


Allows players to mute other players' messages for themselves, providing a personalized chat experience.

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🤫 Shush

Allows players to mute other players' messages for themselves, providing a personalized chat experience.

🎧 Key Features

Feature Description
🔇 Personal Muting Players can mute specific users' messages for themselves.
💬 Chat Filtering Automatically filters muted players' messages from chat.
📨 Private Message Control Prevents muted players from sending private messages.
💡 User-Friendly Simple commands for muting and unmuting players.
âš™ Configurable Easily customize messages through the config.yml file.
🔃 Cross-Version Compatibility Supports Minecraft versions from 1.8 to the latest.

💻 Available Commands

Command Description
/shush <player> Toggle mute status for a specific player.
/shush reload Reload the plugin's configuration.

🔒 Permissions

Permission Description
shush.reload Allows reloading of the plugin configuration.
shush.bypass Allows bypassing the mute system. Players with this permission can't be muted.

📩 Installation Steps

  1. Download Shush:

  2. Install:

    • Place the .jar file into your server's plugins directory.
    • Example: /plugins/Shush-x.x.jar
  3. Activate:

    • Restart your server or use a plugin manager to load Shush.
  4. Customize:

    • Edit the config.yml file located in plugins/Shush/config.yml to customize messages.
    • Example configuration:
      prefix: "&7[&bShush&7]"
        muted: "&aYou have muted {player}'s messages."
        unmuted: "&aYou have unmuted {player}'s messages."
        cannot_mute_bypass: "&cYou cannot mute this player as they have bypass permission."

🎮 Usage

  1. Mute a Player:

    • Use /shush <player> to toggle mute status for a specific player.
    • Example: /shush Furq_
  2. Reload Configuration:

    • Use /shush reload to reload the plugin's configuration (requires permission).
  3. Private Messaging:

    • Private messages using /msg, /tell, or /w are monitored and blocked if the sender has been muted by the recipient.

📞 Support

For assistance, visit the GitHub Repository or join our Discord Server.

📜 License

Shush is released under the Apache License 2.0.

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Licensed Apache-2.0
Published 5 months ago
Updated 5 months ago