The Sparkle Framework
🗞 Version
Since we always try to use the latest versions as soon as possible, as already described in the point 'Version Policy', current versions quickly become obsolete, so we will soon release a list of versions, where it will be shown exactly how long a certain version is still being supported.
👥 Contribution
Of course, you can also participate in Sparkle and contribute to the development. However, please follow all community and general guidelines of GitHub and the repositories. You also have to respect the licenses set in this repository as well as in other repositories.
If you have any questions, suggestions or other items you would like to contribute to Sparkle or just discuss, check out the Discussions' section of this repository, where you will find the respective areas where you can create your own questions or join in discussions on other things.
🗒 Sidenotes
The Sparkle-Runnable jar includes (/ shadowed) these small amount of dependencies, so you don't have to provide them:
- Ascend
- Stacked
- Sparkle
- Kotlin Standard Library
- Kotlin Standard Library JDK8
- Kotlin Reflect
- KotlinX Serialization JSON
- KotlinX Coroutines Core
- JetBrains Exposed Core
- JetBrains Exposed DAO
- JetBrains Exposed JDBC
- Ktor Client Core JVM
- Ktor Serialization KotlinX JSON
- Ktor Client CIO
- Ktor Client Content Negotiation
- Adventure API
- Adventure text Serializer Legacy
- Adventure text MiniMessage