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Update Eclipse and Origins to latest.

Hello guys! Been a while lol. Tonight I got the official 1.3.0 version of OriginsPaper for minecraft version 1.21.1 with a TON of new features

To start, OriginsPaper is now a complete port of Origins/Apoli/Calio. What this means for development and features of OriginsPaper is that the plugin will now have near 1:1 parity with the origins mod, as it quite literally is a remapped version of the actual source code for the mod. Along with this, the config has changed a ton, now using origins_server.json, with the same options avalible in the origins mod. The plugin now also REQUIRES eclipse to be loaded with it for the plugin to work(will crash if its not loaded with originspaper). There are 1 too many changes to count, but there are a ton of fixes, improvements, and more parity with the Origins mod than ever before. This version also bundles a custom resource pack, adding fun new rendering changes like the Origins mod resource bars :)

I really hope you enjoy this version, since this took MONTHS to make lol. Goodnight yall!

Hello! This version contains lots of new fun changes, and fixes, and reverts the change from v1.2.0 that adds the new folder formatting, meaning legacy datapacks are compatible again :)


  • Upstreamed conditions/actions and their formatting from apoli
  • Rewrite startup logic to use MIXIN to load calio along with Minecrafts resource reloaders
  • Tweaked multiple power implementations to use MIXIN and fix bugs
  • Fixed login/respawn in ground bug
  • Change calio parse logic to use SerializableDataBuilders to parse root files
  • Rewrite cooldown/resource power logic and rendering
  • Implemented plugin repo source to load the plugin as a datapack
  • Rewrite commands to use Papers Brigadier API, ported from apoli/origins

Shhhh, secret update. This fixes the calio file reader providing incorrect paths for unzipped datapacks, making unzipped packs work correctly

This is a complete rewrite of the plugin using fully remapped apoli logic for actions, conditions, powers, origins, and layers. This essentially makes the plugin its own shell of the apoli source code. This rewrite also brings tons of performance improvements, more stability, and better custom origins support.

To note

  • This uses the apoli 1.21 alphas, with the feature of the new folder remapping implemented already. This means custom origins pre-1.21 will not work, and you will need to wait for apoli to update with the folder changes and custom origins authors to update to that, or make your own custom origin.

  • Data saving has been changed DRASTICALLY. One of the major redundant things in this plugin has been its serialization system, which has grown more and more cluttered and error-prone with each version. This version completely rewrites data saving to be easier to read, write, and just in general is a lot better than the previous system. This does mean you will need to rechoose your origin upon loading into the server for the first time, as this version drops all legacy support.

  • The extra origins added by OriginsPaper are now gone, meaning only the original 9 origins remain. Eventually, I will create a pack which adds back those origins for both origins-fabric and OriginsPaper.

I hope you enjoy this version, its been a WIP for over a month now and Ive spent an absurd amount of time working on this lmao.

This is a minor version with some patches, and marks support for 1.21.1 and 1.21

There is a rewrite in progress right now, and is almost done! The next version release will be 1.2.0, which rewrites the plugin and merges a TON of apoli logic into OriginsPaper, and more fixes and compatibility patches.

More fixes! Specifically to size changers and also adds a missing entity condition that i forgot abt. Have fun

Apologies for the constant hotfixes, there were some oversights during the rebrand. This properly fixes keybind remapping and orb creation. Next major update should be about a new lang system :)

Hi again, this fixes a bug with custom origins using the @s param when executing commands that require pehuki, and makes the latest paper build compatible.

Hello! This is a major update for those who use custom origins, as OriginsPaper has ported 99% of actions and conditions logic over to OriginsPaper from the original Apoli mod, fixing TONS of issues with most origins. Along with that, a few changes to the version control system was made aswell. Enjoy!

The jar included here has the branding of GenesisMC, from version 1.1.0 and onward, we use the brand OriginsPaper. Thank you for downloading

Fixes a few bugs and a weird incompat with the latest 1.21 paper versions.

The jar included here has the branding of GenesisMC, from version 1.1.0 and onward, we use the brand OriginsPaper. Thank you for downloading

Hey! 1.21 timeeeeee!

Literally only updated to 1.21 lol. Oh and I readded the water protection enchantment

The jar included here has the branding of GenesisMC, from version 1.1.0 and onward, we use the brand OriginsPaper. Thank you for downloading

Final 1.20.6 update. Preparing for 1.21 update already. Changelog:

  • Fix Orb of Oriigns not clearing powers
  • Update Apoli Upstream (2.12.0-alpha.3)
  • Update to gradle 8.8
  • Fix custom world gen support
  • Add Classloader edge cases and impl better Calio utils
  • API Docs
  • Calio Asset parsing
    • TextureLocations are now parsed in Calio
    • LangFiles are now parsed in Calio -- features coming soon
  • Bees can eat melons

The jar included here has the branding of GenesisMC, from version 1.1.0 and onward, we use the brand OriginsPaper. Thank you for downloading

Small update here, fixes a critical issue with Water Protection crashing 1.20.5/6 clients. The enchantment has been removed due to the amount of changes to the client making any attempt at custom enchantments not possible with genesis until 1.21.

