V-Discord Integration

V-Discord Integration


A Discord chatbridge between Minecraft and discord

Server DecorationManagementSocialUtility

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V-Discord-Intergration Discord Build Status Release

Available on Modrinth

V-Discord Intergration | Simple Discord Chatbridge

A discord chat bridge between minecraft and discord.


preview_ingame preview_discord

Configuration Overview

1. Database

Define the database type and connection details. The plugin supports:

  • MongoDB: Specify a connection string and database name.
  • SQL: Provide a JDBC connection string. (No username/password is required for SQLite.)

2. Chat Bridge

Select the bridge type:

  • BOT: Requires a Discord bot token, guild ID, and channel ID.
  • WEBHOOK: Requires a webhook URL.

3. Discord Linking

Enable or disable account linking. When enabled, you can enforce linking for chat participation and assign roles or execute commands upon successful linking.

4. Custom Messages

Customize messages for server startup, player join/quit, and Discord chat using the MiniMessage format. We currently support: de and en

5. Commands

Configure responses for commands like /discord link and /discord reload.

6. Permissions


Allows the user to link their discord account with their minecraft account.


Allows the user to reload configurations.

Setup Instructions

  1. Download and install the plugin on your Minecraft server.
  2. Configure the config.yml file with your preferred settings:
    • Set the database type and connection details.
    • Configure the chat bridge (BOT or WEBHOOK).
    • Enable and customize account linking if needed.
    • Define custom messages using MiniMessage.
  3. Restart the server to apply the changes.

Example config

language: "en"

   type: BOT # Options: BOT (mc -> discord, discord -> mc), WEBHOOK (mc -> discord)

   # This is only necessary if you picked: WEBHOOK
      url: "webhook_url"
      avatar: "some_avatar_url" # Not necessary
      name: "ChatBridge" # Not necessary

   # This is only necessary if you picked: BOT
   guild: 1322873747535040512 # The Guild id
   channel: 1323049958911381515 # Channel id of the synced chat
   token: "discord_bot_token"

discord-link: # Only possbile if type is BOT
   enabled: true
   enforce: false # If set to true, not linked users won't be able to send messages in the discord chat
   gets-roles: # These roles will be added to the discord user, when they link their discord account
      - 1323067372214419526
   commands: # These will be executed when they link
      - "lp user <name> parent set linked"

# Only works if LuckPerms is on the server

   prefix: true # Displays the prefix of the current user in the <name>, of a join, quit and message (e.g. <group> | <name>)

# This will give discord users every rank they have ingame also in the discord
   enabled: true
   delay: 30000 # Every 30 seconds
   roles: # Makes links between "minecraft_role":"discord_role_id"
      admin: 1323313717336608808

Example Message Configuration

# Using Minimessage https://docs.advntr.dev/minimessage/format.html

prefix: "<b><gradient:#08FB22:#BBFDAD>[VDiscord]</gradient></b><reset><!i><gray> " # This prefix can be used anywhere as "<prefix>"
startup: "<prefix>Discord Integration has started up!"

      enabled: true
      color: "#00FF00"
      message: ""
      title: "<player> has joined the game"
      name: "Chatbridge" # The name of the webhook sender defaults to config.yml "chatbridge.webhook.name"
      avatar: "some_custom_avatar_url" # defaults to config.yml "chatbridge.webhook.avatar"
      enable: true
      color: "#FF0000"
      message: ""
      title: "<player> has left the game"
      name: "Chatbridge" # defaults to config.yml "chatbridge.webhook.name"
      avatar: "some_custom_avatar_url" # defaults to config.yml "chatbridge.webhook.avatar"
      enabled: true
      color: "#00FF00"
      message: "The Server has started"
      title: "Startup"
      enabled: true
      color: "#FF0000"
      message: "The Server has stopped"
      title: "Shutdown"
   ingame-message: # Ingame -> Discord
      enabled: true
      message: "<message>"
      name: "<name>"  # You can also use <name>, but thats only returns the ign
   discord-message: # Discord -> Ingame, only with Bot available
      enabled: true
      message: "<dark_gray>[<blue><b>Discord</b></blue>] <gray><discordname> <dark_gray>»  <yellow><message>"

      reloaded: "<prefix>The config has been reloaded"
      linked: "You have been connected to the account <name>"
      already-linked: "<prefix><red>You are already linked, you cant link again"
      disabled: "<prefix><red>This feature is disabled"
      format: "<prefix>This command doesnt exists, use the /discord link command"
      code-sent: "<prefix>To link your discord account, send the following code to the DiscordBot: <click:copy_to_clipboard:<code>><hover:show_text:Click here to copy><yellow><code></yellow> (click to copy)"

Example Database Configuration

type: Sqlite # Avaiable types: mongo, mysql, sqlite

  connection-string: "mongodb://<username>:<password>@<host>:<port>/"
  database: "db"

  connection-string: "jdbc:sqlite:plugins/VDiscordIntegration/database.db"
  username: "username" # Not required for sqlite
  password: "password" # Not required for sqlite


  • The MiniMessage format is highly flexible for styling and formatting messages. Refer to the MiniMessage documentation for more details.
  • Ensure your Discord bot token and IDs are correctly configured for the BOT mode.
  • SQLite is the simplest database option as it doesn’t require additional setup.


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Varilx Development

Varilx Development



Licensed MIT
Published 2 months ago
Updated 2 months ago