ReSpouted Plugin

ReSpouted Plugin


The plugin needed for OldSpout to function.

Server Utility

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Welcome back to 2012!

Respouted Plugin is a plugin made for Craftbukkit 1.6.4 meant to be used in tandem with the Oldspout Launcher. When combined, server owners will be able to send custom content over to their players! Things like blocks, items, music, etc!

For Developers:

Respouted takes the well know API from Craftbucket and expands on it immensly. Allowing you to create custom items, blocks and mechanics relatively simple. For an example of a Forge mod beeing ported to Respouted check out Villager In A Bucket

For Players:

If your serverowner has Respouted plugin enabled, you can opt to use our Launcher and experience the server as intended while still beeing able to join regular vanilla servers.

Why does this exist in 2025?

The original Spoutcraft was abandoned and left to rot for years, we at Respouted took it upon ourselves to try and salvage an important part of history. This recreation does not include any of the MCP, or Craftbukkit code. Thanks to RetroMCP, this version is here to stay.

As of right now not all of the old plugins for Spoutcraft are supported, however this is something we are striving to fix in the future.

How to install

  1. Create a Craftbukkit server for 1.6.4
  2. Download Respouted Plugin
  3. Drag into your Plugins folder, along with any Respouted enabled plugins.
  4. Run the server

Please report any issues on our Github

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Licensed GPL-3.0-only
Published 2 months ago
Updated 2 months ago