The jar included here has the branding of GenesisMC, from version 1.1.0 and onward, we use the brand OriginsPaper. Thank you for downloading

The day has come! GenesisMC v1.0.0 is out on modrinth after 1 1/2 years of development.


- added custom origins support
- added Pehuki support

Thank you all for supporting this plugin, its been so fun making this and I cant wait for whats next. Have fun!!

Good mornin, I got a big update for you guys today lol. GenesisMC 0.2.8 is released on modrinth with a ton of bug fixes and changes. Changelog:

- Remap all class names and packages
- Use Remapped APOLI code for ModifyPlayerSpawnPower
- Use Kotlin DSL for the buildscript
- Fix spawning one block bellow the platform in the end
- Support DynamicNamespaces
- Vanilla keybind detection support
- Rewrite ConditionExecution to be faster and more maintainable
- Split CraftCalio parser to submodule, rewrite parsing
- Improve auto-update for the builtin pack
- Fix TONS of bugs with custom origins(like a TONNNNNN)

If all goes well, 1.0.0 will be the next official release(that isnt a port to a future version of minecraft).

Fix warden sonic boom having no cooldown

Its been a while eh? Ive been working for the last few months to deliver the best version of Genesis yet. I present, 0.2.6! 0.2.6 brings insane stability and new origin changes, and long awaited features. The changelog:

- Optimized Class creation for power ticking
- Fixed ModelColor hook
- Fixed bedrock inventories not being able to be opened
- Reworked Allay and Creep origins a bit
- Added /power
- Added remaining conditions
- Change damage calculations for sonic_boom power
- Use vanilla registry for DamageOverTime calcs
- Remap all origins to use apoli namespaces during runtime
- Fix nbt data serialization breaking during data changes
- Probably another 300 things that basically mean "plugin == good"

Enjoy this crazy new version, and enjoy :)

Hi guys, small update big changes here. This has some fixes that have been known of for a long time and finally are fixed!

  • Made Respiration and Turtle helmets make the damage from being out of water cut in half
  • Rewrote the "power active" mappings system, fixing phantom form executing on all players
  • Fixed RestrictArmor power not triggering sometimes
  • Fix Geyser/Floodgate api hook in 0.2.4

Hello!! 0.2.4 is now released with tons of new changes. Some significant changes are:

  • Over 60 bugs fixed
  • Condition executors rewrite
    • Rewrote how conditions are returned to their respective power handlers to better handle false statements, fixing more bugs across all origins. They originally ran as a "empty" statement and looped through each Condition until 1 returned true. This was extremely bad due to often times conditions returning true by accident, making conditions that should be false return true. Now it has been reworked to be able to return a false and true statement, and if still empty after looping through all conditions, it returns true due to "condition not found" or some other reason.
  • The piglin origin has gotten a complete rework!! The piglin origin has been one of the most lacking origins in the plugin and now has its own powers to make it stand out.
    • Nether Inhabitant: You spawn in the Nether
    • Piglin Brothers: Piglins, Brutes, and Zombified Piglins won't attack you unless provoked
    • Brutish Gear: You can only wear Gold, Netherite, and Leather armor(You can wear elytras and turtle helmets)
    • Brutish Training: You deal 30% more axe damage
    • Carnivore: You can only eat meat
    • Atrophy: You take 2x damage from the wither
    • Nether Hide: You have stronger skin than most, you get 2 more armor bars but zombify in the overworld
    • Warriors Charge: Every 30 seconds you can charge at the enemy or "dash" with great speed, but be sure to make a graceful landing, you take 2 hearts more of fall damage if damaged(by falling) during the dash.
  • Reworked water protection enchantment
    • Bukkit 1.20.4/1.20.3 broke lots of things regarding enchantments, causing my method of registering water protection entirely broken and no longer working. It has now been reworked to use the mc registry system upon bootstrap to register it in mc.
  • Reworked datapack loading
    • Datapack loading has been reworked slightly to fix errors with starborne and other things, making it so functions, tags, and damage types are loaded before registries are frozen. This fixed lots of bugs for many things for starborne.
  • Added placeholder api compatibility

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Licensed GPL-3.0-only
Published 2 years ago
Updated 2 months ago