

A simple, light weight daily plugin to give your players rewards everyday!

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TDaily - Claim Your Daily Rewards!

Welcome to TDaily, a lightweight and user-friendly Paper plugin that brings daily rewards to your server. Keep your players engaged and excited by offering them incentives to return every 24 hours. TDaily makes it easy to configure and customize rewards, messages, and permissions, making your server more engaging than ever.


Getting started with TDaily is a breeze! Just follow these simple steps:

  1. Download: Grab the latest version of TDaily from our downloads page.

  2. Installation: Place the downloaded TDaily file into your server's "plugins" folder.

  3. Restart: Restart your server to activate the plugin. No dependencies required!


TDaily puts you in control with its user-friendly configuration options. Tailor the plugin to your server's needs by customizing rewards, associated commands, and permissions. You can even adjust the messages players receive. Here's a glimpse of what you can configure:

Default Configuration (YML)
# The commands to run when a player executes /daily
# Placeholders: <player>
    name: tell1
    permission: true # Optional. Default: false
      - "tell <player> Hello <player>"
      - "tell <player> You can run this command once a day if you have tdaily.claim.tell1"
    name: tell2
    permission: false # Optional. Default: false
      - "tell <player> Hello <player>"
      - "tell <player> You can run this command once a day without any permissions"
  claimed: "<green>You have claimed your keys for today! Check back in <yellow>24 hours</yellow> to claim them again.</green>"
  cooldown: "<red>You cannot execute this command until <hours> hours <minutes> minutes <seconds> seconds have passed since the last execution.</red>"   # Placeholders, <hours>, <minutes>, <seconds>
  no-rewards: "<red>There are no rewards for you to claim today.</red>"

Permissions & Commands

Permission: tdaily.claim

  • Description: The base /daily command allows players to claim daily rewards they have permission to.
  • Commands: /daily, /claimdaily, /dailyreward, /dailyclaim

Permission: tdaily.claim.REWARD

  • Description: Permissions for rewards with permission set to true in the config (replace "REWARD" with the reward name from the config).
  • Commands: /daily, /claimdaily, /dailyreward, /dailyclaim

Permission: tdaily.reload

  • Description: Reloads the plugin configuration.
  • Commands: /tdailyreload, /tdailyrl, /tdailyr, /tdailyreload

Permission: tdaily.reset

  • Description: Allows you to reset player(s) daily cooldown.
  • Commands: /resetdaily

Feature Requests

Feel like somethings missing? Make a feature request on the TDaily GitHub repository

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Licensed WTFPL
Published a year ago
Updated a year ago