
    • Sweet berry bushes don't damage you
    • You can pick up items from further away
    • You move faster than humans
    • You have 2 hearts less than humans
  • Slime
    • You bounce on all blocks like slime
    • You can left click whilst holding nothing to split and summon a slime that fights for you, using some of your hunger points
    • You deal more knockback but less damage when on low health
    • You do not take fall damage
  • Snow Golem
    • You take damage in water
    • You lose speed and health if you stay too long in warm biomes
    • Snowballs you throw deal damage
    • You leave a snow trail behind
    • You deal more damage in cold areas
  • Strider
    • You take no fire damage
    • You spawn in the nether
    • You take damage from water
    • You can walk on lava
    • You move slower on land
    • Other players can ride you
    • You can eat warped fungus for a speed boost
  • Witch
    • Potions you drink last twice as long
    • You can left click with an empty hand to drink a potion that is useful for the situation you are in
    • You have witch particles
    • Pillagers and Illagers like you, and villagers don't like you
  • Wolf
    • You have 2 hearts less health than humans
    • You become faster stronger, and have more health during a full moon
    • Wolves you tame and breed are stronger and have more health
    • You can howl by left clicking with nothing in your hand to give speed and strength to you and nearby wolves
    • If you have 4 or more wolves nearby you deal more damage and are faster
    • You can only eat meat (other foods provide no saturation and poison you)
  • Guardian
    • You have natural thorns
    • Guardians don't attack you
    • You have natural armour
    • You are weaker on the surface
    • You can breathe underwater but not on land
    • You can see clearer underwater
    • You can break blocks faster underwater
    • You can swim faster underwater
    • You take more damage from Impaling
    • You get air from potions
    • You can become an Elder Guardian by killing one
  • Elder Guardian
    • This origin is unchoosable, you transform into it by killing a natural Elder Guardian when you have the Guardian origin
    • All guardian abilities
    • Your natural thorns are stronger
    • Your natural armour is stronger
    • You are immune to mining fatigue
    • You can left click whilst holding nothing to give mining fatigue to nearby players


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Licensed MIT
Published a year ago
Updated 18 hours ago